Amazing Red or Evan Bourne + ESWF Judgment!!?
2010-03-11 16:15:34 UTC
Tonight we have a great show for all you fans tonight. First off, we will determine two new champions tonight when 6 men battle it out to determine the first ESWF Rising Star Champion and three dominant divas also battle it out to determine the first ESWF Knockout's Champion. And tonight, a new member of the Main Event Mafia will join Hardcore Hak in a tag team match to determine the new #1 Contenders for the ESWF Undisputed Tag Team Championships. Also, we will have our Pure World and X Division Champions, WBHF and SSP(MEM), the on the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, PHBK and URKO. And last, we have our main event. Deadman 4 Life takes on a mystery opponent.. A superstar that no one would imagine in an ESWF ring. Who is it that'll make their one night special appearance? Stay tuned to see the results to this phenomenal episode of Judgment tomorrow night!

Match 1 - Battle Royale to determine the first ESWF "Rising Star" Champion: The Don vs Siberian Wolverine vs King Cliff vs Kawaji vs Bio Hazard vs Amazing X

Match 2 - #1 Contender's Match for the ESWF Undisputed Tag Team Championships: Hardcore Hak vs ?(MEM) vs Straight Edge Punk and Jordan

Match 3 - #1 Contender's Match for the ESWF X Division Championship: Dark Demon vs Christian #1 Peep

Match 4: Undertaker Y2J vs Crazy Mother Punker

Match 5 - Knockout's Championship Match: Ms.Lol vs Sandy vs Kendra Shamez

Match 6 - Champions vs Champions: WBHF and SSP(MEM) vs PHBK and URKO

Main Event: Deadman 4 Life vs ?
21 answers:
Rock N' Wrestling Connection
2010-03-13 04:48:26 UTC
Don't give a fúck

Don't give a fúck


CMP (Noob tuber)


Chris-O and whoever

Don't give a fúck


*Till I Collapse plays around the arena as the fans jump to their seats*

I can't take it anymore I just fúcking can't!! To end the surprise D4L's opponent is nobody other than Rock N' Wrestling Connection!! That's right the Proud Pinoy would be in ESWF again for one night. I remember the last time I was here. I faced another ESWF legend TLL. It was a great match and now RNW again would be in the ring and compete. I'm a Hall of Famer here in ESWF and I am known as a big name in the efed world and here in ESWF it's no different. The management should be greatful that I'm here. Hell they should be happy I'm here talking to their fans in the first place. But it's nice to be here again seeing some of my old friends backstage. But now business is business. I'm here simply because my assets is just a little frozen so I need some financial support. And ESWF begged for me to have a one night apperance to make the show entertaining. So I did I went here to wrestle for the big paycheque and of course to bring sexayness here in ESWF. Now that I'm here who do I face? Will it be my old tag team partner TRE? Or another ESWF legend The Dragon? Or some fággot named PHBK? No I face someone that I don't know anything about and someone who's known to be a great wrestler here in ESWF-Deadman 4 Life

D4L are you even surprised that RNW's coming here in ESWF is so hyped? Come on we had been in about 5 efeds together and you should know by now that when RNW comes in an efed he don't plan on just being there to be a squash jobber. I'm here in ESWF to dominate but of course I have too much on my plate so a one night appearance would be appropriate. D4L you say that I should expect to lose to you? Really D4L you're just fúcked up a little too much. D4L if you don't know it by now I'm the best wrestler that you can ever be in the ring with. I'm not debuting here in ESWF I'm just going to spread wisdom to that ring. I'm going to teach you how it's done D4L. I'm not going against one of the best I'm going against another victim of the Bítchez Paradise. If I ever decide to be a full-time ESWF wrestler then D4L expect every Judegement to be a hell for you.

Just a promo only kayfabe

RNW don't watch wrestling no more
WBHF (Fed Account)
2010-03-12 22:35:50 UTC
Just when you think you have figured the Mafia out I pull another Ace out my sleeve and I have another member lined up just like I did before. The Main Event Mafia already has 2 Champions, The Don will become the 3rd tonight when he walks out as the Rising Stars Champion. When Hardcore Hak and his partner who's name I will keep a secret a little but longer win their match they will be in line for the Tag Team Championship against the men SSP and I will weaken up tonight. That will make everyone of us Champions. At that point we will prove that we are exactly what we have said we are, the most dominant team in Fed History.

