how many wwe finishing moves/wrestling moves do you know?
2007-01-20 09:35:51 UTC
please list them and the one with the most gets the best answer!!!!!!!!
Thirteen answers:
ViVa La inDiA
2007-01-20 09:56:01 UTC

Batista Bomb

Tombstone Piledriver



Power Bomb



Clothesline from Hell

Swanton Bomb

Twist of Fate

Diving headbutt

Scissors Kick

Frog Spash

West Coast Pop




Ankle Lock

Crippler Crossface

Angle Slam

Triange Leg Lock

Three Amigos

Cheap Shots



Stone Cold Stunner


Pedigree 2

Lashley Crucifix


The Worm

The People's Elbow

Irish Whip

Strong Irish Whip

450 Frog Splash


Big Splash

Big Splash Pin


The Last Ride


Alabama Slam

5-Knuckle Shuffle


Atomic Leg Drop

Leg Drop


Back Suplex

Triple Suplex


Camel Clutch

Money Shot



Deathlock w/Bridge




Low Blow

Mandible Claw


Samaon Spike

Sleeper Hold


Sweet Chin Music

The Rock Bottom

2007-01-20 11:01:47 UTC


Samoan Spike


Crippler Crossface

Five-Star Frog Splash



Leg Drop

Elbow Drop


Sleeper Hold

Figure 4 Leg Lock

Swanton Bomb

Twist of Fate

Ankle Lock

Angle Slam




Tombstone Piledriver


Sweet Chin Music

Camel Clutch

Batista Bomb

Back Cracker

Master Lock

Alabama Slam

Off the Bookend

Arabian Face Buster

Stone Cold Stunner

Overhand Crop

Choke Drop

Widow's Peak
2016-04-26 05:22:15 UTC
In the event that you enjoy a lot of basketball and you intend to dunk like Vince Carter but the genetic doesn't served you that manual, Vert Shock may help you and is the place where you may find this guide.

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2007-01-20 09:51:26 UTC
more than 3...
julie c~actress and WWE&TNA_FAN!
2007-01-20 10:18:51 UTC
F-U...... One of John Cena's finishing moves.

It is in the order of the 5 Knuckle shuffle, FU, and the STFU.

Batista bomb...... Batista's last move when the animal is unleashed.

Cloths line from hell.......... JBL's last move before he retired.

Finger four leg lock............ originally Buddy Roger's move, it was adopted by Ric Flair.

619............. Rey Mysterio's move that is followed by a leg drop from the top rope.

RKO..................... Randy Orton's final move.
allen g
2007-01-20 10:59:17 UTC
the choke slam, the cripple cross face, the batista bomb, the snap shot, the tumbstone pile driver, the back cracker, the full nesteln, the six 19,
2007-01-20 10:30:00 UTC
Batista bomb, pedigree, chin music, the kings piledriver, 619, frog splash, five star frog splash, chick kick, lita moonsault, super crazy moonsault, rko, edge spear, tombstone, last ride, kane chokeslam, undertaker chokeslam, twist of fate, swanton, kenton, senton, banzia drop, super kick, book end, scissors kick, rock bottom, shinning wizard, big show choke slam, code of silence, jackhammer, jackknife, triple jump moonsault, t-bone suplex, crippler crossface, walls of jericho, sharpshooter, celtic cross,masterlock, backcracker,mark of exlelent,3-d,bubbacuter, bubba bomb, f-u, stf-u, closeline from hell, cool shot, f-5,leep of faith, test big boot, dominater, figure 4 leg lock, bam-bam moonsault, bam bam headbutt, diving headbutt, dead level, angle slam, ankle lock, lionsault, elbow drop,brian chop, choke bomb, soaman spike, stratusfaction, visagra, west coast pop, worlds strongest slam, lashley spear,eye of the hurricane, alabama slam, jbl power bomb, double arm ddt, green bay plunge, flip bottom, diving leg drop, boogey slam, power of the punch, jillian elbow drop, final cut, cobra clutch backbracker, gory bomb, edgecution, mandibl claw,
2007-01-20 11:14:13 UTC
Superstar Finishing Move(s)

Ariel None

Armando Estrada None

Ashley None

Balls Mahoney Nutcracker Suite

Batista Batista Bomb; Spinebuster

Bobby Lashley The Dominator; Spear; Running Powerslam

Boogeyman Pumphandle Powerslam; Choke Bomb

Brian Kendrick Sliced Bread No. 2 (backflip DDT)

