Who in here hates Edge??
2008-05-09 18:59:57 UTC
he is a major a$$hole i hate him so much
22 answers:
2008-05-09 19:13:28 UTC
i do i HATE vickie also
2008-05-10 02:16:54 UTC
I hate Edge,I despise him. He's very tenacious and knows how to take advantage of a situation. He's not all that is cracked up to be. He just hasn't faced anybody to give him any competition. I'd bring back Bobby Lashley. Bobby Lashley would kick his a--. He is a major a$$hole,I agree. That's the word I am looking for. He's an opportunist. Which means he takes the opportunity to win when he sees it. Yeah,The Undertaker has had his number. But sooner or later,Edge and Vickie are going to screw him over one too many times. Anybody else thinks that Edge is queer and he is just using Vickie Guerrero as a cover-up? lol. Thanks for the question. I am outta here. Have a goodnight and God bless. Bye for now.
Mommy of 2!
2008-05-10 02:06:42 UTC
Ok, so I agree with you that he's an a** but he is actually a good wrestler, and the fact that he can make you hate him makes him a good heel... I can't stand him though, I think he's a punk and the whole thing with Vickie is a major slap in the face towards Eddie.. I think the story line is total BS and should be done away with.
WolfKnight: Grey 1
2008-05-10 02:09:19 UTC
Well technically the character Edge is an asshole and that I agree with but the actual wrestler isnt that bad, you can hate him(I do) just be careful that you recognize that Edge and Adam copeland 2 different people. If you do that you can hate edge all you want.
2008-05-10 11:03:55 UTC
You know,

People who hate Edge are just brainless, dimwitted dumbasses...i bet you that when Edge turns face you'll be asking "WHO HERE LOVES EDGE? I KNOW I DO"

You bandwagon jumpers are what gives wrestling a bad name..How dare you support something that says "i hope he dies a painful death".And you know what, i could bet my life that if he died you wil be posting something by the likes of "R.I.P Edge, great wrestler"

Learn some respect and some manners. If someone went around telling you that they want you to die a painful death you would think that person is a jackass but you fail to see thats exactly what you are.

Have some courtesy, you dont even know the man, for all you know he could be the next Mother Teresa and you f@ggots just judge him by what he gets TOLD and PAID to do. How dare you..

I swear, if you hate heels then i would think that you wouldve been glad when Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit died. or maybe, you hated them just like you hate Edge, but when something dramatic happens you immediately change your minds...

You people make me sick..
*-Vonda P
2008-05-10 02:04:35 UTC
I don't hate him, I extremely dislike the way he is letting the writers portray him, as if he can't win a match without the help of two men and a woman. Edge is way to talented as an entertainer to be diminished to the joke that he is right now!
2008-05-10 02:09:06 UTC
Marks and the occasional wrestling fan but mostly marks who think wrestling isn't scripted.

how in the hell can U damn marks give somebody a thumbs up for hoping edge dies a slow painful death. Shame on u marks.
Ultimate oppurtunist
2008-05-10 02:27:51 UTC
I don't. Edge is a talented performer and one of the best in the wwe. and if the writers made him face, your question would be


hes a major hottie i love him so much

or if your a boy major gangster
2008-05-10 02:13:42 UTC
Join the club, you hit the nail on the head he is a @SShole and his so called fiancee vicki all she does is put his opptunities right there for him to take
2008-05-10 02:06:15 UTC
uhhh I know it's not fair, Batista should've won, now even if you hate Batista, it's not that easy to win a 6-man battle royal that includes ppl like Big Show & Kane!

Although Edge is awesome and I don't hate him...
2008-05-10 02:15:13 UTC
I dont hate Adam Copeland

I dont hate Edge

WWE is all make believe so dont believe everything

They bleed the same colour blood as me

The eat, shi+, sleep like me so personally dont get cut.
2008-05-10 02:28:34 UTC
If loving Edge is wrong

Then I don't wanna be right.
2008-05-10 03:45:19 UTC
I dont. I think he is a good wrestler
2008-05-10 02:12:53 UTC
oh my god. Edge is the biggest poser in wrestling.
2008-05-10 02:04:18 UTC
Because he is using Vickie, He is egotistic, and he's facing TAKER!
2008-05-10 02:02:44 UTC
He's a natural talent that deserves all the luck in wrestling that he can get. Totally a good wrestler, good in and out of the ring.
2008-05-10 02:06:52 UTC
lol u must be just seen the ending of the battle royal!!!!! i know that suck, but i do like edge, he's kinda cool, but wwe is using him wrong!!!!!
i'm a diva
2008-05-10 02:41:17 UTC
i like edge personnally. but weather you like him or not you can't deny that the man has swagger (charisma)
2008-05-10 02:02:12 UTC
no edge isn't an asshole!

your just jealous and edge is SMART

2008-05-10 02:03:20 UTC
i hate edge so much. i hope he dies of a slow and painful death
2008-05-10 02:08:31 UTC
dont be jealous because he is more talented and atheltic!!!!!!!! he is your newt whc!!!!!!!!
Native New Yorker
2008-05-10 02:05:32 UTC
I do, he's and idiot.

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