Welcome back to TWE which presents Unforgiven. WQ as well, Who's going to win what on this Episode?
Thurlow aka Marcus Spencer
2008-09-05 16:42:26 UTC
Welcome back to TWE where we present Unforgiven. This is the Last PPV from TWE as a single show brand. The next TWE Show will involve a draft and then the following week TWE will start Brand V Brand or Shane McMahon Vs Steph McMahon. Who ever is the losing GM come Survivour Series will be Fired. As for tonight we will get the first random draft pick for each Brand and we will have our first Brand V Brand Match with the winning GM getting 1 free pick in the draft of a Superstar of their choice. Also tonight we have The Fatal 4 Way for the TWE Title plus many more.

Results from previous show
Chris Jericho beat Matt Hardy, Samoa Joe beat Booker T for a shot at IC Champ Kane, Gail Kim won a Triple Threat Match against Victoria and Jillian Hall, Triple H beat Shad, Santino Marella made his TWE debut, but was put agianst The Great Khali and lost, Mr Kennedy beat John Morrison, Paul Burchill and Chuck Pulambo beat Priceless, Big Show beat Umaga and in The Main Event The Brothers Of Destruction got victory in their Handicap Match against Kurt Angle, Edge and Finlay with them all turning on each other as well.

Event 1

Ladder Fatal 4 Way for the TWE Cruiserweight Title

Evan Bourne Vs Jamie Noble Vs Brian Kendrick Vs Gregory Helms (c)

Event 2

IC Title Match

Kane (c) Vs Samoa Joe

Event 3

TWE Women's Title Match

Melina Vs Beth (c)

Event 4

Brand V Brand first Random Pick for each GM

The first random Draft Pick for Steph is AJ Styles
The First Random Draft Pick for Shane is John Morrison

Steel Cage Match - Winning GM's Superstar will earn their GM 1 free pick of their choice

AJ Styles Vs John Morrison

Event 5

TWE Chairman comes out to announce that there will be a Hardcore Title Match coming up next, he then also announces that after Unforgiven The Hardcore Title will be avaliable to both Brands, but 24/7 rules will be no more. Each Hardcore Title Match has to be pre-arranged, but it must be defended at least once a week by the Champion on any Brand.

Event 6

Hardcore Title
Hardcore Triple Threat

Raven (c) Vs Tommy Dreamer Vs The Miz

Event 7

TWE Tag Team Title Match
Tag Team Fatal 4 Way

The Hardy's Vs Priceless Vs D-Generation X (c) Vs Cryme Tyme

Before the Match starts Chuck Pulambo and Paul Burchill run out angered by the fact they have not received a Title shot themselves. The interferrence does not last long as all members of the 4 Tag Teams throw them out of the ring, Burchill and Chuck are then carried away by security.

Main Event

TWE Title
Fatal 4 Way

Kurt Angle Vs Finlay Vs Edge Vs The Undertaker (c)

Thankyou for viewing TWE's Unforgiven. Please vote for the winners and give this PPV a rating.

WQ. Now that Mike Adamle has had time to settle down, How do you feel about him being RAW GM now?
Nine answers:
2008-09-05 22:16:09 UTC
Event 1) Fatal four way lader match for the TWE Cruiserweight Title

Match starts off with Evan Bourne and Jamie Noble fighting for the ladder, with Bourne getting the advantage of the match by useing the ladder as a weapon agaianst his opponents. later during the match both Brian Kendick and Gregory Helms did some great spots to wow the crowd. but the winner of his enjoyable ladder was Even Bourne who out climb Brian Kendick for the win

IC Title Match

Event 2) Kane and Samoa Joe fought each other tooth and nails, in this was entertaining match, as Kane wanted to make sure he left the buliding still as Champion. while Joe wanted to win just as much, both wrestlers did all there signature moves, but the winner of this match was Samoa Joe as he caught Kane in the Muscle Buster for the win

TWE Womans Title match

Event 3 ) Beth Phoenix did everything she could to become Womans Champion, but it was not meant to be as Meina never gave up and showed she had a heart of a proud Champion. and Melina pinned Beth Phoenix ather useing her finisher Calfornia Dream but before Melina could celebrate her hard earning win, Beth got up and attack her to finish the Champion off, with her finisher Beth Valley Driver leaveing her impact to probably earning a another Title shot at No Mercy

Steel Cage Match

Event 4) AJ Styles won this classic match, by useing the Steel Cage as a weapon, while takeing out as much as he can onto John Morrision. but Morrision got inself back into this match by use high flying moves on AJ, but Morrision made one mistake by over looking his opponent, with Styles finishing him off with the Styles Clash

