You know,
People who hate Edge are just brainless, dimwitted dumbasses...i bet you that when Edge turns face you'll be asking "WHO HERE LOVES EDGE? I KNOW I DO"
You bandwagon jumpers are what gives wrestling a bad name..How dare you support something that says "i hope he dies a painful death".And you know what, i could bet my life that if he died you wil be posting something by the likes of "R.I.P Edge, great wrestler"
Learn some respect and some manners. If someone went around telling you that they want you to die a painful death you would think that person is a jackass but you fail to see thats exactly what you are.
Have some courtesy, you dont even know the man, for all you know he could be the next Mother Teresa and you f@ggots just judge him by what he gets TOLD and PAID to do. How dare you..
I swear, if you hate heels then i would think that you wouldve been glad when Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit died. or maybe, you hated them just like you hate Edge, but when something dramatic happens you immediately change your minds...
You people make me sick..