How would you rate TLC out of 5 stars? +YWSE 2.0 ReBirth?
2010-12-20 13:23:12 UTC
*YWSE 2.0 Announcement: Next week's ReBirth show is cancelled due to the holiday season, but ReBirth will return for a Christmas/New Years special supershow on Wednesday December the 29th, with the results on Friday the 31st.

From the YWSE 2.0 management, we both wish you a very happy holiday and a great new year!

Match 1: Johnny Chaos Vs KENTA Kicks Heads

Match 2: #1 Contender to Intercontinental Championship
Dubian John Morrison Vs JM Prince Vs The Extreme Jeff Hardy

Match 3: Mixed Tag Team Match
Los Gringo Loco and Amie Vs Ms Extreme and The Great One

Match 4: X Division Championship Rematch
World's Biiggest Hardy Fan (c) Vs King Cliff

Main Event: Career Threatening Match - Non Title
HSM Vs Rkolegacy (c)

Please promo! Thank you!
23 answers:
2010-12-20 17:55:13 UTC
Match 3: Mixed Tag Team Match

Los Gringo Loco and Amie vs. Ms Extreme and The Great One

Backstage Promo:

Christy Hemme: Davey can I have a minute of your time? I want to congratulate

you on your win you successfully defended your Intercontinental Championship

last night at Rise Above you defeated a tough challenge of Extreme Jeff Hardy.

How do you feel about tonight being a mixed tag team match with your partner

Ms. Extreme Melina taking on the team of Amie and Los Gringo Loco? What's

your status right now? Will you be ready to compete tonite after a tough match?

The Great One: Why thank you Christy. And yes last night was probably one of

my best high profile wins in YWSE. I think anytime you get to the level of being

a champion your at the pinnacle of wrestling career. I can tell you this thats only

the beginning I plan to do big things in YWSE. I've been here only a few months

and already I'm the Intercontinental Champion and everyone in that locker room

knows that I'm the champ I'm the very best technical wrestler in the world today.

Christy Hemme: Smiles. How do you feel after hearing the comments made by

Amie earlier tonight? She says and I quote, "your a overrated piece of junk who

is ruining the prestige of one of the best titles we have in this company."

The Great One: Really Amie said that about me? Ha ha ha ha ha. I think Amie's

just a scared little girl whose got some insecurities issues. Don't get me wrong I

think she's an amazing wrestler she's the only woman I know that has won one

of the male's World Heavyweight Championships so that's speaks for itself. I am

not going to pay any attention to her I will let my tag team partner Ms. Extreme

take care of her they've got a pretty good rivalry going and I won't interfere. I am

very confident that we will get the job done tonight and get the victory over them.

I gotta say I completely disagree with her statement. I'm the very best wrestler

in the world today and I'm the best thing that has ever happen to that belt. I am

one of the only persons in the entire locker room who never backs down from a

challenge. I bring honor, prestige and recognition to the Intercontinental title I'm

the champion which proves my point. Last night I did what I said I was going to

do defeat the overrated Hardy Jenns in a one on one title defense by myself I'm

proud of that win Extreme Jeff Hardy is one of the best wrestlers in the world he

is ranked right up there in the top ten list he really gave him a run for my money

last night at the Rise Above pay per view event. I was the better man that night.

Which brings me tonight. I got my sights set on my opponent Los Gringo Loco

I hear he's a tough kid. He's got some good wrestling skills. He's won a few belts

over in Mexico so, he will be a tough international challenge. He defeated a good

friend of mine Kenta a few weeks ago so, I'm well aware of his reputation however

don't think for one second that I'm going to let some clown from Mexico come to

my ring and get a win over me in my ring? That's not gonna happen bro. I've been

in the ring with some of the best athletes wrestlers from all over the world Japan,

England and Mexico. El Gringo Loco you might be a draw and a big name over in

your country of Mexico however, you've accomplished nothing here in my country

I've defeated top level competition. Matt Striker fan Out! I retired him Dubian Jomo

John Morrison I've defeated him so many times that I've lost count and last night I

got my a very tough win over Extreme Jeff Hardy. So, you will be no different Los

Gringo Loco I will defeat you aswell and if you get in my way I will unmask you. I

will expose the face of a comedy act to the world. I don't need to hide behind the

mask I'm the face of this company. I'm going to take you past your limit til you've

reached your breaking point and when I see the opportunity I will finish you off in

the match I got so many ways to beat you and to make you submit you won't be

able to keep up with me in our match. So, be prepared tonight I'm taking you out!

Christy Hemme: Smiles. Alright Great One well good luck tonight in your match.

The Great One: Thanks Beautiful ;) I'm going to get ready for my match.
The Reflection of Perfection
2010-12-20 18:12:33 UTC
WQ:] 5/5 out of five stars they always close out the year with a good pay per view.

Match 1: Kenta Kicks Heads

Match 2: JM Prince

Match 3: The Great One and Ms. Extreme

Match 4: World's Biggest Matt Hardy Fan

Main Event: Human Suplex Machine

Reply Pre-Match Promo:

Alright Nacho Libre wanna be. Lets see what you got. You seem that you can talk

the talk lets see if you can walk the walk. And no that's incorrect I live about 2 hrs.

away from Mexico remember there's a border I live in the United States when your

saying I practically live in Mexico your wrong again I live in the state of Texas. And

I dare you to try me, try one of those high risk maneuvers try jumping off the top of

the rope I'll catch you mid air and slam you down with the code breaker move or a

power bomb I have a counter for everyone one of your moves it doesnt matter when

and where I've wrestled before what counts is that I've made it here and that's why I

am the champion. I was gonna go into this match expecting a good international

challenger now I'm just going to shut you up once and for all. You disrespected me

for that I'm going to make you pay your getting your @$$ kicked tonight bet on that.
2010-12-20 13:40:25 UTC
Promo: ( JM Prince)

(JM Prince is shown walking outside the Hospital)

So, I just go word that I am in the number one contenders

match for the Intercontinental Championship.

Sounds like something good to me I get to beat up

on Dubian JoMo once again and I get to meet TEJH.

Some of you may say Hey you just went through a

brutal Grudge Match and had to go to the Hospital

due to injuries, well I guess that is something

you don't know about JM Prince, I am a fighter.

I get another chance to prove that Dubian JoMo

is beneath me and I get to knock TEJH in the mouth

for the very first time. Speaking of TEJH ''Hey How are you,

have you see me in the ring or have you see my connection

with the YWSE2.O Universe. Wait...a minute don't answer

does questions because I could care less if you have notice me

yet. After out Number One Contenders match those questions

will be instantly answered. Just ask Dubian JoMo, don't think

that he will be 100% either. He is still limping around and taking

pain killers to relieve himself of the pain. Ahh, TEJH I hope

you are ready to be defeated and you are more experienced then

me. It may not matter but what if it does, what if I get into your

head, Like I have already gotten into Dubian JoMo.

I guess we will see after tonight. You see I will be ready for this

match because when it comes to being champion, sometimes

you have to just suck it up and man up. This isn't some walk

in the park and you know it. Sure I am man enough to admit

that JoMo gave me a run for my money. But like I said

before the match the better man would win and like this

match the better man will win. Even if that man isn't a

100% percent ( Yea, I know you like how I did that)

But back to the point, JM Prince will be victorious

is there really any denying that, only one step

close to be the Intercontinental Champion, expect

plenty of more championships to be won by me.