Candice None

Carlito Back Cracker

Charlie Haas Folding neck/back submission

Chavo Guerrero Frog Splash; Gory Bomb

Chloe Tush push

Chris Benoit Crippler Crossface; Sharpshooter

Chris Masters The Master Lock

CM Punk Anaconda Vice

Daivari Hammerlock DDT

Dave Taylor Butterfly suplex

Edge Edgecution; Spear

Elijah Burke The Elijah Experience

Eugene Rock Bottom; Stunner

Finlay The Celtic Cross

Funaki Rising Sun (inverted tornado DDT)

Gregory Helms Shining Wizard; Nightmare on Helms Street

Hacksaw Jim Duggan 3-point stance clothesline

Hardcore Holly Alabama Slam

Highlander Robbie The Scot Drop

Highlander Rory The Scot Drop

Hulk Hogan Leg drop

Idol Stevens To-be-established

Jamie Noble Modified Dragon Sleeper; Inverted Gut Buster

Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb

Jillian None

Jimmy Wang Yang To-be-established

Joey Mercury Snapshot (combo with Johnny Nitro)

John Cena FU; STFU

Johnny Nitro Snapshot (combo with Joey Mercury)

Jonathan Coachman None

JTG G9 (combo with Shad)

Kane Chokeslam; Tombstone

KC James To-be-established

Kelly Kelly None

Kenny Guillotine leg drop

Kevin Thorn Modified Crucifix Powerbomb; Elevated Jawbreaker

King Booker Bookend; Scissors Kick

Kristal None

Lance Cade Sweet and Sour (Combo with Murdoch)

Layla None

Little Bastard None

Little Guido Arrivederci; Sicilian Slice

Maria None

Mark Henry World's Strongest Slam; World's Strongest Splash

Marquis Cor Von To-be-determined

Matt Hardy Twist of Fate

Matt Striker Golden Rule

Melina None

Michelle McCool None

Mickie James Modified DDT

Mike Knox Spinning Reverse STO

Mike "The Miz" Mizanin The Mizard of Oz

Montel V. Porter To-be-established

Mr. Kennedy Inverted Rolling senton; Kenton Bomb

Paul London 450 Splash

Queen Sharmell None

Randy Orton RKO

Rebecca None

Rene Dupree To-be-established

Rey Mysterio West Coast Pop; Droppin Da Dime; Seated Senton

Ric Flair Figure-Four Leglock

Rob Van Dam Five-star Frog splash

Rowdy Roddy Piper Sleeper Hold

Sabu Arabian Facebuster/Atomic Arabian Facebuster; Triple Jump Moonsault; Camel Clutch

Sandman White Russian Legsweep

Scotty 2 Hotty The Worm

Shad G9 (combo with JTG)

Shannon Moore To-be-established

Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music

Shelton Benjamin T-Bone Suplex

Snitsky Big boot

Stevie Richards Stevie Kick

Stone Cold Stone Cold Stunner

Super Crazy Top-rope or second-rope moonsault

Sylvan 3 Seconds of Fame (high-angle suplex into DDT)

Tatanka The Trail's End; The Wykea

Terry Funk Piledriver

Test Spinning Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker; Big Boot

The Great Khali Overhand Chop; Choke Drop

Theodore Long None

Tommy Dreamer Dreamer Driver, DDT

Torrie Wilson Nose job (face plant)

Trevor Murdoch Top-rope Bulldog; Sweet and Sour (combo with Cade)

Trinity Moonsault

Triple H Pedigree

Umaga Samoan Spike

Undertaker Chokeslam; Tombstone; Last Ride

Val Venis Money Shot

Vickie Guerrero None

Victoria Widow's Peak

Viscera Viscera Drop; Sex Drive

Vito Impaler DDT; Dress Code

William Regal Power of the Punch; Regal Stretch; running knee smash
2016-11-26 03:18:29 UTC
actually everyone has named some extraordinarily devastating strikes, even a number of my favs, yet i'm stunned no person has chosen what I deem to be the main devastating! bear in mind Golddust? His "Curtain call" grow to be undesirable adequate because of the fact it grow to be like a opposite DDT, however the circulate I actually bear in ideas is "Shattered objectives"! That grow to be the single the place he could knock his opponent mindless and prop him up interior the corner, start up working from the different corner and wind as much as kick him right this moment interior the groin! Ugh! supply me a tombstone pile driving force any day whilst in comparison with that! "Shattered objectives"
2007-01-20 11:14:19 UTC
heres pretty much all of em.
2007-01-20 16:47:02 UTC

New Jack (Off the top turnbuckle chair shot)


Mike Sanders (Chinlock backbreaker)

3D (Deadly / Dudley Death Drop)

Team 3D (Flapjack and 3/4 cutter bulldog double-team combination)


Team 3D (Neckbreaker and backdrop double-team combination)


Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam (Double leg drop)

450 Splash

2 Cold Scorpio, Jason Cross, Austin Aries, Paul London, Juventud Guerrera, Jillian Hall (Off the top turnbuckle 450 splash)