Shooting STELLAR Press is not only my tag team partner, but he is my Protege. When I retire from professional wrestling he is the one that will carry out my legacy. PHBK and URKO, you chumps can't compete with us. We have the entire Main Event Mafia behind us. There is a reason that I have held countless titles throughout Y!A if just about every fed. I won this Pure World Title not once but twice because of strength and dedication. SSP is not a fluke X-Division Champion. He has defended that title every time he has been asked to do so and every time he has done it successfully. There is nothing you chumps can do to have a chance in hell against us! When the Main Event Mafia Speaks, You Had Better Listen!!

1: The Don

2: MEM

3: MEM (We win Every Match, even when we arn't in it)

4: MEM

5: MEM

6: ------------------------------------------------------------------

Main Event: MEM
Shooting STELLAR Press (MISAWA)
2010-03-12 03:56:26 UTC
Can't choose. Both of them are equally entertaining.


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's STELLAR!!! (heat) Yes, people. IT'S ME. Love me or leave me, kiss me or kill me, Shooting Stellar Press is here to stay. And if you Philistines think a couple of weeks off the radar means I've turned tail and ran, then guess what? YOU'RE WRONG. I am a living, breathing wrestling machine. My life is my sport. I will never stop wrestling and nothing, not even death can stop me. My commitment to this great sport is second to none, which is more than I can say for you amateurs at the back.

So considering all this, in all the time I've been committing suicide weekly just for your sick kicks, how come I have never gotten any respect from... well... ANY of you? (pause) Oh, wait. I remember. YOU SUCK! You have a living, breathing modern-day legend in me right under your noses and you people are too dense to see anything. You go on your desktops and fight your petty little internet wars about "who's the better wrestler", and the ironic thing is only a fraction of a fraction of you have any real idea what a GREAT WRESTLER is!

But you know what? It's okay. I haven't come out here simply to denigrate each and every one of you--although you're all so damn lucky I don't have things my way. Because you're the customer and I'm the employee and unfortunately I'm still beholden to all of you. So as such I will REMIND you what a "great wrestler" is. And tonight, I and WBHF will remind PHBK and URKO that no matter how great they think they are, there will always be someone who is infinitely better.

You're welcome.
2010-03-11 18:36:23 UTC
Both are great, I personally like Evan better

Match 1: SW

Match 2: HSM and ?

Match 3: Dark Demon's #1 Peep

Match 4: CMP

Match 5: Ms Sandy Shamez lol

Match 6: MEM

Main Event: ------------------


So, I guess my opponent is getting pretty highly hyped up right now, isn't he? A mystery opponent, who no one ever expected to be in this ring? Hell, is that supposed to scare me? I don't care who you are, how great you think you are, or what kind of a legend you might be. You get in that ring with me, no matter how shocking your debut is, you better be prepared to lose because that's exactly what's going to happen to you.

You're debuting straight into the main event, against one of the best ever to set foot in here. This isn't arrogance, these are facts. I know it, you know it, and all these fans know it. You may have high hopes for your debut, hoping that you'll be able to make an impact, but if you honestly think you can do that at MY expense, then you're in for a little shock of your own. Because that sure as hell isn't happening. No, whether you requested this match or it was pure bad luck, your debut is going to end in disaster tonight. Because new or not, I'm not showing any mercy.

Welcome to ESWF. . .

(Promo holds no disrespect for anyone)


Hahahahaha! RNW! YOU'RE the mystery person? Well then, I guess I don't have to worry at all about my match tonight! Because, let me think here - have you ever managed to defeat me yet? Have you once managed to get the victory, self proclaimed great wrestler that you are? Let me answer that for you: No. And you know why? Because no matter how good you think you, in reality, you're simply not. You're simply not as good as I am, nor will you ever be. I don't really give a damn how hyped up you are, because that's all you will ever be - hype. Trust me RNW, you're not getting the win, and your hopes and prospects of being the top dog on Judgement are going to go up in flames. Because tonight, I shatter your dreams, and maybe even your bones, ending your career here before it even started.