I will be World Champion very soon and the fans

will simply fall in love with me. Everyone on this

roster take notice. Yes..Take Notice

(Camera Zooms In)

(JM Prince Chants J-M- Prince)

( JM Prince Gets Into his Car and Drives Away)

WQ: 3/5, Decent PPV.
Muhammad Ah Lee
2010-12-23 06:57:42 UTC
nterviewer: Let's say you do return even just for one night. And with a lot of possibilities for opponents, who would you want to face off against?

RNW: Of course, there's WBHF. But I guess not, I mean he already has beaten me like what 4 times already? I'm sick of facing off against him. But it would be nice to wrestle against him again and this time it would be me who's the winner. I still remember the last time we faced off. I was the one victorious and if we do wrestle again once more, I'm going to be the one victorious again. And also who can forget, HSM. Back to the EBGW days, when we would prove who would sacrifice their limbs. Who would bleed more. Who would inflict more pain. It would be nice to be against him for one last time. And then there's RKOLegacy. Been a long time since I've seen him and now that I hear he's back, if I do return here in YWSE, I would love to face off against him. But right now returning is far off my mind. But who knows in the future right? Might get broke from my business and in need of some serious money, could see RNW bringing fúckers into the Bítchez Paradise once again.

Interviewer: OK that;s enough RNW. Thank you for your time and I wish you good luck with your life right now. Thanks.

RNW: And I want to say goodbye now YWSE fans. It's been an awesome time being here. Thank you for the great memories. So the YWSE 2.0 I say thank you and goodbye. *As RNW leaves, the fans chants "Thank You RNW" as Till I Collapse plays throughout the arena*

Just a promo only kayfabe xP
2016-06-03 13:24:46 UTC
Match 1 First Blood Match Matt Swagger vs Diego Garcia Winner:Matt Swagger Match 2 Rohit vs Phenomenal HBK Winner:PHBK Match 3 Gold Standard Awesome Edition vs Shelton Benjamin (YWSE) Winner: Shelton Benjamin (YWSE) Match 4 Y2J&HBK vs Rated Y2J Jack Swagger!! Heated Match both men pissed that they lost at Unforgiven Winner: Y2J&HBK Match 5 Intercontinental Championship Ultimate Xtreme Rules Match (Ultimate X with Weapons hanging from the Ropes) The Main Event vs Superior Quality vs Black Captain Charisma vs Brandon Blade Winner: Black CC Match 6 World Heavyweight Championship Sledgehammer on a Pole Match 13 Times The KOK vs The Legacy Continues Winner: 13 Times KOK New Match Added Jamie RKO vs Lita Bitchez Winner: Lita Bitchez
WBHF (Walcott Edition)
2010-12-20 13:47:49 UTC
**WBHF is Shown with his new X-Division Championship**

Cliff, I am very sorry that I could help you with your rocky relationship with Rkolegacy. Actually, I’m not sorry. It has become clear to everyone that you and Johnny Chaos are all about hype and intimidation. Once the 2 of you found opponents that were not going to back down just because of your association in The Legacy Revolution you both folded. You can’t handle competition and now you lot the only thing that was keeping you in stable in the first place, your X-Division Championship. I beat you with relative ease last night, there is no reason for anyone to believe that I will be giving this belt back tonight. I will do exactly the same thing that I did last night, Worlds Biiggest Boot and the match will be over and I get back to business. You learned what happens when you piss WBHF off, I don’t play to get even, I play to win and I took the one thing that you hold dear to you.

You know, I could get used to this whole Middle Card thing. I’ve been up in the Main event picture for so long that forgot how awesome the middle card is. Everywhere you go people recognize you but you only have to work half as hard. Many may think I am doing this because I can’t handle the Main Event anymore, maybe that my better days are behind me but that is completely false. I did this just because I knew that it would cause Cliff to self destruct, I wanted to destroy Cliff and cause dissention within the Legacy Revolution and that is what I did. I am finally raising the relevance of this belt, up until now it has meant nothing, there has NEVER been a quality wrestler to hold it until now. Look at the History of the belt, Randy Robinson, where the hell is he these days? No one knows nor do they care. Deadman 4 Life, sucks. I think last night pretty much proved that he doesn’t have what it takes anymore. Some guys just don’t know when to call it quits. GCS made the mistake of his career when he let the Legacy Revolution intimidate him and that led to his downfall and eventual disappearance. The Cliff, the man who’s *** I just kicked to capture the belt. Management put me in a great position here, they put me in position to rescue this belt, that is exactly what I am going to do. The YWSE Nation better get ready, we all saw how dominant I was when I was World Champion, it is only going to more dominance while I am in the X-Division. I will work every day to provide quality matches in the middle card to bring life to this dead title. After tonight I will move on to realistic contenders, I will move on to the kinds of opponents you are used to seeing me destroy.

Now back to tonight, Cliff, your career is about to come to a dramatic hault. Up until last night you were on one of the biiggest rolls of your career. You were rolling with 2 men that you secretly have a man crush on, you got to oil up Rkolegacy before all of his matches and you were X-Division Champion. Then one night you crossed the wrong man, your mouth wrote a check your *** couldn’t cash and you could be on the brink of losing it all. I am not going to lay down, I am going to bring the same intensity I brought last night and you won’t able to handle it. When WBHF Speaks, You Had Better Listen

WQ: TLC? Personally, I think he's an Ässhole...wait, were you talking about the PPV? I didn't watch it
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ms.Extreme™
2010-12-21 17:28:10 UTC
* Ms.Extreme in the ring looking focused for this mixed tag team match tonight *

As you may all of seen last night, I am no longer Women's Champion. RSCP is your newly crowned champion and somehow I'm not okay with that. I mean RSCP has shamed this title. I mean she knows that Amie hit the GTS on Stella Rae, for her to become Women's Champion, while I had to work my *** of to earn and win this title. I mean, you could of done the rest of the dirty work on your own so you wouldn't feel all the guilty when you won the title on your own.

People who win the title all easy and peazy; make me want to vomit all over this ring I mean. Wow! It's the reaction I feel when you lose a title to a disrespectful little tramp, that you really don't get along with. I mean RSCP wasn't really a big threat to me sorry, but it was the truth and I can bet that Amie is shocked just like the rest of us, including me. I mean I may sound like a ***** right now, but I know what the truth is and your title reign becoming a joke is the TRUTH. I will get my official title rematch and you can go watch your dream title story come alive but when we face to face. I will get you head out of the clouds and up your ***!

I am teaming with The Great One against Los Gringo Loco and Amie. Come on Amie your not the only one that has a great tag team partner, The Great One is the Intercontinental Champion and I am a former champion myself so let just say that we will know how to work together as a team. Los Gringo Loco says that he is "semi-focused" with me..that's just harsh. I mean is the another way of begging my not to hurt him much that's just low!

Amie, have you ever heard yourself talk because I'm speaking for everyone when the say that your actually the most boring,dullest diva that has stepped foot into the wrestling business. I mean you talk about you accomplishments too much, which people really don't give a crap about. You would watch paint dry... I mean paint dry? I mean I would rather watch Harry Potter than listen to you talk because I hate you and I hate Harry I would fall asleep either way...

"Overrated Piece of Junk?" Oh Amie, don't talk to yourself that way your just a extremely overrated piece of junk! I mean you seem not to be worried about us kicking your asses I mean The Great One has a habit of calling me "Ms.Extreme Melina."..which is wierd but I think we can kick your asses any day of the week expect this friday and's christmas eve an christmas day! So see you two hoes in the ring and bring only yourselves..

