John Cena's popularity:
Age 1-15: 85%. As age increases, I think people's opinion of Cena goes down.
Age 16-25: 15% A majority of which is contributed to by the female populous.
Age 26-50: 0% Most female wrestling fans that are devoted enough to follow past this age group have either destinguished what good wrestling is, or are too small of a fraction to even be considered in statistics
Age 51- above: 0%
Rey Mysterio's popularity:
Age 1-15: 70% Rey-Rey's big with the kids due to his size and luchador appearance and style that makes him seem like a super hero
Age 16-25: 10% Mostly because Rey fans in this general age range remember his work from WCW and, to a lesser percentile, ECW. The rest are either anti-WCW fans who didn't see his glory days or jaded web slingers who've seen better lucha libre.
Age 26-50: 15% Once again, you have WCW nostalgists in this group, and a majority of fans who stick with wrestling around this age range don't really care what the average chatroom loud mouth has to say and base their opinion solely on how much they enjoy a wrestler.
Age 51- above: 5% I'd assume that Rey's style would be a tad off-putting to old school enthusiests, most of which I wouldn't expect to be watching the WWE for wrestling at this point anyway. With that being said, I've met 50+ year old Rey fans.
The Undertaker's popularity:
Age 1-15: 15% I think his heelish demonic appearance and lack of television air time detracts him from this ADD generation's attention, and therefore their admiration. Kids today really don't care about what happened last year in wrestling, much less what's happened over the past 20. I say his major core audience comes in during this age range around the 13 year mark when kids start appreciating things that once scared them.
Age 16-25: 30% While Taker's occult appeal may be indulged in by the earlier focus group of this demographic, I think by the time you hit 18 gimmicks in wrestling wear a tad thin. You'll still have hardcore taker die hards, and I think kids will grow to respect what the Dead Man stands for by this point because they've been watching long enough to have grown up seeing Taker's streak and rivalries.
Age 26-50: 5% This is yet again another case of the jaded net fan playing non-believer when it comes to buying hype. I also think the late 30's wrestling fan's bound to be a casual viewer, so a Taker appearance isn't as special.
Age 51- above: 50% I think by this age most fans can look past the gimmick and appreciate Taker's style and career span.
Randy Orton's popularity:
Age 1-15: 60% I'd say the Orton fandom draws high from this age demographic. Kids seeking an "attitude era" experience seem to gravitate towards Orton. Tack on that the guy's pretty good looking and most definitely has a female following and I'd say this is most definitely his targeted age group.
Age 16-25: 30% The fans not too jaded to appreciate Orton's in-ring talents without lumping themselves in with either the "haters" or "lovers" that the IWC like to label can most definitely see his talents both in-ring and on the mic, and his potential as a business draw. However, the dirtsheet snipers tend to throw a wet blanket onto Orton's cred with this age group with horrendous stories of backstage jerkiness and political string pulling.
Age 26-50: 5% And I think the majority are women or Attitude Nostalgists, not unlike with the first focus group.
Age 51- above: 5%, mostly lonely housewives
Triple H's popularity:
Age 1-15: 20%, mostly due to the DX fascimilies being marketed to their age group.
Age 16-25: 15% Mostly due to Attitude nostalgia from childhood, Evolution, the hottest stable within their age range's memory span, and detractions due to political string pulling.
Age 26-50: 50% By this age, most in this demographic can look past the political mudslinging and see Trips for what he truly is, a great old school wrestler with some great mic work. Old DX is a factor in this popularity as well.
Age 51- above: 15%: I don't think he gets the lady dem vote in this category. Most at this age can appreciate Trips as a wrestler, but still detract due to what Triple H, the "clique," and the McMahons have done to mainstream wrestling.