Rate my wrestlemania 25 (out of 5) and also pick your winners?
K.Patelâ„¢ - The Legendary Leftie
2009-01-01 02:20:40 UTC
MITB- Mr.Kennedy vs Finlay vs The Miz vs John Morrison vs Hurricane Helms vs Tommy dreanmer vs Rey Mysterio

Who is Barrack Obama? match- R Truth vs Kofi Kingston

Intercontinental title- CM Punk (C) vs William Regal

ECW title- Matt Hardy (C) vs Finlay vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger

WWE title - Triple h (C) vs Umaga(he has returned and won the rumble)

WH title- John Cena (C) vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho

Main Event- HBK vs The Undertaker spl referee Ric Flair and if HBK looses he is out of wwe
Eleven answers:
2009-01-01 02:42:27 UTC
i give you a 10!!! which is probably your iq if you watch fake wrestling. guys in underwear doing rehearsed moves and talking to each other over microphones? get a damn life.
Jen S
2009-01-01 03:12:30 UTC
MITB- Mr.Kennedy vs Finlay vs The Miz vs John Morrison vs Hurricane Helms vs Tommy dreanmer vs Rey Mysterio

4/5 - Reason the tag team works together = them winning

Who is Barrack Obama? match- R Truth vs Kofi Kingston

5/5 for the match itself

0/5 for the match type as don't know what it is

Intercontinental title- CM Punk (C) vs William Regal

2/5 - Reason most likely the 4th or 5th match by this time

ECW title- Matt Hardy (C) vs Finlay vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger

1/5 however Hardy vs Finlay itself would be worth 3.5/5

WWE title - Triple h (C) vs Umaga(he has returned and won the rumble)

3/5 as they have already fought need a match type

WH title- John Cena (C) vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho

3/5 because it's an elimination match

Main Event- HBK vs The Undertaker spl referee Ric Flair and if HBK looses he is out of wwe

5/5 If anything like the end of the rumble two years ago


MITB winner Hurricane

Winner R- Truth

IC Title winner Punk

ECW Title winner Finlay thanks to Hornswaggle

WWE Title winner Triple H

WH Title winner Y2J

Main Event Winner Taker & HBK by Double Pinfall

I think you should explain this what the **** is a Who is Barrack Obama? match
2016-10-25 12:29:51 UTC
an outstanding card ... a million. Carlito + Primo 2. Evan Bourne 3. Umaga 4. Mickie + Trish 5. Mike Knox 6. Christian Cage 7. Dont like this one 8. Triple H 9. John Cena 10. The Undertaker
2009-01-01 20:24:04 UTC
1.Rey Mysterio wins the MITB

2.R Truth wins by puttin his signature move-axe kick!!! and will be barrack obama!!

3.finlay will be the new ECW champion by his sholaili!!!

4.Triple h will defeat umaga as he has already done it.he is at his top of his game.but in this match a slight turning-JBL will ask HBK to kick triple h,while JBL will be distracting refree.but HBK will kick umaga instead of Triple h and game will sit the PEDIGREE!!!After the match JBL will be shouting at HBK.its damn sure that HBK will kick and end his contract.SO wht?!!!DDDDDDDDXXXXXXXXXXXXX returns.

5.John cena will win and retain his championship.

6.Ted di biase jr will defeat Cody rhodes as ted is returnig.the story will surely turn to him.

7.stephnaie mcmahon will come out and change the match stipulation.

it will be noting if HBK will be a normal Guest Refree match between HBK and The Undertaker.Guest Refree-Ric Flair.

HBK ends The undertaker's streak in Wrestlemania.Mr.Wrestlemania(HBK) will defeat The Undertaker by sweet chin music.