* Theme Plays as Ms.Extreme walks on back *
2010-12-20 21:14:43 UTC
** Ash is in the locker room relaxing when a fan with a backstage pass walks in

Fan: "KENTA kicks heads you're amazing..."

** Ash quickly interrupts

Ash: "The name is Ash now dork! When are you idiots all going to get my name right? It is Ash! KENTA no longer. No one wants to show me respect, then I'll go take my respect."

** Ash pie faces the fan sending him crashing to the floor. Ash walks backstage, fast paced, on his way to the ring. He is confronted by Josh Matthews for an interview

Josh: "You made your much anticipated debut just two weeks ago & were upset in what had to be a crushing loss for you to Los Gringo Loco. What is going through your head right now?”

** Ash stops abruptly & slaps the microphone out of his hand & onto the floor

Ash: “My fist will be going through your head real soon if you ever ask me a dumb question again, you little virgin!”

** Ash throws a fake punch that causes Josh to flinch & throw his hands over his head for protection. Ash then smirks at him before continuing his walk towards the ring. Ash’s music hits (Welcome Home by Coheed & Cambria) & the crowd boos as he makes his way down the ramp. Ash quickly snatches a sign away from a fan in the front row & rips it up as he enters the ring. He throws the torn remains of the sign over his shoulder & grabs a microphone. The crowd’s boos grow louder.

Ash: “This is the part where you idiots shut up & stare at me in awe! Oh shut up you jealous losers without a future, called wrestling fans. Two weeks ago…two weeks (** Ash’s teeth clinch tightly together & his eyes squint)…it doesn’t matter what happened then. 'I don’t know how that Mexican loser Los Gringo beat me with his generic moves & complete lack of talent. I hope he played the lottery after our match, because he’ll never get that lucky again in his life. And he will most certainly never beat me again!"

"This evening I was told I wouldn't get a rematch that I asked for. The disrespect of the management in this company continues. Fine! I'll play by your stupid rules and fight Johnny Chaos. Lucky for me, I get to fight the one guy worse than Gringo. I must admit Johnny Chaos, I've never heard of you...I don't watch Nickeoleon cartoons after all. Seriously! Did you get your name out of a bad cartoon random name generator or something?"

"I'm worldwide known. I've been everywhere and fought everywhere and now I'm here in this organization fighting some low level jabroni with the name of a Powderpuff girl villian. This is an insult to me and everything I stand for! This week you...Johnny Chaos...get a chance against one of the greats. But don't get to excited. Because this week you get your dreams crushed when I crush you, and you come to the realization that you never really even had a chance. Because this my mind...your Gringo...and I'm going to hurt you. Because I am...the FUTURE of this company. I am the...INNOVATIVE ONE! I...AM...ASH!"
Red Sexy Cerebral Phenom
2010-12-21 18:13:58 UTC
Promo: Amie, thank you very much, but I'm standing right here for your information, hon. Like I said before I came champion, I was going to actually bring prestigue back to this title. I wasn't going to be only present on the shows when I am involved in match, and I'm surely not going to sit at home while I am the newly crowned champion, but enough about my appearance here when I'm not secheduled to compete tonight, let's talk about Rise Above. The PPV where I outsmarted both you and Ms. Extreme, but you two just can't accept that, so you two instead say I won the belt unfair or I cheated. I didn't cheat, puny minded ones, I outsmarted and I did a damn good job of doing it too! You see, that's the problem with all of you women here in this division you don't know strategies to win. What I did wasn't dirty or the cheap way out. I measured this match out from the time it started to the time it ended. I knew what your next move was going to be Amie, and that is when I came in that ring and took what was rightfully supposed to be mine.

Ms. Extreme, you should be the last talking about anyone shaming the title when your a** barely defended. I'm bring prestigue back to this belt. Something that you and Amie couldn't do, but I will now that I am champion. Neither one of you deserved to win the title, so cut the I deserved to win the title sh*t, because its old and played out, and Amie while you're at it, b*tch look up my past women's championships in all of my federation. Your a** won't be able to count on your dan hands, you simple minded a**. I know both of you little ignorant, trashy b*tches are bitter no matter how much you say you aren't. Its so obvious to see. And Ms. Extreme, I really do laugh at your foolishness, you say I'm not a threat to you. As I recall little girl I was the beating your a** up and down the ring in WYA, YWWA, and even here in YWSE. Don't try to talk as if I did hand your a** to you multiple, and even uncountable times because you know I did. You just don't want to admit. Like, you don't want to admit alot of things.

Here goes Ms. Extreme throwing that same, whiny fit that she threw when she went on a losing streak a few months ago. What are you going to do this time Ms. Extreme, cry? B*tch, moan, like Amie's doing? Whatever you do its only going to add more feul to my fire and make me want to retain this championship even longer to keep it out of the hands of all three of you useless, untalented b*tches, you especially Amie. You didn't deserve sh*t in the beginning and you still don't. You had bad timing in the ring and you paid for when I threw your a** out of the ring and capitalized.

Enough about you, though, you're the least of my worries, the person I'm worried abour right now is Ms. Extreme, and how I'm going to beat her a** like I have many times before when she runs to Bischoff for this rematch. Run to him. I can't wait til his makes this rematch. Keep whining, and b*tching, little girl, and you will see why I am the women's champion and you no longer are. (The fans cheer as a smile appears on my face) Hmm...and I think the fans approve too. See you later whiny, bitter b*tches, I have to bring value back to this title and that's not going to happen as long as I'm talking to you two. (The fans cheer again as I cock my head to the side with a smile and chuckles)
2010-12-21 05:15:24 UTC
You know what? I have had enough of the criticism. RKOLegacy, shut up. I don't care what you say. Why? Because I don't care about this group. RKOLegacy, you're nothing but a selfish, self-centered, unimportant loser. I don't care for you anymore, RKOLegacy, I don't need your help anymore. You turned me into something I'm not. You turned me into a loser. But I'm not, before you, I was doing fine. Winning. I wasn't losing. Ever since you came into my life, RKOLegacy, I've lost time and time again because your the worst teacher in the damn world. Yes, I'm saying this to your face, RKOLegacy, if you've got the guts to come out you coward. RKOLegacy, I don't need you anymore, in fact,I never needed you, your gutless. RKOLegacy, you almost ended my accomplishments, you've turned me into a coward, but the old King Cliff is back and he's ready to kick some ***. I've had enough of you RKOLegacy, yes, why don;t you go backstage and pull some random coward out of the back and turn them into a loser, too? RKOLegacy, your stupid. I don't need you, Johnny doesn't need you. I wasn't going to tell you this but I damn hope HSM kicks your ***. Because your spineless, you needed my help to win your World Title. And RKOLegacy, I think your gonna need my help to lose your world title. I don't mind taking that title from you and giving it to someone else, you took the focus from me RKOLegacy and I'll take it off of you. You treat me like some sort of slave. I'm not a slave. RKOLegacy, even if I win tonight, I don't want in on your stupid group. Because I'm never gonna be associated with you again. You took my focus and made me lose my gold, I think it;s time I return the favor, RKOLegacy. Because, your "dominance" is about to be stopped. Remember when you won your title, RKO? I had to take out 4 people for you to win that, you did nothing but climb a worthless ladder. I'm sick of being your slave, helping you with absolutely everything. RKOLegacy, I HATE you. Kick me out of the group, or I'll just leave, either way I'm out, I don't like you RKOLegacy, and deep deep down, I know I never have. I thought you'd skyrocket my career. All you've done is made it worse. But now...onto my match tonight. WBHF, look, we've never gotten on, but after last night, after the epic match we put on, I respect you...