Event 5) Great announcement by the TWE Chairment, saying the Hardcore Championship avaliable between both brands. but there mixed on hearing the no more 24/7 Rule. so they will have to wait and see what's happen's

Hardcore Triple Threat match for the TWE Hardcore title

Event 6) All three opponents Raven ,Dreamer,The Miz, bought this match to the Wrestling fans, as all three wrestlers was fighing from within the crowd,then with them useing weapons against each other. Dreamer hit Miz with the Dreamer DDT. Raven won the match by hitting Dreamer with Raven Effect

Fatal 4 way Tag team match

Event 7) Classic Tag match , as all four teams of DX, Priceless, Hardys, and Cryme Tyme. took push each other to the next level, Michaels Sweet Chin Music both Cryme Tyme members, while the Hardys made sure to take Michaels out with the Twist of Fate, and then followed by Swanton Bomb.

Matt try to go for the win but Triple H pedigree him, Jeff seeing this battles with Triple H for about a few minutes, but then Triple H cloth lines him over the ropes. Triple H then battles Priceless for about 10 minutes, but even he could not overcome the odd's as Priceless became new Champions with Ted Dibiase Jr pining Triple H with his Cobra Clutch leg sweep finisher

Fatal 4 way TWE World Title

Main Event) Kurt Angle and Finlay attack each, other before the matched started. but at the same time Edge was attacking the Undertaker. all four wrestlers proved why they deserves to be called World Champion, but as this match was getting longer Undertaker, was taking it to everybody who was in his way

Undertaker then see's Finlay goes for Chokeslam, but it's broken up as Angel hits him from behind, and catches him for Angle Slam, while all this is happening Finlay picks up his Shillelagh, turns around aims it at Angle, but he misses and finds himself lock into Angel Lock. but out of no where Edge connects his Spear on Angel, goes for the cover 1-2-3- new champion Edge

WQ: Hard to say sometimes i like Mike Adamle, but there are other times when i am against him. so i guess i'm mixed on him. or i don't paid attention enough

Hope you enjoy the PPV Goodnight everyone
2016-11-01 07:07:33 UTC
Heres The PPV that i'm gazing TWE For long! Thurlow Thats outstanding! Winners: massive prepare!,With An Chokeslam On assertion table Kane,Matt became Giving A twist of destiny yet Kane pushed Him And Gave An Chokeslam For The Win! Jeff Hardy,Miz became Giving A Suplex From Turnbuckle yet Hardy pushed Him And Gave An Swanton Bomb For The Win! Melina,Reversed Mickie long Goodnight Kiss right into a DDT For The Win And Took each and every identify From Justice different than tag Championships! Shannon Moore,After An shooting celebrity Press!! Samoa Joe,After An Muscle Buster On Mike Knox! John Cena,After Reversing The Spear right into a STFU For The WIN! Batista,Kozlov gets the 1st around Win With An Head butts To Chest Making The Animal faucet Out! In 2d journey Batista Gave An Spear To Kozlov FOr The WIN! IN final guy status Batista Gave An Batista Bomb On assertion table For The Win! MITB journey: Chris Jericho!,RVD became Garbing The Briefcase yet Sting got here And attack RVD And enable Jericho Grabs The Briefcase! The Undertaker,After An Tombstone on the real Of cellular! 17-0M And New Champion! Randy Orton,40 3 Minute Lyed purely perspective Have One element yet Orton Gave An Roll Up Pin For Win And while Kurt perspective long previous For A CLothsline Orton gave An RKO For The Win! widely used:one hundred/10! the final In TWE history! WQ:i think of Kane by utilising winning MITB!
This is me (TWA)
2008-09-06 06:43:10 UTC
Ok Unforgiven

Event 1

Brian Kendrick wins and becomes new Cruiseweight title, him and Gregory team up throughout the match, then when Bourne and Noble were finally down and out Kendrick took Helms out then went up and grabbed the title.

Event 2

Kane defends his title with ease, as good as Samoa Joe is, he is no match for Kane

Event 3

Beth retains the title in a thrilling match which ends with the fisherwomens suplex

Event 4

AJ Styles gets out the cage a split second before Morrison.

Event 5

Interesting, I'll miss the 24/7 rules tho

Event 6

Winner is The Miz, he starts off well, but soon realizes he is no match for Raven leaving Raven and Dreamer to fight it out, Tommy Dreamer hits a DDT on Raven then Miz runs in witha neckbreaker on Dreamer then pins Raven for the win.

