2010-11-28 19:15:18 UTC
In his DVD set Bret "Hit Man" Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be, Bret said that he wishes he had been with the WWF the night Owen's accident happened, as he would have discouraged Owen from performing the stunt...
The Rest is history... Now you may say that Owen's death was accident, and I agree'', but I can't help wonder about his Wife Martha Hart'', Every day must be painful for her to live without, the love of her life or Soul mate..I heard she refuses to move on to date another man
Bret Hart, said Martha needs to accept the sad truth that he's gone.. So you can tell she refuses to move on. has all this Hatred towards Pro Wrestling for taking her life and dreams away, Bret Hart hasn't seen Owen's Children in 10 Years....
Noticed I didn't blame WWE for Owen's death, so don't look at this question as Anti-WWE Question. thank you and peace.. I'm going to sleep now as I had something to eat now i'm so sleepy
WQ; What do you think about this?