2009-11-16 21:12:34 UTC
Nelisto is in the ring.
Nelisto: I will have a hard to to talk because of what The Revolution did to me. They savagely beat me and Beast King did the worst thing to me, he made me choke on my own blood. I hate to say this but I will not let it set me down from bringing my own X-Team together. If you want to join the X-Team then come down to the ring.
Elite, Jercholic, and Destroyer walk down to the ring.
Elite: Nelisto your trying to make a group that already has been made.
Destroyer: You see, we are here to defy The Revolution because they ate pothetic liars who want to rid YAHF of thier problems not ours.
Jercholic: We are not the bad guys but the ones speaking the truth. They are all abusing thier powers and making each other champions but no more will we allow them to do it.
Nelisto: Well, what is this little group of your called?
Elite: We are formly known as The Impact Players so are you in our out.
Nelisto: Of course im in but who else is in it but use four?
Elite: The group is made up of Rated R John, Psycho Dude, Double XX, Nelisto, Destroyer, Jercholic and Elite.
Beast Kings music hits.
Beast King: Well, there is finally a group that can challenge us but have you forgot, We are in my hometown of Miami. I am making sure I am making an impact so Tonight it will be Beast King vs Elite.
SH comes to Beast King side.
SH: Well, also tonight it will be Poncho, SH, Ace D, and Adam Streets vs Jercholic, Nelisto, Rated R John, and Destroyer.
Miss Murder vs Destiny Heat.
Pawan the Giant and Andrew the Answer King vs Doubler XX.
The Revolution(Poncho, SH, Ace D, and Adam Streets) vs Impact Player(Jercholic, Nelisto, Rated R John, and Destroyer).
Elite vs Beast King.