(Promo still holds no disrespect for anyone)
2010-03-11 17:39:38 UTC
**The arena's lights dim, when suddenly Kendra Shamez is shown in the titantron. Kendra is seen sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, with a cocky smirk on her face**

Hello, ESWF universe.. As you all MUST know, I'm Kendra Shamez. And as you can see I have a match against Sandy, and Ms. LOL for the Knockouts championship. I over heard Sandy saying some stuff about me.. Sandy Sandy Sandy.. You naive little girl. The person you should be most worried about in our match is me. You know why? Because I'm the best at what I do, and I can easily drag your nasty, disgusting hair all over that ring. I've beaten the best, no way in hell I'll ever be defeated by a pathetic waste of space a.k.a YOU. Ehem.. now that that's all said and done.. Now on to my next opponent.. Ms. LOL.. Haha, just by looking at your face, and ring skills make me wanna "LMAO" Haha. How pathetic really. Can't even come up with a decent ring name. Honestly, I feel insulted that you two little girls take me as a rookie. Like if I were an amateur in the Wrestling world. I've been in e-feds for almost two years. You think I don't know how this game is played? You two are so wrong, it's sad and entertaining at the same time. All I have to say right now, is just watch in our match.. and try to learn a thing or two..

**Kendra is about to get up and leave, but stops, sits down and get's close to the camera...**

Sandy.. "El Oh El".. Just remember these wise.. wise words.. Kendra Shamez.. is 1000x better than YOU. Don't like it? Oooh, too bad.. life isn't fair so just deal with it you little pu$$y's.. haha

WQ: Evan Bourne (:
2010-03-11 16:37:02 UTC

Straight Edge Punk and Jordan

Dark Demon

Crazy Mother Punker




PROMO: Tonight is the night that all of you witness Kawajai step into an ESWF ring. And how is that important? It is important because I am the greatest wrestler who's ever lived and all of you failures will find that out faster than you can say NEW RISING STAR CHAMPION! Then everyone will bask in my successes. Bask in my glory. And I know you all want to. You all want to because I am the only thing you can look forward to in life. You all know you're going nowhere and I am your only hope. That's right. Every minute of every hour of every day of every week. You yearn for me. I am the only thing that makes you feel good. I am the reason for the skyrocketing revenue. And I am certainly the reason you tune into ESWF Judgement. And once I defeat all of my "opponents" tonight, you all will find another way to tune into this show. The first reason is Kawajai. And the second reason is Kawajai with some gold around his waist. Listen to me when I talk. Watch me when I wrestle. Because you're gonna want to tell your kids, your grand kids, your great-grand kids, and the rest of your dysfunctional family that YOU WITNESSED HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!!
Berry in the Box
2010-03-13 01:46:16 UTC

"Rising Star that's the most suitable word for those who are still on a way rase themselves but when it comes to someone superior like My Self than the Word Rising appears very small and believe The Don when he says that he's far superiro than those low lifes in this match..that means The Don is already an established star but than again a title is a title and all of the titles on Judgement belongs to one place and that place is Main Event Mafia..MEM already have two Champions and after tonight one more title is going to be added on the Title Case of MEM...

Now shall we waste our times on someone like Loser Wolfie,The Monkey Cliffie or likes of Fart Hazard or Porno X..well let me tell you something Brother The Don has no respect nor any hate for the likes of you but Wolfy even without MEM's help The Don is indeed the biggest threat for you or anyone else who is dreaming to be the champ..You will always gonna find The Don blocking your path cause as an Enforcer of MEM its his job to erase all kind of threats for MEM and MEM's titles..these title can go inside the MEM Locker room but there is no exit door for titles from MEM so stop dreaming and think about surviving..its MEM's show and Wolfie its hunting time,you can shout like an idiot I ll Tear you Bla Bla but in the end its you who will hunted by the Hunters of Judgement known as Main Event Mafia.

For Cliffie..well The Don wants to say Cliff is on the top..The Don kicks his assss and now Cliff is down to the Cliff..

No words for the likes of Porno X and Fart Hazard cause its ******** PG and The Don can't be Vulgar to both of you so allow the great one to teach all of you about your places..