Rey Mysterio (Tiger feint kick)

630 Senton

Jack Evans, Jerrelle Clark (Off the top turnbuckle double front flip senton)


Amazing Red (Tiger Feint Kick)

720 DDT

Jody Fleisch (Springboard Backflip Tornado DDT)

911 Juvi Driver

Juventud Guerrera (Wrist Clutch Michinoku Driver II)


Anthony Kingdom James (Off the top turnbuckle leg drop)

Ace Crusher

Johnny Ace (¾ Facelock Bulldog)

Acid Drop (Dudley Dog)

Spike Dudley (Ascending Springboard Corner 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)


Matt Sydal (Gory Special into Neckbreaker)


Akio (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew Moonsault)

Alabama Slam

Hardcore Holly (High-Angle off the shoulder Spinebuster Slam)

Amazing Leg Drop

N8 Mattson (Off The Top Turnbuckle Guillotine Leg Drop)


Scotty Riggs (Fisherman Suplex)

Amish Bomb

Roadkill (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash)

The Amityville Horror

Chris Chetti (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)

Anaconda Vice

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, CM Punk (Key Lock and Head Lock Submission)

Angel's Wings

Christopher Daniels (Spinning Sit-Out Double Underhook Facebuster)

Angle Slam (Olympic Slam)

Kurt Angle (Spinning Modified Side Fireman's Carry Slam)

Ankle Lock (Angle Lock)

Kurt Angle (Key Lock Ankle Submission)

Anvil Drop

Jim Neidhart (Off The Top Rope Double Axe Handle Fist Pound To Head)

Arabian Facebuster

Sabu (Leg Drop with Chair)


Nunzio (Springboard Armbreaker)

Asai DDT

Ultimo Dragon (3/4 Facelock into Backflip Reverse DDT)

Asai Moonsault

Ultimo Dragon (Off the Second Rope Springboard Moonsault)

Assault Driver

"Sick" Nick Mondo (Sit-Out Wrist-Clutch Electric Chair Drop Front Slam)

Atomic Leg Drop

Hulk Hogan (Running Leg Drop)

Atom Smasher

Adam Bomb (Powerbomb with Kneeling Pin)

Au Revoir

La Resistance (Suplex Combo into Spinning Neckbreaker)

Awesome Bomb

Mike Awesome (Running one-shoulder Crucifix Powerbomb)

Awesome Splash

Mike Awesome (Off the Top Turnbuckle Frog Splash)

Axe Kick

Ron Killings (Running Jumping Legdrop to the back of the opponent's head)

Axe Bomber

Takao Omori, Hulk Hogan (Crooked-arm lariat)

Back Cracker

Carlito (Lung Blower Back Breaker)

Back to the Future

Frankie Kazarian (Wristclutch Electric Chair Bomb bridged into a pin)

Back to the Future

Tony Armstrong (Double underhook Piledriver)

Badd Splash (Wildman Splash)

Johnny B. Badd (Running Corner Body Splash)

Badd Day

Johnny B. Badd (Super Hurracanrana)

Ball Breaker

Balls Mahoney (Irish Whip into Sit-Out Spinebuster)

Ball and Gag

Basham Brothers (Clothesline and Russian Leg Sweep Combination)


Kid Kash (Elevated Cradle Neckbreaker)

Banzai Drop

Yokozuna (Off the Second Turnbuckle Sitting Splash)


Danny Doring (Shoulder Jawbreaker)

Barber's Chair

Brutus Beefcake (Sleeper Hold)

Barry White Driver

Super Dragon (Gory Special into Piledriver)

Batista Bomb (Demon Bomb)

Batista (Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Benjamin Frostkick

Shelton Benjamin (Superkick)

Beach Break

Genki Horiguchi (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)

Bear Hug

"Superstar" Billy Graham, Mark Henry

Beast Choker

Dan Severn (Dragon Sleeper with bodyscissor)

BK Bomb

Billy Kidman (Sitout Spinebuster Slam)

Big Boot

Test, Gene Snitsky (Running Boot To The Head)

Big Dick Driver

Big Dick Dudley (Argentine Neckbreaker)

Big Boom Theory (BBT)

"Dynamite" Chris Heath (Reverse DDT)

Bionic Elbow

Dusty Rhodes (Elbow Smash to Head)

***** Clamp

Jazz (Sky Lift Double Chickenwing)

Black Hole Slam

Abyss (Spinning Side Slam/ Spinning STO)

Black Out

Rodney Mack (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)


Lance Hoyt (Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb/Reverse Crucifix into Flipping Slam/Standing Iconoclasm)


Orlando Jordan (Reverse STO)

Blonde Bombshell

Chris Candido (Off the Top Turnbuckle Powerbomb)

