The Animalistic-Viper LP23
2010-06-02 18:44:45 UTC
The Viper vs. The Texas Rattlesnake
The Silent Assasin vs. The Toughest S.O.B.
Legend Killer Pose vs. Middle Finger Pose
Voices Theme vs. Glass-Shatering Theme
Orton:360 vs. Austin 3:16
Share in Common:
Black Trunks
Black Long Boots
Knee Pads & No Elbow Pads
Named after Snakes
Fued with the McMahon: Orton Punted Every McMahon, Austin Stunned Every McMahon
Both have Skull & Smoking Skull T-Shirts
Both we're Heels & Got Face Reactions
Both Attack Random People
Both don't care about what anyone tells them & They don't Trust anybody
Both have Poses everylikes: Legend Killer Pose vs. Austin Middle Finger Pose
Both Shake their Heads after they do a finisher
Both entrance themes get the crowd going
Both show Face Emotions/Reactions that Crowd love to get into
People think their both total "Badasses"
Both take 3 steps back when their in the ring with someone