Believe the HYPE"

1: MEM/The Don

2: MEM

3: MEM (We win Every Match, even when we arn't in it)

4: MEM

5: MEM

6: MEM

Main Event: MEM
2010-03-12 13:20:30 UTC
Amazing X

SEP and Jordan







*C1P stands at the entrance ramp, ready to address the audience*.

ESWF Management really pulled out a gooden tonight, putting me C1P, the next X Division Champion, in a number 1 contenders match against........I'm sorry who?......Dark Demon?.......who in the hell is he?.......wait hes new?....Ohhhhhh thats why Ive never heard of him, can't be any good then can he?

*C1P walks forward, enters the ring and sits on the top turnbuckle*

Look here Demon, I am so far out of your league, you dont wanna know how far below mine you actually are, and if you actually think you can beat me tonight, then you've gone another thing coming. The X Division is MY division, and I know how to run it well, and I know how to run it succesfully. When I beat you tonight, it will send a clear cut message to SSP that I am coming for his title, and that I wont be going down without a fight.

So if your ready Demon, let me make you welcome in ESWF, and send you down the road to the 'Future Endevours' list.

*C1P throws the mic up the ramp, gearing for Demons entrance*
вℓα¢к мαѕк яєѕυяяє¢тє∂
2010-03-11 22:04:58 UTC
( I am hardcore Hak )


First off how many cm punk wannabes are around here we gotta funking punk we got a crazy mother punker and tonight i one of my opponets is a Straightedge punk wow i should hop on my high horse and get the hell out off here ohhhhhh so intermediating psshhhh i caught that fool smoking a cigerette and drinking beer last night so dont fall for his straightedge crap haha. And we got a jordan wow son is that best you can come up with there kid come on now managment give me alittle more credit here people there hasnt been one jordan in my entire lifetime that could hang with the hardcore maniac the list of jordans ive beaten the hell out of go on and on ill be proud to add this jordan to that list of weak jordans. Tonight me and my mystery partner will mop the floor with those 2 worthless an talentless superstars and i sure hope the champions are better then those goobers or there in for a world of trouble and those titles are as good as ours and will prove once again why the MEM is the most dominate force in ESWF and all of professional wrestling we are the kings of kings and we are going to rule all your sorry skinny lil azzes but tonight Straightedge wannabe punk and jordan(haha) you better give it your all because your in world of hurt and last chance to get gold and get laid will end with failure just like your entire lives have been so suggest you just move right on out of here and just award us the damn match because you dont stand chance you can try but you will fall.
The Legend Of Fallen Diablo
2010-03-12 06:16:40 UTC
Promo:*Fallen Diablo is seen in a hospital*It's been over 2 months when am I supposed to get back in the ring?I don't give a fck about that assault TFP and Charlie had apon me I want back in that damn ring!The Inferno fans want ME!

Doctor:I guess you didn't hear the news,Diablo.You are on the Judgement roster now.

FD:Well look mister smart-fan decided to talk to me.Look Doc when can I get back in the rig?

Doctor:Very soon Diablo,very soon.

FD:Very soon?I want NOW not "very soon",you've been saying this since Unforgiven!

Doctor:Yes but I didn't expect such a fast healing to be honest

FD:I'm a king Doctor.I'm the greatest man who ever lived.Of course you didn't expect it because you won't ever see someone as good as me.So I am on Judgement right?Well Dragon the Pure World champion better get ready because I am coming for your title!

Doctor:Dragon retired,Diablo.Apparently he is going to lead the HoF class.The new Pure World champ is WBHF

FD:You gotta be fcking kidding me.I was so hyped about getting in a ESWF ring back to have a real challenge and now you tell me about WBHF.Whatever...

*FD gets out of the bed*

Doctor:What the fck are you doing Diablo??

FD:Training.Can't you see?

Doctor:Well yes but..

FD:Then shut your mouth!Judgement,Fallen Diablo will be back very soon so better get ready for a challenge of your life!


1.The Don




5.Sandy cause no one can surpass her level of greatness

6.WBHF and SSP

7.D4L cause I know who ? is
2010-03-11 19:17:14 UTC
Im sleepy...