*to be finished later*
Human Suplex Machine™(Classic Account)
2010-12-21 11:20:10 UTC
....Later on in the night HSM is seen walking through the hallways and sees the name RKOLegacy is on his locker room door and HSM is even more pissed off then early then Eric Bischoff appears with a sinister look on his face...

Bischoff: Ha Ha, you see HSM, i told you, you are a old hasbeen you mean nothing to this business anymore, everything you done in the past means nothing today. Today is a new day and its time for younger generation to take over. Now look at you are you a young rising star? No just because you think your still worth a damn doesn't mean you are its time for you to go, your nothing, you never were worth a damn to me. You have gotten lucky so far but the name written on that locker room right now that is the future and that is the man thats going to take you out tonight and rid this company of all the old washed up garabage.

" HSM grabs Eric Bischoff by the throat and slams him against the wall"

HSM: You know what Bischoff there is nothing stopping me from taking you out, i could squeeze your neck just little bit harder and your eyes will pop out of your skull, but im not gonna do that, your destruction will come just not tonight. You see Bischoff i wan't you to see first hand what im going to do to your future generation superstar. I've done many bad things in and outside the ring but nothing will compare what i do to RKOL tonight. The way i see things its not me that needs to go, its trash you like you that needs to go and the same goes for RKOL, you 2 are nothing more then a cancer in the world of professional wrestling and will do this company and the entire industry and cure the cancer that is killing the sport i love and that bischoff is a promise."HSM knees Bischoff in the gut and throws him down to the floor" Yeah feel the pain punk because the worst is yet to come for you and RKOL.

"HSM walks to the ring the crowd are standing tall cheering for the arrivial of the Human Suplex Machine"

Cut the damn music we don't have time for this crap this is a wrestling show not a rock concert. RKOL week after week all heard is you run your damn mouth about how good you are and how worthless i am. I am many things I'm the worlds most miserable son of a b*tch on the planet and i am sick and twisted son of gun but if there is one thing i am not is some peice of crap under the bottom of your boot. I am not one of those gutless cowards in the back that walk around with my tail between my legs fearing the sight of you and i sure as hell not some washed up hasbeen thats ready to be thrown out on the street. I am i always will be better then you because no matter how good you think you are you are nothing more then a second rate wrestler. Sure you have beaten every single body that you stepped into the ring with but guess what tough so have i and i beat them all when they were in their primes, and all you did was beat them when they had nothing less in their bodies to be as good as they use to be. I have proved time and time again that i am not one of those guys from the past that has lost their step, i improve each and everyday. The harder you hit me the harder i hit back, i am not some guy you can push around and walk away unharmed. Don't believe that ask everybody from the past the present and future and even ask your 2 boys Cliff and Chaos who have also failed to dethrown the human suplex machine.

You see i tried to be a nice guy and i tried to play this little game by the rules but enough is enough and its time for a change. Tonight you won't be able to hide behind your Legacy Revolution, because finally after almost a month and half i finally able to get my hands on you. You seen what kind of mood im in tonight with the destruction i caused in the back and like i said earlier everything i did back there is nothing compared to what im going to do to you. For all the hell you and Eric Bischoff has put me through im gonna make you pay for it by beating you 2 punk @sses every inch of your worthless lives. This career threaten match BS has gone on far enough and tell me Bischoff after i defeat RKOL tonight once and for all who is left? Nobody there isn't anybody back there that i can't beat and haven't beaten already multiple times. I have over come every odd you thrown at me and after RKOL there is no one left so you have no choice to put a stop to this stipulation and give me what i deserve and that is a shot at the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship that i never lost. Like i said RKOL is your last resort and he is the guy that you hand picked that to lead this federation into the new era.
Rock N' Wrestling Connection
2010-12-23 06:56:06 UTC
*Till I Collapse plays throughout the arena as the fans gets to their feet*

Announcer: All the way from Quezon City, Philippines ... weighing tonight at 235 lbs. ... he is the former YWSE champion ... The Hardcore One ... Rock N' Wrestling Connection !!!

*RNW enters the arena as the fans get to their feet*

Commentator1: What the fúck?!? What is RNW doing here?!? Didn't he leave YWSE 2.0 ages ago?!? Well either way it's nice to see him inside the ring again. But what are his intentions of being here?

Commentator2: We don't know it but this being RNW, if he is the RNW that we knew and well um uh ... loved ... this is going to be a moment we won't forget for a long time. Now he's getting a mic. Let's see what he has to say. Get those censors ready.

RNW: *smirks* Hey there YWSE fans!!! It's good to be back in this ring again where I bled, where I got my bones cracked. Where I gambled my life every single night. Where one move could've ended my career. Where one night could be my last one. But in this ring is also where I fulfilled my dreams. That every time I lost, it was just something to ignite me. That all of my haters and believe me there were some, all of them were nothing more than motivators. That in this ring, I got to be who I wanted to be. No not an ásshole, not a díckhead or a príck ... I became a wrestler. And looking back in my career, I think I did a pretty good run. No, it's not a career that would define this sport but I think it was a career worth of being in the Hall of Fame but I'm not going to talk about that. It was a good run in my opinion and if I could go back to those times being with Amie and Jack as the British Connection *fans cheer* or cursing my way into the championship, *fans cheer* I won't hesitate. *fans cheer louder* But as of right now it's been fun being here.

*Suddenly as RNW was about to exit the ring, the interviewer runs in*

Interviewer: RNW sorry to disturb you but I think this is the only chance I would get this opportunity. Could I please have a moment for an interview?

RNW: *smiles* Sure why not? I was just about to go to the locker room and do some acid. Hit me.

Interviewer: OK. First question. Why did you leave YWSE? I mean you were the champion. You got everything going for you. Why did you leave YWSE when you were in a way in your prime?

RNW: It's simple. I had a death in my family which still scars me to this day. Going back to work would be a burden. I had made enough money. I don't want to be a Ric Flair. I don't want to be 70 and still be wrestling. And after I just finished my business decree in college, I think it's time to finish my career as a wrestler. That I don't wanna play with my grandchildren while sitting on a wheelchair. I don't want to attend my children's wedding while carrying an oxygen tank. And with my father passing, I just think it's over. He didn't want me to go out here in this ring and risk my life, only thing he wants is for me to finish school. And I finally did so I think being a wrestler is in a way unnecessary. Wrestling is still in my blood, but right now family is in my heart.

Interviewer: We didn't know you have a family. Probably because you got those models in your arms. So were you saying all of those was just an act?

RNW: *chuckles* Those weren't an act. Let's just say my wife isn't a big wrestling fan. She would rather watch Jersey Shore than YWSE. I know shocking right? That's why she never knew. And to everyone's question, yes, I did bone every single girl you saw me with. *winks*

Interviewer: Um uh ... anyways ... this one question that everyone's dying to know. Will you be returning in the ring in the future?

