4-Up .(STS Society)
2010-01-21 20:52:08 UTC
WWE with it's Hornswaggle, who isn't **** , have no talent, but he is getting more cheers than Shelton Benjamin ....
ECW , is not even ECW , it's just a wrestling program for WWE , what "extreme" do you see on ECW?? ...
WWE Tag Team division nowadays is just two single wrestlers teaming up in just a month , and then automatically wins tag team gold, when there are REAL TAG TEAMS that never even had championship once...
or how about the so called "female wrestlers" ...everyone in this section knows how much i care about Women Wrestling, and i was extremely pissed when Gail Kim lost to Kelly Kelly a few months ago, or even When Katie Lea lost to Bella Twins....
and WWE doesn't know real talent when they see it... I think the people who should've been main evneters are John Morrison, Cm Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, MVP, maybe even Swagger..., ,
and the wrestlers who deserves a push, Chris Masters, Dolph Ziggler, Gail Kim, Katie Lea, Hart Foundation, Cryme Tyme, ...besides ain't it's time for Legacy (DiBiase and Rhodes) to go for the singles gold like the U.S Title, Intercontinental, WHC or WWE title..??
but Triple H and McMahon decides who main event, which is the same 4 superstars who keep main event raw for 3 years now, and one who just got an unexpected push (Sheamus) to win a WWE title less than a year..., but we all know Triple H as the 13 time champ, not because he deserves it, but because we all know Vince love him because that's his son in law...
I am getting tired of the corny dx promos with Hornswaggle, saying "AH AH AH!!!" everytime he do the suck it taunt
now TNA...
AFTER HOGAN , TNA may have the highest rating, but TNA sucks right now
1.Bubba the love sponge- a jackass, who took over JB Job??? come on, then decides to say F*** Haiti on Twitter, he deserves to get his butt kicked by Kong, ..
2.and Talking about Kong, Her ans Raisha Saied(Alyssa Flash, or Cheerleader melissa) , quit TNA because of Hogan and Bubba ...WHEN kong is half of the TNA Tag champ, and Alissa flash was the future of TNA knockouts....those two and Hamada were the best on TNA ...way to go TNA
3.the 6 sided ring is what made TNA a unique but great wrestling show, and it was great, but Hogan and Bischoff decided to take it off because they don't like it, wtf..? ...do they even care about fans? it doesn't matter if you like it or not hogan , this is not your wrestling company
4.and we all know about the Cast Members video from the TNA producer....way to go even more TNA!!!! yeah TNA decides who , or what we got to say? because kids are watching.... wtf... THIS IS AMERICA WE GOT FREE SPEECH
i remember when i was watching wrestling The Rock and Stone Cold was cursing their asses off , but they still had kids loving and looking up to them...i was one of them....
and lastly..the bootlegged verison of the Montreal Screwjob with angle and hogan..nuff said.....
i don't know about TNA nor WWE....
if only DragonGate, Japan had a tv show on some weekdays..