8.CM punk will retain his championship by GTS.
Naib H
2009-01-01 05:38:17 UTC
4/5 tommy dreamer isnt a good option evam bourne would be better

1/5 both are bad wrestlers and wtf

2/5 thats hapening next week a better one would be cm punk vs kane

1/5 bad feud and wwe are moving ted dibiase on to bigger things

3/5 umaga should be in the smackdown vs raw and isnt good enough to wing the rumble i think christian cagee vs jeff hardy vs edge vs hhh is better

4/5 batista is out for months other wise that is good but it would be amazing if kurt angle was in there

4/5 no special referee and hbk is goin to be arounf for another year or two, and i think its should be a iron man match

ps: the divas or womens match should be beth pheonix vs mickie james vs trish stratus in her last match
Center-Right Logic
2009-01-01 02:27:33 UTC
Mr. Kennedy

R Truth

CM Punk


Triple H

Chris Jericho


2009-01-01 02:52:21 UTC
Why would finaly be in 2 matches? Wtf is a who is barrack obama match? Didnt helms get fired? And hbk vs taker or hes fired that would be pretty bad because after the match one of them will kill themself.

2009-01-01 08:09:43 UTC
0/5 typical boring predictable wwe...
2009-01-01 07:27:25 UTC
MITB- 9/10

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Barack Obama Battle: [Guest Ref Obama Himself? Since They need A Celeb] 6/10

Winner: MVP- Cheap win to end his long losing streak. After Obama throws him back in the ring and R-Truth nails him with some sick move.

Punk vs Regal- 4/10

Winner: Punk. After the match Layla get's in the ring and jumps on his head, he flips her over and goes for the GTS, but Regal kicks him in the face and they walk off.

Ted vs Cody- 7/10

Before the match Ted is angry at Cody, suggesting he's a face now, and after he asked Orton is he can join he was slapped in the face. Ted attempts to shake hands with Cody and get him to join his side but Cody slaps him. hey fight for a while, and after Cody fakes an injury and the Ref. tends to him, Orton RKO's Ted and rolls out, unseen. The Ref is distracted yelling at Orton, Cody nails a low blow and pins Ted. After the match Cody lifts up Ted and holds him down, Orton prepares for the punt. He charges, but Cody jumps up and clothslines him! Cody is now face. He pounds on Orton and tosses him out. He helps Ted up but Ted shoves him off. So it ends up:

Ted= Face

Orton= Heel

Cody= In The Middle. Both Hate Him.

Matt vs Finlay vs Henry vs Swagger- 8/10

Winner: Henry. Swagger nails Henry with what ever finisher he has. Finlay nails the celtic cross on Swagger. Hardy nails the Twist of Fate on Finlay, goes for the pin, but is blind- sided by Henry, who then lifts him up and BLAM. Worlds Greatest Slam.

[You Need A Diva Match So I'll Add One] Raw Diva Battle Royal. Smackdown Diva Battle Royal. The winner of each Royal faces each other and the winner claims a number One Contenders Shot At The Next PPV for their Brands Title. - 7/10 [They're In Bikini's BTW =]

Winner- Melina of Raw and Michelle of Smackdown. Melina win's and defeats Beth for the title. However during the match Michelle assaults Melina while Santino distracts the Ref. Mickie fights her off, but, now it's Glammerella McCool.

Triple H vs Umaga- 8/10

Winner: JBL and HBK are sitll in their storyline. Mid-Match. JBL forces HBK to go down to the ring and hit Sweet Chin Music on Triple H, provided JBL distract the ref. Exactly that is done. Umaga pins Triple H and steals the gold. He runs off, and after the match HBK tends to Triple H, upset with what he's done. JBL prompts him to get out of the ring now, he slowly rises and leave's the ring, to a lot of boos, but turns and nails JBL with Sweet Chin Music. He walks off without looking back.

WH Title- 9/10

Winner- Cena

Main Event- 8/10

JBl comes down mid-match and tosses Flair out of the ring, he tears off a Referre shirt and clearly gives Undertaker the upper hand. Flair pulls JBl out of the ring and locks on the Figure Four Leg Lock. In the ring, Undertaker hit's the chokeslam. He goes for the pin, Flair is slow to get in the ring and so HBK kicks out. HBK goes for sweet chin music but accidently hit's Flair. JBL crawls back in and Clothse Line To Hell bye JBL to HBk. Undertaker claim's he wants to win fair, grabs him by the throat but he slips out. He turns and Flair kicks him in the jewels. HBK misses chin music and gets tombstoned, for the pin. Ric Flair, same emotional stuff, sad for HBK, we close with a celebration.

Nice Job =]
2009-01-01 02:27:43 UTC
omg u watch westling nerd burgler
2009-01-01 02:33:40 UTC
LOL @ Second match

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