Match 3: Mixed Tag Team Match
Los Gringo Loco and Amie vs. Ms Extreme and The Great One
Backstage Promo:
Christy Hemme: Davey can I have a minute of your time? I want to congratulate
you on your win you successfully defended your Intercontinental Championship
last night at Rise Above you defeated a tough challenge of Extreme Jeff Hardy.
How do you feel about tonight being a mixed tag team match with your partner
Ms. Extreme Melina taking on the team of Amie and Los Gringo Loco? What's
your status right now? Will you be ready to compete tonite after a tough match?
The Great One: Why thank you Christy. And yes last night was probably one of
my best high profile wins in YWSE. I think anytime you get to the level of being
a champion your at the pinnacle of wrestling career. I can tell you this thats only
the beginning I plan to do big things in YWSE. I've been here only a few months
and already I'm the Intercontinental Champion and everyone in that locker room
knows that I'm the champ I'm the very best technical wrestler in the world today.
Christy Hemme: Smiles. How do you feel after hearing the comments made by
Amie earlier tonight? She says and I quote, "your a overrated piece of junk who
is ruining the prestige of one of the best titles we have in this company."
The Great One: Really Amie said that about me? Ha ha ha ha ha. I think Amie's
just a scared little girl whose got some insecurities issues. Don't get me wrong I
think she's an amazing wrestler she's the only woman I know that has won one
of the male's World Heavyweight Championships so that's speaks for itself. I am
not going to pay any attention to her I will let my tag team partner Ms. Extreme
take care of her they've got a pretty good rivalry going and I won't interfere. I am
very confident that we will get the job done tonight and get the victory over them.
I gotta say I completely disagree with her statement. I'm the very best wrestler
in the world today and I'm the best thing that has ever happen to that belt. I am
one of the only persons in the entire locker room who never backs down from a
challenge. I bring honor, prestige and recognition to the Intercontinental title I'm
the champion which proves my point. Last night I did what I said I was going to
do defeat the overrated Hardy Jenns in a one on one title defense by myself I'm
proud of that win Extreme Jeff Hardy is one of the best wrestlers in the world he
is ranked right up there in the top ten list he really gave him a run for my money
last night at the Rise Above pay per view event. I was the better man that night.
Which brings me tonight. I got my sights set on my opponent Los Gringo Loco
I hear he's a tough kid. He's got some good wrestling skills. He's won a few belts
over in Mexico so, he will be a tough international challenge. He defeated a good
friend of mine Kenta a few weeks ago so, I'm well aware of his reputation however
don't think for one second that I'm going to let some clown from Mexico come to
my ring and get a win over me in my ring? That's not gonna happen bro. I've been
in the ring with some of the best athletes wrestlers from all over the world Japan,
England and Mexico. El Gringo Loco you might be a draw and a big name over in
your country of Mexico however, you've accomplished nothing here in my country
I've defeated top level competition. Matt Striker fan Out! I retired him Dubian Jomo
John Morrison I've defeated him so many times that I've lost count and last night I
got my a very tough win over Extreme Jeff Hardy. So, you will be no different Los
Gringo Loco I will defeat you aswell and if you get in my way I will unmask you. I
will expose the face of a comedy act to the world. I don't need to hide behind the
mask I'm the face of this company. I'm going to take you past your limit til you've
reached your breaking point and when I see the opportunity I will finish you off in
the match I got so many ways to beat you and to make you submit you won't be
able to keep up with me in our match. So, be prepared tonight I'm taking you out!
Christy Hemme: Smiles. Alright Great One well good luck tonight in your match.
The Great One: Thanks Beautiful ;) I'm going to get ready for my match.