RNW: There's still some passion for me. The way that the electricity the fans give you every time you hit your finisher. That rush you get when you enter the arena and hear the fans scream your name. How when you get a win especially against an ásshole, how you can hurt your enemies physically but legally, how you can prove to everyone you really are better than them, I still have that itch. And sometimes when I watch wrestlers like WBHF or HSM being in here, wrestling, sometimes I want to go back in here just to prove that I am better than those fúckers. But when I wake up, I see my children playing and I say to myself, I need to be there when they need me. In their graduation, in their wedding, when they have their first child, I have to be there. I want to watch them grow up and I am unable to if I return in this ring. Right now family is more important than wrestling. But then there's the itch which makes me think who knows.
2010-12-20 13:30:45 UTC
The last match sucked and the Dashing and Show talk was awful, the rest of the show was good. 3 and a half
נσнηηу ¢нασѕ (DiLLigAF Follower)(YWWA)
2010-12-21 07:12:51 UTC
*Johnny is found pacing back and forth and almost frothing at the mouth in anger in The Legacy Revolutions locker room by Josh Matthews*

Josh - E..Excuse me Johnny?

*Chaos stops pacing and just turns his head and stares at Josh*

Josh - O….Okay..

*Josh slowly backs towards the door, Johnny goes over and shuts it before Josh can leave, Josh then backs into a corner*

Johnny - You….what the hell do you want? *Johnny continues to breathe in and out angrily*

Josh - w…well let me get your comments on last nights match against HSM.

*Johnny runs his fingers through his hair and bites his lip keeping from saying certain things on live tv he raises a finger angrily, he then gets a sudden calm look on his face and lowers his hand*

Johnny - No Comment…..

Josh - Please Johnny.

Johnny -well what? what am I supposed to say? That dirty old man stole a victory last night and saved his god damn career! For one more night. If it weren’t for that damn title belt I would have ended that son of a *****. But no worries, RKOLegacy will end it tonight in a steel cage. There is no escape for HSM tonight. Absolutely NO ESCAPE. And believe me HSM, after last night you can damn well guarantee I will be right there ringside watching VERY closely…

Josh - And how about your match tonight against KENTA kicks heads?, he had some very interesting comments towards you.

*Johnny sneers and grabs the mic from Josh*

Johnny - well, I saw him punk you out and wrinkle that “nice” suit you’re wearing. Then I saw him go out to the ring and get on the mic, but once his mouth opened all I heard was “BLAH, BLAH BLAH! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! BLAH BLAH!” Honestly, after last night I am not in the mood to deal with this little piss ant running his mouth. KENTA, “ASH“, whatever the hell your name is! Keep running your mouth while you can because when we meet in that ring I’m going to break…your…damn…jaw…

Let me remind you…Ash…THIS IS YWSE 2.0! Not some little kiddy backyard promotion. in YWSE 2.0, you are nothing! A nobody! A PEON! You my friend, are the lowest man on the totem pole. Until you do something IN THIS COMPANY, you are nothing. All past accomplishments MEAN NOTHING! SO PLEASE! Keep running your mouth! all you are doing by running your mouth is pulling on the tail of an already pissed off lion. Because I am NOT in the mood for a long match, and the more you talk, the shorter this match gets. Tonight when you step into that ring…MY RING…across from me tonight I CANNOT and WILL NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU!

*Johnny is now staring at the camera, Josh slips past Johnny and sneaks out of the locker room while Johnny isn’t paying attention to him*

“ASH”, you can TRY to make a name for yourself here against me tonight in MY RING. but even with the help of your greatest pokemon, there is NO WAY IN HELL you will EVER be able to beat me. So bring your A Game tonight “ASH” because so far, you are not impressing ANYONE in this company, and if you want to step foot into the YWSE 2.0 ring with ME, you better bring no less than your best, and if you don’t…I have no problem ending you RIGHT HERE! TONIGHT!

But before I forget….you mentioned you didn’t know who I was. And you know what? Its not nearly as fun to kick someone’s @%$ when they don’t even know who you are! So let me introduce myself to you,HI! I AM The Protégé of THE FIRST EVER UNDISPUTED YWSE 2.0 WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION RKOLegacy! AND THE FUTURE OF YWSE 2.0 HIMSELF! I AM! JOHNNY MUTHA F’N CHAOS! And I can guaran-damn-tee that after tonight, YOU WILL NEVER FORGET THE NAME!

*camera fades out*
Rkolegacy .
2010-12-20 13:56:34 UTC
Promo (Part II): The Ultimatium

Later on in the evening........

*The Legacy Revolution's theme hits and all 3 come out walking down to the ring, Chaos holding a Red Bag in his hands*

*Crowd Boos*

*Rkolegacy grabs a microphone*

*Crowd Boos even louder*

Are you people really that jealous of me? Ha it must be so much worse to actually see me in person rather than up on that big screen, because now you can actually see me in all my glory. Now that I'm right up in your face, how much more do you want to be me?

*The Boos grow even louder from the crowd*

Haha it's great to hear all of you suffering, it brings joy to my life to know that all of you pathetic people pay your hard earned cash to come see the likes of me, even though you hate me. You still spend your money to see greatness in action, it shows just how pathetic and miserable you really are....

Onto the business at hand though, I said I would have two announcements tonight and I'm going to talk about one of those right now.......Cliff........This first announcement actually involves you.......

*Cliff steps up with somewhat of a blank look on his face, sort of angry in a way*

Well after recent events, I really don't know what to say, you really haven't proven much since joining The Legacy Revolution, you have been given opportunity after opportunity to show what you are really worth, and you have given me absolutely nothing time and time again....After your little comments last night.......Yeah don't think I wasn't watching or I didn't just happen to hear about those......You say that I wouldn't be champ without your help huh? Do you really think you're that imprtant to this group, you probably think the group is nothing without you huh? Do you?

*Cliff looks away, and down at the ground*

LOOK AT ME! You look at me when I'm talking to you, guess what you are not that important too The Legacy Revolution, in fact I bet I could go back to that lockerroom and find some other little punk to come out here and put forth the same crappy effort you put forth each week. I started this group for a reason, and I also started to help you guys rise completely to the top, because I thought that's where you belonged, only Cliff you come out here every single week and show me absolutely no respect, I give you absolutely everything and you throw it all back in my face! Like last night, you said you were going to prove me wrong.......Well where is your X-Division Title? Huh? Where is it?!?! That's right it's around the waist of WBHF, because you once again, let not only us down, but you let yourself down.

*Cliff just stares on*

You know I bet you think you are really something don't you? Well I'm not putting you out of The Legacy Revolution, in fact that brings me to my announcement.....Tonight you have a one on one rematch against WBHF, if you win you get your X-Division Title back and you get to stay in The Legacy Revolution, which for you I would consider that a blessing.....If you lose however, I will have no problem in coming down here and "kicking!" you out of the group myself!
2010-12-20 14:38:20 UTC

*Amie is seen walking in the backstage area when Josh Matthews walks up to her for an interview*

Josh Matthews: Good evening Amie, can we get a minute of your ti........

Amie: Save it, save it. I have better things to do than waste my time talking to you. I will go out into that ring when I'm ready and I will address these fans. Until then Josh, stay away.

*Awhile later, Amie's music hits the arena and she makes her way to the ring with a mic*

People, listen up, because I'm gonna cut to the chase. Last night I was involved in a fatal 4 way for the YWSE 2.0 Women's championship, and of course who was owning house during that match throughtout? Me, yes me. All throughout that match I had the upper hand and right at the end I was about to seal the deal by hitting the GTS.... but then RSCP comes in and steals my spotlight.

