2010-06-24 18:06:44 UTC
Match 3: Special Guest Ref- Prasdana
Kawajai vs. King Cliff
As the match began. they locked up then Kawajai knee'd Cliff and threw him into the ring post. Then Kawajai sucker punches Prasdana. It knocks down Prasdana and kawajai rolls pit of the ring. Kawajai grabs the EWA championship from the timekeeper. Kawajai walks out of the match. Prasdana gets back up and Disqualify kawajai. This is the second time, is kawajai scared?
Winner: King Cliff by DQ in 1:12
Match 4: A special attraction
Jackie Chan&Jaden Smith vs. Amazing Adam
Chan enters the ring first while Adam claps slowly. Chan takes a deep breathe and circles Adam. Adam plays along and ciricles Chan. They stop and Adam fakes a few punches, but Chan doesn't move. Adam makes Chan back up then Chan's back touches the ropes and Chan goes for a series of fast strikes but Adam jukes them and escapes the ring. Jaden taunts Adam. Adam slowly gets back in the ring. They stare at eachother again.Then Adam goes for a series of straight jabs but they are blocked or juked by Chan.Then Adam gets a jab at Chan. Then they trade fast shots but Adam gets the most of it. Then Chan legsweeps Adam and elbows him in the face.Chan backs up and tag Jaden Smith. Adam gets up and smiles as he has a bloody nose. Jaden gets into a stance as Adam looks down at him.Adam shoves him and walks away taunting the crowd. Then Adam turns around and meets a big kick! A jumping sidekick from jadem Smith. Adam stops for a moment and tries to hide the pain. Suddenly Adam throws a bunch of hooks and kicks but jaden all blocks them. Jaden connects a dropkick to the knee of Adam knocking him down on his knees. Then Jaden hits a huge spinning heel kick. Adam's face looks like he just got hit by Chuck Liddel. Jaden tags in chan. Chan picks up Adam but then Adam low blows Chan and goes for the pin. 1.........2.......3!
Winner: Amazing Adam in 4:54
After the match Jaden steps in the ring, and gets into a snake stance. Then from behind of Adam, Moon came in and hit Adam with brass knuckles. Moon holds Adam down on his knees.
(The kick)- Jaden quickly turns around and does a backflip 540 kick to the temple of Adam. It completely knocks Adam out as he falls to the canvas. Moon picks up Jackie Chan and we head to commercial.
Main Event: Tables Match
Kid Skills vs. Notorious Xtreme
They go for a lockup but NX instead knees skills. NX irish whips Skills but Skills counters and clothelines NX. Skills connected a measured punch and then clotheslining NX out of the ring. Skills exits the ring and throws NX into the ringpost. Skills grabs a table and sets it up near the steel steps. They both stand on the steel steps. Skills goes for a suplex off of the steps onto the table. Skills lifts NX but NX slips from behind and pulls Skills leg making him hit the steel steps. NX rams Skills into the ring back first. Skills rolls in the ring as NX brings in a table and sets it up in the corner. NX irish whips Skills but he holds onto the ropes. NX instead kicks Skills in the gut. NX then hit a springboard kick. NX gets back up and connects a few strikes and kicks. NX bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Skills throws him over the top rope. NX hangs on as there is a table behind him. The two trade shots. NX struggles to hang on. Then NX slips under Skills's legs. NX bounces off the rope but meets an spinebuster. Skills brings in another table and puts it near the corner. Skills brings NX to that corner and throws NX's head into the turnbuckle. Then Skills puts NX on the top rope and goes for a super suplex but NX stops it and kicks Skills. Skills falls onto the table but not breaking it. Then.......SWANTON BOMB!!!! Skills breaks the table as NX captures the victory.
Winner: Notorious Xtreme in 7:23
After the match Risky comes from behind with his title and smacks NX with it. Then Risky picks up NX and powerbombs him into the table in the corner. Risky get the mic and tells NX that he has created his own hell.
Here is EWA Boiling Point confirmed card.
-EWA Championship: King Cliff vs. Prasdana vs. Kawajai
-EWA World Championship in Havoc in a Cell: Notorious Xtreme vs. Risky Business
-First Blood: Adam moon vs. Amazing Adam
-King of EWA Final: Rob Morrison vs. Jack Hunter
-Cm Punk, Straight Edge John,Luke Gallows,Masked man vs. The Don, Hitch Hiker,Shaun Cold,??
btw Amazing Adam go see that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!