"Welcome live to danger zone everyone.Tonight I face EDP in a handicap match."odie said as he came down to the ring.He entered the ring and said"All of you will witness EDP geting the crap beaten out of them!"The crowd was booing odie.Out of nowhere Garfield,Ed,Eddy,and double d ran into the ring and were doing anything from head butts to batista bombs!Casmo came out and said "Hey wait a minute!You guys are in a match tonight.Save it for the match.Wait just a minute I just came up with a great idea.I'm gonna change the match from a handicap to a handicap heak in a cell match!!"Garfield grabed a mic and said "Thats ok with us."Odie then grabed the mic violently out of Garfields hand and said "YOUR ON!!"the crowd loved the idea!
The first match was on.It was Homer and bart vs.Fry and bender for the tag belts.The bell rang.Homer started out with Fry.Fry kicked homer in the leg.Homer ate one of his power donuts and picked fry up and through him out of the ring.Homer then taged in bart.