I don't really feel bitter about last night in fact I find it rather funny. Funny that for months I have been talking about RSCP and doubting her capabilities. Everyone company I have been in with her, she's been given chance after chance and screwed it up each and every time. Now RSCP has finally won a piece of gold, but the funny thing is, she couldn't do it herself. She just had to wait until I had hit the most destructive move within this division, the GTS. The RSCP struck me from behind and disposed of my body before taking the glory for herself and winning her first title here.

*Claps sarcastically*

Well done RSCP, well done. You just proved to the whole world how you cannot win a match yourself and with your own moveset. You have to wait for the better women to do the dirty work and then you come in and just pick up the pieces. Well, RSCP I hope you enjoy your title reign because it will be very short. Keep on hiding from me, just like tonight. Why aren't you here in the arena tonight? because last night you cheated me of a victory and right now I should be the women's champion. But I'm gonna allow it. You've never really won a worthy title before, but now you have in the best company out there. So enjoy it, because after this short reign, I'm gonna kick you right back down to the end of the line where you belong.

But onto tonight because I have a big match tonight. It is a tag team match and I am lucky enough to team with Los Gringo Loco... I have been watching this guy in recent weeks and I have to say that he is a main eventer of the future. I know talent when I see it, and trust me, this guy has talent because I would never associate myself or team up with someone who is a no-hoper. We take on the team of Great One and Ms Extreme. Now Ms Extreme last night lost the women's title and rightly so. Ms Extreme has to be the most dull and boring girl to ever step foot within this industry. I would rather watch paint dry than see Ms Extreme in a wrestling match. And I would rather jump off a bridge because it would be less painful to endure than seeing Ms Extreme as the women's champion again. Her partner tonight is the 'nice guy', The Great One. What a terrible team, who on earth created this crap. The Great One is an over-rated piece of junk who is ruining the prestige of one of the best titles we have in this company, the IC title. Tonight Los gringo Loco and myself will have fun in destroying each of you limb from limb. There will be a party on the east coast tonight for Los gringo and myself as we celebrate our victory here tonight, mark my words.
That Guy
2010-12-20 14:00:32 UTC
WQ: I would rate TLC 2.5/5

Match 1: Chaos of course.

Match 2: Extreme Jeff Hardy

Match 3: Los Gringo Loco and Amie

Match 4: Idk

Main Event: Me I finally rid YWSE 2.0 of HSM.

Promo (Part III): A Christmas Present haha........

Still in the ring........

Now that brings me onto the next order of business, you are all probably wondering what is in the red bag Chaos is holding, Well let's just call that.......An early Christmas present.......Chaos see if you can find a lucky person in the crowd, so we can give them a Christmas present......

*Chaos gets out of the ring and starts searching around ringside*

*Chaos finds a little girl at Ringside*

Do we have a lucky winner? I think we do, Chaos you can bring that little girl on up here.

*Chaos helps the little girl into the ring*

*Now the little girl is standing in front of Rkolegacy*

Oh how cute, how old are you little girl?

Girl: Ten.....

Me: Ten? What's your name?

Girl: Sara.......

Me: Well sara what is it you want for Christmas?

Girl: A barbie doll........

Me: A barbie doll? Well let's see what we have in the bag for you.........Chaos what do we have for the little girl?

*Chaos reaches into the bag and pulls something out and hands it to Rkolegacy*

Me: Well I don't have a barbie doll, but what I do have for you, you little spoiled brat is a piece of coal....See this is what I think you deserve for Christmas.....

*Hands the lump of Coal to the little girl*

I hope you get absolutely nothing under the little worthless Christmas tree your parents have setup in that crappy living room you probably have...

*Girl starts to cry a little*

*Neals down to the girl*

And before you go little girl I have something to tell you about Santa Claus........You know the big fat guy dressed in a red and white suit that slides down your chimney to give you presents....

*Girl shakes her head up and down with a frown*

Well........He's NOT REAL!!! Hahahahaha

*Rkolegacy stands up and turns around and laughs at all the little kids*

*Little Girl Screams NO!!! and throws the piece of Coal and hits Rkolegacy in the back, while she is crying histerically*

*Rkolegacy turns around and laughs at her*

Chaos you can return this young lady back to her seat.....

You see people I don't really care about any of your pathetic lives, I really don't give a damn what you think about me, and I feel so greatful that I was able to give such a wonderful gift to such a spoiled little pathetic child........It warms my heart to know that she loved it so much that she couldn't accept it, so she gave it back.......Merry Christmas to all and to all the little kids who I may have made upset here tonight........Hahahaha!!!
2010-12-21 11:23:12 UTC
RKOL i've heard about your little stunt earlier, and tell you the truth i am not impressed. Your such a big man, picking on little kids telling them there is no santa clause but we all know why your such a Grinch its because Santa Clause seen how the type of person you were when you were a kid, he seen you were nothing more then snot nosed little boy that had fun picking on kids smaller then you and gave you what you deserved on christmas even which was a bag sh*t and bottle of piss. Thats all you were to Santa Clause and thats all you are to me a peice of crap that needs to be flushed and never seen again. I know how proud you are from your stunt tonight because you are a cold hearted peice of a trash. Thats something you and i have in common but i would never sink so damn low to pick on kids thats to damn small to defend themselves. Thats all you ever do is pick on the weak and the smallest thats why you are where you are. It makes you feel like your on top of the world and that their will never be anybody man enough to step up to you. But all that will go away tonight because i am not the weak and sure as hell aint the smallest i am the guy that has the balls to step up to you and take you down because i am that damn good and unlike you i have the track record to prove that i am what i say i am.

There is not one damn thing great about you, your all talk and no action. But since you live in fantasy world you think you have a chance of putting an end to me but tonight im gonna knock you back into reality and prove to you , you never had or ever will have a chance to take me out i already proved it not once but twice and both those times you could even barely lay hand on me i was in completely control and i took you down but apparantly since you keep running apparantly i don't take you hard enough, tonight is the final confrontation between you and me and i plan on finishing the job that i started back at Devils Playground. When i beat you it will be the end of Legacy Revolution because you got Chaos thinking your an unstoppable god of wrestling and that no man can ever beat you and after all whining and complaining you did at your boys, is just going to make you look like a weak tool to them and they are going to point and laugh of how much of hypocrite you are to yell and scream at them for failing when you will do the same.

Awwww RKOL is my segment tonight boring ? Am i putting you to sleep again? Well the feeling is mutual i fail the same way you do, everytime you step into the ring, with your overrated boring combos that go stomp stomp stomp chinlock stomp stomp stomp...And that ladies and Gentle is the future of pro wrestling, if that were damn case i would switch to MMA guys because why pay $100 for a ring side seat just watch some oiled up freak stomp people around for 30 mins night. Like really RKOL you have the nerve to say im the boring guy in history but at least i can wrestle hell im a Suplex master a Submission speicalist and best pure powerhouse brawler in history i can do stuff in that ring that you could even dream of doing. Like i said earlier in the night you are nothing more then a 2nd rate wrestler that hasn't got even the slightest clue of what its like to pull off pure wrestling match.

Im at the top of my game tonight, more then ever, im thirsty for blood of RKOL. You may be hyped up tonight thinking your going to end my career, but you have no idea how much anger i been holding in these past few months. What you've seen so far isn't even the half of it everything you seen was just a taste of how im feeling. But tonight is the night i been waiting for, for a long time and you will experience over ounce of anger i been holding deep inside waiting for the moment the come and its finally here. I'm telling every parent in the building tonight with their children to leave now because what i do tonight to peice of garbage, is something they should never see no matter how much they want to see him get what he deserves, it is not for the weak of heart so come main event time take your kids and leave because once that bell rings it will get extremly violent like nothing you ever seen before in a wrestling ring.