Event 7

an unstopplable and unmisabe match, with Cryme Tyme comming out with the gold after Shad pinned Matt Hardy

Main EVent

Finlay getting the pin on Edge
2008-09-05 18:32:51 UTC
Evan Bourne, Kane, Beth, AJ Styles, Tommy Dreamer, Hardys, Taker
Notorious Xtreme
2008-09-05 18:09:13 UTC
Evan Bourne, Kane, Beth, AJ Styles, Dreamer, The Hardys, Undertaker. 10.10 Great Show.What i feel well the tell you the truth he not best gm i ever seen he suck at gm but i think he is 5% of good gm in a fews years he be like 40 or 50% of good gm
2008-09-05 17:04:29 UTC
Evan bourne wins after gregory does a superplex off a ladder to jamie noble onto brian kendrick lying on the floor, Evan bourne quickly jumps to the top rope, jumps again onto the top of the ladder and gets the belt, new champion!

Kane did the chokeslam on joe, but then taker came out while the ref was knocked out, and does a tombstone , joe rolls over and covers kane while the ref suddenly stood up. samoe joe wins and new champ!

Beth totally dominates the entire match and wins it EASILY. and retains the gold.

AJ styles climbs the cage while morrisons on the floor, but when styles was almost there up the cage, Morrison faked it and came back up, stands on the top rope and does a huge powerbomb on styles and morrison gets the win.

The miz hits the reality check on raven! but then tommy dreamer was lying on the floor, miz goes for cover, but sabu came outta nowhere and attacked the miz from behind and does a top rope moonsault using a steel chair. then tommy dreamer gets up, and hits the DDT to the miz on the steel steps, tommy wins the hardcore belt.

Matt hardy did a twist of fate on cody rhodes, but then jeff did a swanton and goes for the cover, HBK sweet chin musics matt, and matt lands on jeff after a long 2 count, then HBK pinned matt for the win.

Kurt angle goes to the top rope to try to do a elbow drop on taker, edge came outta nowhere and spears kurt outta the ring onto the concrete floor, but finlay uses a shileily or whatever that is, hits edge with it, and throws edge outta the ring, but taker walked up, a chokeslam on finlay, but kane came out and did hit a steel chair on taker, then chokeslamming him onto the chair, finlay rolls for the cover and gets the 3 count for the win with the help of kane! NEW CHAMPION.

great show
2008-09-05 20:28:40 UTC
1. Gregory Helms has everything going his way. Even Bourne and Jamie Noble are knocked out outside the ring. He then nails his finisher on Brian kendrick as he is going for the belt rey mysterio runs to the ring and knocks him off the ladder. Kendrick set up the ladder and grabs the belt

Winner and new champ (Kendrick)

2. Kane and Joe are fighting outside the ring. The ref counts to ten a count out so kane retains. But they are still brawling up the ramp kane goes for a chokeslam onto the ramp but Joe reverses it and spears the champ.

Winner and still champ ( Kane )

3. Beth Phenoix goes for her finisher she irsh whips meliana into the corner she then goes to give her a super kick but melina dodges and Beth's leg hits the ring post hard. Meliana works on the leg and buts beth into a submission move. Beth is in alot of pain she taps out

Winner and New champ (Meliana)

4. John Morrison Picks up the win after shane mcmahon interferes.

(After thee match shane picks up the mic he says that he feels that this superstar should stay on his show because he has big plans for him and that superstar is rey mysterio) Both Mysterio and Steph are furious over the pick.

6.Tommy dreamer really wants to win this match he is really fired up he goes after the miz with a chair. He goes for the pin but the miz kicks out after a 2 count. Dreamer then turns around and gets speared by Raven. 1-2-3 its over (after the match the lights go out and they come back on and sting is standing infront of raven he nails him with a guitar.) he then pins raven

New Hardcore Champ (Sting)

7. Cryme tyme steals a win over Priceless as shad picks up the win by pinning Cody Rhodes Dx and the hardy's are mad that they didn't win both the hardy's and dx nail cryme tyme with chairs.

8.Edge ( sorry this last one is short i have to go )
2008-09-06 06:10:39 UTC
Event #1

Evan Bourne

Event #2


Event #3


Event #4

John Morrison

Event #6


Event #7

The Hardy's

Main Event

The Undertaker

rating. 10/10

WQ. I don't really like the idea!
2008-09-05 16:59:23 UTC
wq: cool

join this e fed make your own wretler talk in the chatbox cut your own promo ect

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.