The don

SEP and Jordan

Dark Demon






I have to face some fools tonight...Some wannabe wrestler named SSP or whatever the hell his name is.WBHF is his partner...This company must be failing so hard, especially to have put moi in a match against those losers.PHBK and me will easily take care and wipe the floor with these sad attempts of human beings.

WBHF someone who i've never faced, but i plan on taking him down, just as easily as i took down his girlfriend last night.She really was a freak...Still she told me something about you...That your afraid of something.WBHF you have a phobia, and your afraid of me!Something that i'm not surprised of to hear about at all, just look at yourself in the mirror.I'm the most handsome, talented, and richest wrestler here in ESWF.While your just some redneck boy who hopes he can beat me.You can't even stand a whistle against me, just admit to yourself tonight that you have no chance of beating me.

SSP...I've never seen you before, i guess that's because your not worth my time of course your not though.So don't try to impress yourself, and get your hopes up to high thinking you can beat me.I think more than likely you're gonna be pissing your pants backstage.I don't have much to say about you...Insults are wasted on pu$$ys such as yourself, so i won't waste my time on that one.Not much you can say about yourself actually
Sandy [E-Fed Version]
2010-03-11 17:05:29 UTC

This is it, you crazy Sandy-maniacs out there..!! I'm going at it tonight in a Triple Threat Match for the newly acquired title: The Knockout's Championship..! You know, since I made my debut in ESWF, I knew I'd make an impact in this company, but that real electrifying moment hasn't happened yet.. However, I except the complete opposite tonight, with it being that I will become the new and first ever ESWF Knockout's Champion..! I mean, lemme take a look here at my opponents.. Ehem ehem, Kendra Shamez, someone that I am indifferent towards.. I don't know your title history -- that is if you even have a "title history", so yeah, I am not wasting my time on you.. Then we have Ms. LOL.. Dear Ms. LOL -- I can't really take you serious with that ridiculous name, BTW, but anywho, it's a new year, a new ESWF, with new owners, and because of that, I'mma treat you Ms. LOL like you're new to me.. You see, at this point right now, you are so meaningless to me that I have no idea if we've wrestled before or not, so yeah, expect me to break your jaw in half..! With all these short but beautiful words I take my leave, because I gotta get ready for my match.. But one last thing, you incompetent fellow girls, I advice you to pray that I take it easy on both of you, because I'm back and better than ever, and I will do anything that is in my hands to win that title -- whether I gotta use my Sandeinstein powers to do the most intelligent of moves, or bring out the Hulk monster that I have inside :)..!"..


Match 5: Obviously Sandy.. No one can surpass my level of greatness ;)..


*Right before the Knockout's match is about to start, the interviewer catches up to Sandy while she's warming up*..

Interviewer: "Sandy, after hearing what Kendra Shamez and Ms. LOL had to say, has it affected you mentally..?"..

Sandy: *giggles* "Haha, what kind of question is that..!?" Ok well now that everyone's attention is on me, will you all please listen up..! -- makes pause --..

Kendra, you were very right.. I actually underestimated you and haven't aknowledged the fact that you are a legend in here.. I apologize, because I am sure you're one hell of a competitor;; as a matter of fact, between you, me, and the whole world, I'd rather face you in a single's match for the championship than in a Triple Threat Match, simply because Ms. LOL sucks..

Now Ms. Laugh Out Loud, you keep bringing up a lot of my "outside recreational activities" a lot.. Haha, you say I suck too much dïck..? Well Ms. Tranny, you're just mad because I haven't suck yours or never will.. If I'm dissing myself, I'm dissing you too, because I know the little secret that hides inside your pants.. Honey, I might suck a lot, but I would never go as low with you.. Yeah, you talk too much about me because you're a Tranny Lesbo in love with the one and only Sandy, but you're nasty looking, so don't trip.. Actually though, I'm curious, how long -- errr, excuse me -- how SHORT is your dïck..? 5 cm..? 4 cm..? 1 cm..? Haha, you stupid tranny, after I beat you tonight, I'mma go to Wal-Mart and buy you some Viagra, so in case you ever have an erection your tiny dïck can go up to 2 cm and not look like a little bug dangling between your balls..!"..