RKOL enjoy the last few moments you have left in your precious career because tonight its all over, i will not only end your career but im gonna send you to the intensive care unit. Enjoy your title reign while you can and everything else that you love dearly and last but not least kiss your @ss goodbye because you are rapid dog and its time to take you behind the shed and pull the trigger on your worthless career because tonight that game is over beat me if you can survive if i let you..
2010-12-20 14:02:49 UTC
WQ: Like I said 2.5/5 it was a mediocre PPV.

Promo (Part IV): The Challenge

Later on.........Camera focuses backstage where Rkolegacy is ready to make his second announcement.......

Haha I bet you are all pretty displeased to see me again? Well good the more displeasure I bring you people the happier I am. You see earlier when I brought that little girl her wonderful Christmas gift, and I asked her what she wanted for Christmas......It made me think......What do I want for Christmas? Well it's quite simple actually, what I want for Christmas is something I have been wanting for a long time here in YWSE 2.0, I want to rid this company of the worthless has been.......HSM!

You see he has been given an Ultimatium so to speak by Eric Bischoff.......This ultimatium states that the next time he loses...........He's gone. Poof......Gone. No more HSM, No more of this worn out mistake, no more of those long boring segments, he has been getting lucky week after week........He has been on a winning streak I suppose, because well he is still here in the company, Cliff couldn't get the job done, and last night Chaos couldn't finish him off. HSM keeps rolling those dice and pulling lucky sevens everytime. Well tonight his lucks about end.......I have left it up to others to get rid of this pathetic excuse for a human being.......

Well last night HSM said something to me as he exited the locker-room......."You're Next" Well HSM that might be correct, I am next in line to defeat you and finally end this miserable thing you call a career, so onto my second announcement. I challenge you HSM to a match, but it's not going to be next week, or at the next PPV. No I challenge you to a match tonight...Not just any match, I challenge you to face me in that ring, in a 15 foot high Steel Cage.....You see nothing would please me more than to go into the Christmas Holiday knowing that I ended your career, knowing that I finally put a stop to the old washed up loser....

You see that's what I want for Christmas more than anything, I would love nothing more than to not only hit you with an RKO and get the cover for the One.....Two.....Three........Or I could just climb over top of the cage and whatch your career go down the toilet as I do......but I would also get the greatest satisfaction after the match, when you slowly rise up on the mat, realizing that your career in this company is over......and the cage rises to let you know that it really is over.....I run up and punt you as hard as I can in the skull!!! See because not only will you be leaving the company, you will be leaving it wheeled out on a stretcher, and I might not even be done there.....Who knows what I will come up with.....

Don't start getting your hopes up though buddy, because this........

*Rkolegacy holds up Undisputed Title in Camera view*

This title isn't going to be on the line......You see in my opinion you don't deserve a title shot, and honestly you never should have been champion in the first place, hell if I was here when this all began, you wouldn't even be talked about right now, no one would even care if your career was on the line or not....With me holding this title, it finally means something, it means something to be the Undisputed Champion....Also don't forget I am the first ever YWSE 2.0 Undisputed Champion, and what are you? A pathetic wash up who is holding onto his worthless career by a limb......

*Shakes Head*

So tonight HSM I want you to think, I want you to think about what you are going to come out here and say to these people, I want you to think about what you are going to say to your little buddies in the locker-room. I want you to think about that little farewell speech and you better make it good, because it will be the last thing you ever say to all of these people. I want you to also think about this.......Was it really a smart idea to mess with me and The Legacy Revolution......

Because when it's all over you might be wondering if it was all worth it.......

*Camera fades to black*
2010-12-21 11:15:41 UTC
Promo Part 1:

"HSM arrives at the arena in his Hummer and finds somebody had taken his parking spot"

HSM: JOSH YO JOSH!!!...Who's car is that in my damn spot?

Josh: Well HSM i believe thats RKOLegacy car...

HSM: You know what this crap is getting old, there is just no respect anymore, i put my heart and soul in this industry and this is the thanks i get. Im getting disrespect by everybody the crew, the talent hell even the damn bosses. I'm at the point that i don't give a crap anymore, if anybody is lucky enough to beat me then so damn be it, but mark my words when this is all said and done when i finally lose a match i promise everyone in the back from the crew to the guys the women and the two worthless bastards that call themeselves the G.M, i will march back there i will personally stomp a mud in all their @sses and walk it dry. Because if i get treated like crap for all the blood sweat and tears i put in to make this company what it is today, i will not leave without causing destruction on everybody, this is not the same company i signed up for, when i first came here i got respect from everybody and when they needed my help i would drop everything and lead them to right direction in their careers. Now i come here all the bastards do is point their fingers at me and calls me a hasbeen and im getting sick and tired of this crap every week and i will not take it anymore.

Josh: You got it all wrong HSM i respect you..

HSM: BS Josh you don't respect me, i see how you kiss RKOLegacy's @ss everytime you interveiw the guy. You are nothing more then his damn puppet, when he tells you to jump, you'll ask him how high to jump and when ask you to dance what do you do you dance like a little punk @ss worm on a hook. Your just as pathetic as everybody else, you kiss the @ss of the people your afriad of and thats exactly what your doing right now Josh your standing there with that cheap Salvation Army Suit on trying to act like your friend of mine, but i know the truth you could careless about my situation but thats ok i don't give 2 sh*ts if you care or not because like i said you are nothing but a puppet a puppet to each and every peice of garbage that now represents this company, that never put their heart into this as much as me all they care about is making a cheap buck and could careless if they kill the sport of professional wrestling.

Josh: I can understand what....

HSM: Josh just shut the hell up you don't understand crap, because you will never be able to walk a mile in my boots, you will never have to worry about having to deal with this crap because you are the type guy they like, piss on the veterans that work hard and praise all the ones that never stick up for themselves and kiss everyones @ss to keep their jobs. I will never be one of those guys i will continue to fight for my god given rights and will strike down upon those that disrespect me and try to take me out of the sport that helped build. But Josh im gonna give you one chance and one chance only to prove to me that you are not a puppet and that your willing stand up for yourself, i want you to punch me in the face as hard as you can.

Josh: I'm sorry HSM i cannot do that i'm just an interveiwer


Josh: I can't

"HSM backhands Josh across the face shouting COME ON DO IT!!! Josh has enough and lands a hard right punch to the nose of HSM"

HSM: Congratulations Josh you may hit like a girl but thats the first step of becoming a man, is sticking up for yourself and have no problem throwing a few punches when needed to. However i do have one important question ask you...Do you know how to pick a lock?

Josh: no im afriad not

HSM: Well then i guess im gonna have to do things the old fashion way and break into RKOLegacy's car

'HSM then grabs Josh Matthews by the head and slams his head through the side door window"

HSM: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE!!!! This dumb peice of a sh*t isn't looking very good right about now we need a medic..

"HSM then hot wires RKOL car and drives it to the middle of the parking alot, then steps out of the car looks around and sees a monster truck in the arena, then climbs into the monster truck and runs over RKOL's car 6 times. Then goes back to his hummer and pulls a can of gasoline and torch out the back. HSM then proceeds to dump gasoline all over RKOL not flatten car and lights on fire then takes a piss in the flames"

HSM: RKOL the only thing i regret about doing this is the fact that you weren't in the car, but assure by the end the night you will wish you were in those flames.

