2009-07-12 15:14:33 UTC
nwwefed.co.nr NEW WAVE WRESTLING!! Putting the New Wave in pro wrestling. tired of your boring old wrestling e-fed? looking for something....newer? Want something with fair GM's? Well then NWW is the right place!! We have 2 awesome GM's and a roster full of awesome people! You need to be above 11 (or mature enough to be able to handle a loss and not spam).
If you could spend the whole day with a wrestler who it would it be? and what would you do?
What's your favorite aerial finisher? (turnbuckle)
What's your favorite ground finisher? (normal finisher[rko,pedigree ect.])
If you could but WWE back in the attitude era would you?
IF you could bring back 1 superstar to the prime of their career who would it be? (released or dead doesn't matter)