*The interviewer is speechless, and Sandy leaves the room*..
Dark Demon
2010-03-12 15:34:18 UTC

Team SEP


Crazy Mother Undertaker Y2J Fan



promo:so my very first match in Judgement is against...C1P,you are joking right?this guy?i am insulted by ESWF management,i mean why i am in a number one contenders match for the X Division against C1P off all people,i mean,i why am in a number 1 contenders match,i should already be facing SSP for the title,i shouldn't have to be in this match,but that's ok,i will get to end C1P,so there's some fun in that,i mean,it's not like this guy has a chance in beating me,C1P,you won't beat me,you can fool yourself into thinking that you will but i learned a long time ago,that thinking gets you nowhere,thinking is easy to do,anybody can think,but it's harder to do that action,it's harder to do that,C1P,you can do all the thinking in the world,it won't help you.

C1P,i have no remorse,no care to what i do to my opponents,i torture people for fun,i hurt them for a living,C1P,your life now hangs in my hands,i can choose to do whatever i like to,break your neck,rip your eyes out,mame and managle you,C1P,it's all a nightmare for you,Maybe just maybe you will realize that tonight in our match,when i beat the living hell out off you,Rip your flesh,Shatter your soul.

C1P,your doom is now in sight,soon to be here,soon you will left in a puddle of blood,broken bones,shattered souls,lost in a world of pain and misery,with no way out,You C1P,stand in MY way of getting a shot at the x divison title,that is not good C1P,poor you,poor you and your faith,good C1P,you will need it......
Bourne Better(UY)
2010-03-12 11:04:23 UTC
Promo: Crazy Mother Punker? Really? I returned to ESWF for this? I have half a mind to go in, and complain to management. Complaints aside, CMP, tonight, you step in the ring, with a two time, two time, ESWF undisputed champion, people can imitate me, but NO one cane duplicate me.

But enough about me, CMP, see ya in the ring, well, I'll be there, will you?


Hardcore Hak

Dark Demon




I have a good idea who the mystery opponent is, I'll go with him.
♥мѕ ℓσℓ♥
2010-03-11 18:02:39 UTC
*All the lights are off in the arena. The lights suddenly give off a pink spotlight which goes down to the centre of the ring where Ms.Lol is sitting on a pink steel chair.*

Ms.Lol- Pathetic, hopeless, lonely, mischievous, arrogant for no good reason, classless, trash bag he.. In case all of you slow, sickening looking, unintelligent numb skulled fools couldn’t figure it out, I am referring to that Skank in the back Sandy.. Sandy you like to run your mouth, but you can’t talk the talk quite like you think you can. Talking is nothing anyways it is all about walking the walk Sandy, which you cannot do either!! Sandy you did you honestly say I am new to you.. perhaps you don’t understand that I am a one time Starlet Champion for a reason, and I was voted Best Knockout of 2009. Obviously you have been living under a rock or just sucking to much cock too notice. Sandy, you say that you can’t take me seriously..

*Ms.Lol stands up from her chair..*

Ms.Lol- My name is laughable to you, why shouldn’t it be.. after all my name is Ms.Lol. It is funny right.. LAUGH OUT LOUD. But Sandy you will soon realize that it is only FUNNY TO ME!! Sandy, I always get the last laugh babe, what to know why.. because I am always the last one standing with my hand raised up high. While you are in your most famous position flat on your back, I’m on my feet being named the winner. Sandy, I am the best of the best and I don’t really care what you think of me.. your opinion has no significance to me.. it doesn’t matter in the slightest bit to myself.. Sandy I am well aware that you exist.. I assume you are some punishment to somebody in the world, but regardless, your punishment for existence is going to be me pounding the snot out of you.. as I drag you by your hairs across this ring and WITHOUT MERCY BEAT YOU TO WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR PATHETIC LIFE. Sandy, I am the Starlet of 2009 for a reason because more people voted for me than for you and everyone else.. Sandy I am better than you ever can be and you’re just jealous.