"HSM gets back into his Hummer and takes back his parking spot.
2010-12-20 13:32:47 UTC
4 stars!
Rkolegacy EFed Account
2010-12-20 13:52:04 UTC
Promo (Part 1): Interview Backstage.......

Josh Matthews: Wel......

Me: We know we know, Welcome everyone blah blah blah, why don't you just do what you are supposed to and introduce me......

Josh Matthews: Everyone joining me at this time, Rkolegacy......

Me: Wait what? My ears must be playing tricks on me, did you just say Rkolegacy? I think you forgot something???

Josh Matthews: Introducing Still your YWSE 2.0 Undisputed World Champion.......Rkolegacy!

Me: That's more like it, seriously you need to get that right from now on, because unlike you I deserve respect around here, and I better damn well get it. I won't take that kind of crap from the likes of you or the rest of the inbred losers out there watching....

*Crowd Boos Loudly*

Everyone of you can shut the hell up now, we get your point......You hate me, and guess what? That doesn't bother me, because I hate you too, as a matter of fact I completely despise you people, you know what really satisfies me every single week on this show....Is the fact that these people hate to see me champion, and that's one thing I love about being champion, being hated by everyone, but they hate me for one particular reason, because they want to be me.....Well guess what you idiots that's never going to happen, so you can keep on writing to Santa, and wishing for it for Christmas, but you people will never get to the position I am at, only in your wildest dreams can you expierence what I do, or what I have.

I am the greatest talent this company has ever seen, and I am the envy of every single guy out there, you can ask any number of guys out there where they are at right now in their lives, and you will probably hear some pathetic answer or some sob story, where from me you would getthe perfect story of success. I am the epitome of greatness, and when my career is over and believe me that's a long long time down the road, you can mark me down on the YWSE 2.0 Hall of Fame Ballot, hell you might as well mark me down on the ballot for the entire EFed Hall of Fame......

Now that I have said what needed to be said, Josh, you have my permission to continue on with this interview......

Josh Matthews: After last night, Cliff had some words about what you said to him last night......

Me: Yes Yes, I saw what he said, I think everyone saw what he said, you know something, it's not what he said that bothered me, it's the fact that he hid like a little coward and didn't have the guts to say them to my face.....Now I know he is upset about my criticizm but I wouldn't be criticizing him if he had been doing his job correctly.....Now as far as his future with The Legacy Revolution is concerned, I will announce that later tonight.........Anything else you want to ask me about?

Josh Matthews: Also last night in an eventful match, you were able to retain your Unidsputed Championship, any thoughts on how D4L took you to the limit at Rise Above?

Me: D4L certainly did put on one hell of an effort to try and take my title, and some may say that he even came close to doing that, but close only counts in horseshoes buddy, you failed to overtake my throne, and I show you once again that I am the dominant superstar, and you are nothing more than a flash in the pan who will never amount to anything. Sure he has been champ before, but that's the past and he will never be champ again.......Because as far as I'm concerned I'm going to be holding onto this title for a long time......

Josh Matthews: I would also like to get your reaction to HSM's comment last night after he defeated Chaos, he said "You're Next!!!" And why you got involved in the first place?

Me: Well I could careless for HSM's comment, anything he says doesn't quite mean anything to me, why I got involved, well see The Legacy Revolution has one another's back, and well they just happened to show up in the locker-room, so why not get involved? It's HSM's fault anyways, he's the one who wanted a Falls Count Anywhere match, so I just gave him what he deserved.....As for him "defeating" Chaos, HSM got lucky and tonight I also have an announcement about him later on, so if you don't mind......Actually I really don't give a damn if you mind or not, I'm ending this interview.......

*Walks off out of camera view*

Josh Matthews: *Stands there looking like an idiot*
2010-12-20 23:23:46 UTC
I am now 2-0 with victories over KENTA Kicks Heads and JM Prince and I get to defend that streak in a mixed tag team match, my partner is none other than the single greatest Womens wrestler of all time, Amie. I came here to compete with the best, I guess that I am doing that tonight in a sense. I am not sure that I would call The Great One the best but he is wearing gold so obviously someone thinks pretty highly of him. There is also Ms Extreme in this match, I know that Amie can handle her easily, so I won’t even worry about her. I will focus all of my energy on The Great One, I will prove to the world that I belong in the ring with Champions. I said I would climb the ladder the way it was meant to be climbed, I know that I can handle anyone in that ring and I intend to prove that to everyone. The Great One, what are you? Are you a Davey Richards wannabe crossed with the Rock? Come from behind the imitations, you have no identity; nobody knows what you are talking about. Your promos confuse the living **** out of me, tonight I am going to go out there and I am going to beat the living **** out of you. When I hit the Dragonrana, goodnight it’s over with, thats all she wrote. You can watch out for it the entire match but just know that it can come from anywhere. I can come off the top rope, I can make it a springboard, damn I got ups like Kofi so I can just get a running start. I belong with the best, you got a problem with my history in Mexico? You are from South Texas, you are basically from Mexico. Truth is, if you could have made it in Mexico then you would have. You saw guys like me, Juvetude, Jack Evans, Konnan, Dos Caras jr. and you knew that there was no way that you could roll with us and started your career in the US. Now, I am here and there is nowhere you can run, you can’t hide.

KENTA Kicks Heads doesn’t want to let go of what happened a few weeks ago. Listen man, we had a match, we both had an opportunity to progress our careers and take the fast track to greatness. I ceased the opportunity, I made it happened. I got the 3 count, the fact that I got it at your expense is just details. You say you are going to visualize Johnny Chaos as me, that’s cool with me. That tells me that I left a lasting impact on you, I gave you something to remember. I am inside your head, that is very unfortunate for you because Johnny Chaos is no push over. If you start your career with back to back losses then you are not off on the right foot. Get focused, that is probably why I was able to beat you with such ease. When we faced off, were you focused on me or were you focused on the last guy that came in and kicked your ***?

I am definitely not focused on KENTA Kicks Heads. I am focused on The Great One, I am semi-focused on Ms Extreme but the way I see it she is Amie’s problem. The Great One, I don’t know you. I know much about you, I do know that you are Intercontinental Champion and when I beat you I will prove that I can beat guys that have already established themselves in this company. After tonight, I push the streak to 3-0! Prisa, lealtad, respecto, honor, dignidad la hago toda para el un rey verdadero, mi señor y mi salvador. Es tiempo, yo maneja mi negocio en el anillo pero lo haré todo para honrarle. Si mi dios está para mí, usted nunca me parará. Todo que lo hago está para él y para su gloria. Usted puede poder derrotarme pero me volveré más fuerte, más rápidamente y mejoraré. Usted puede batirme una vez, pero no saldré!!



Really Mr. Great One? You think you can attack me in your promo? Everybody who has ever been in a fed knows you can't do that kind of thing. Are you some kind of Fed Virgin or something? Do you somehow think that making me say that I respect your promo will somehow make me respect you? Honestly, It makes me respect you even less because you are a noob.

As for my name, It's Spanish not English, so why do I need to learn proper English? I majored in Spanish in college, I know its El Gringo Loco but my name is to pay homage to one of the Greatest Wrestlers of all time, Eddie Guerrero, who once had a Stable called Los Gringos Loco.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.