Frankly I think you have a right to be jealous though. I mean not everyone can be as perfect as myself, but Sandy when you are crying out in pain tonight just for one single moment remember it’s not your fault. I was born perfection. I don’t make errors.. I am FLAWLESS.. and I will be the Knockouts Champion by the end of the night, once I knock you out.. if only it could be forever.. but sadly not all my wishes and desires come true.. Skandy you may think that nobody is perfect.. but nobody is me.. and I am perfection.. end of story. Tonight when I force myself to look at you and that hideous creature ..what ever the hell it’s name is ..Kenny .. I will beat you.. one of you.. I don’t give a damn which but you can bet your classless HE Bag Self that you both will suffer in great pain because of your truly..

Sandy you said you don’t know me.. I personally don’t want to know a HE like you because I only associate myself with the best.. but let me introduce myself.. I’m Ms.Lol I may seem laughable and funny but ***** I’m your worst effing NIGHTMARE!!

*Ms.Lol throws a pink marble and disappears in a puff of pink smoke..*
2010-03-11 16:26:36 UTC
Amazing Red.
A7X > Slipknot FoREVer
2010-03-11 17:30:39 UTC
1.SW,thanks a lot for putting me in the match for the ESWF rising star title.





6.WBHF and SSP


Promo:Yes yes yes,finally I have gotten my big chance to make a name for myself.Finally,I have a chance to prove myself.Tonight I am in a 6 man title match,to become the FIRST ESWF Rising Star title.And I would like to say that,IM excited as hell!Im pumped,im ready for this match.This title might not mean a lot to many people,but it means the world to me.This is the first step in my career to becoming one of the biggest name in wrestling history,to becoming the next G Bear or Psycho Dude,to becoming the ESWF world champion.Now,this match really doesnt pose any threat at all to me,none at all.They are all,well I dont like to use this word,but they are like,in another league then me,people call me a rookie,but these guys,like have their own level,and this level is below rookie,I dont know what they call it.I only have ONE person out of 5 that pose any threat at all,and thats Rondald McDONald.He is the only threat,as he is a member of the MOM or whatever they call it.But all jokes set aside,he is trully the only person thats not on that bottom level,he is on the rookie level,and his star power here in ESWF is equal to mine,in a way.But lets talk about the other "Rising Stars" or should I say "Wasted spot holders",AKA all my other opponents minus Donny.Their is this guy,he thinks he is apparently a king of something,but to tell you the truth,he looks more like a girl to me,I think he should really be Queen Cliff,but im not checking,I guess that loser can be as gender confused as he wants,after this match im on to bigger and better things.Then theirs that Jamaican,or is he Mexican?Well I dont care,I call him a fat S.O.B.He is not a "rising star" he will be gone from the wrestling industry in 3 weeks tops,he is not determined on wrestling,hell I wouldnt be surprised if I saw Kawaji as a clown at one of my son's birthday parties.Kawaji,after this match,im gonna kick your foreign @** all the way back to Jamaica. Then theirs Bio Hazzard,ugh,he is so ugly it hurts.He is so gay,they should really call him Bi Hazzard,I see why he likes and tries wrestling,1 he likes to see buff men without shirts on that are all oily,he likes to "wrestle" them,he likes the sensation,and it is a good place to find men.It makes me sick,he should not be allowed to hang out in the men lockeroom,I now have to drive all the way home to take a shower,because I aint taking any chances now backstage with that gay menace walking around.I could rant on all day,but lets cut the chat about him,and move to my next opponent.Amazing X,why the hell would he talk about his X girlfriend,who is not that amazing,trust me she is a little fat,but she was the only chick that would actually date this nerd.Now he is all lonely,because his girlfriend dumped him,because she decided that death would be better than having to continue to date that guy,it was ruining her reputation,which was already bad.But,thats enough about my unimpressive opponents,besides Don.To all my opponents,IM GONNA EAT YOU ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xena ♥
2010-03-11 16:37:08 UTC
♥ jack evans 630 phoenix

evans vs sydal (bourne)

props to red tho
bigjohn B
2010-03-11 16:19:38 UTC
This category is for sports. A sport by definition requires that the conclusion be in doubt. Why not just go to entertainment where this stuff belongs.
Justin's Aliveorjustbreathing
2010-03-11 17:24:12 UTC
Bio Hazard

SEP and Jordan





2010-03-11 16:39:02 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.