BME (Best Moonsault Ever)

Christopher Daniels (Double Springboard Moonsault)

Bombs Away Knee Drop

Ray "The Crippler" Stevens (Off the Top Turnbuckle Knee Drop)

Bomb Scare Knee Drop

Doug Williams (Off the Top Turnbuckle Knee Drop)


La Resistance (Double Spinebuster)

Book End (Royal Book End)

Booker T (Kneeling Side Slam)

Boomerang Clothesline

Outback Jack (Clothesline into Spinning Clothesline)

Boss Man Slam (Scrapbuster)

Big Boss Man (Spinning Sidewalk Slam)


Chris Jericho (Full Nelson Legsweep Facebuster)

Brain Damage

Danny Basham (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Brock Lock

Brock Lesnar (Stretch Muffler Crab)

Bronco Buster

X-Pac (Head Squash In Corner)

Bubba Bomb

Bubba Ray Dudley (Sit-Down Full Nelson Drop)

Bubble Bobble Buster

Player Uno (Inverted Brainbuster)

Buff Blockbuster

Buff Bagwell (Top Rope Somersault Neckbreaker)

Burning Hammer

Kenta Kobashi, Dan Maff, Arik Cannon (Inverted Fireman's Carry Brainbuster)

Busaiku Knee Kick

KENTA (running knee smash)

Buzzsaw Kick

Tajiri (Roundhouse Kick to the head of a seated opponent)

C-4 (The Plank)

Paul Burchill (Standing Moonsault Uranage)

Camel Clutch

Iron Sheik, Muhammad Hassan, Sabu (Squatting Elevated Back Stretch with Chinlock)

Canadian Destroyer

Petey Williams (Front Flip Piledriver)

Canadian Maple Leaf (Straight Shooter)

Lance Storm (Rolling Single Leg Crab)


Chris Harris (Wind-Up Uranage)

Cattle Mutilation

"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (Bridging Grounded Double Chicken Wing)

Celtic Cross

Finlay (Modified Air Raid Crash)

Chainsaw Kick

Tyson Tomko (Quick Big Boot/Yakuza Kick)

Chartbuster (Last Dance)

Disco Inferno (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)

Chaos Theory

Doug Williams (Roll-through German Suplex Pin)

Chemical Imbalance II

Delirious (Double Arm Pumphandle into Wheelbarrow Driver)

Chick Kick

Trish Stratus (Standing Roundhouse Kick)


The Boogeyman, The Great Khali (Two Handed Chokeslam / Chokebomb)


The Undertaker, The Big Show, Kane, Sid Vicious, The Hurricane (Single-hand Choke Lift Slam)


Gail Kim (Hurricanrana into Armbar)

Chyna Bomb

Chyna (Powerbomb)

Clapper (American Lock)

Scotty Anton (Sharpshooter)

Clawhold STO

Kenzo Suzuki (Clawhold into a Leg Sweep)

Clothesline from Compton

"Monsta" Steve Mack (Strong Running Clothesline)

Clothesline from Hell / Clothesline from Wall Street

John Bradshaw Layfield (Strong Running Clothesline)

Cobra Clutch

Sgt. Slaughter, Rene Dupree, The Big Show (Cut-throat Half-nelson Sleeper Hold)

**** o' the Walk

The Red Rooster (Sharpshooter)

Code Red

Amazing Red (Sunset Flip Powerbomb into Pin)

Code Red

Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo (Reverse Electric Chair and Off the Top Turnbuckle Bulldog combination)

Colt 45

Colt Cabana (Double Underhook Backbreaker)


Edge & Christian (Double Chair Shot to Head)


Ron Killings (Kneeling Muscle Buster)

Contra Code (Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Le... START)

Jimmy Jacobs (Running Corner Back Flip Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Cool Breaker

Carlito Caribbean Cool (Single-Arm Swinging Leg Cradle Neckbreaker)

Coquina Clutch

Samoa Joe (Rear Naked Choke)

(Da) Cop Killer (Da Gringo Killer)

Homicide (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver)

Cosmic Cyclone (Calling London)

Paul London (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)

Cracker Jack

Hernandez (Release Overhead Choke Suplex)

Cradle Shock

Chris Sabin (Cross-Legged Samoan Driver)

Crash Landing

Crash Holly, EZ Money (Inverted Double Underhook Belly-to-back Mat Slam)

Crazy Bomb

Super Crazy (Straight Jacket Hold Lift into Powerbomb)

Cred-Ability (J-Kick)

Justin Credible (Thrust Kick)

The Crosstrainer

The Gymini (Double team straitjacket neckbreaker)


Jason Cross (Shooting Star Press into Legdrop)

Cryonic Kick

Glacier (Shuffle Super Kick)

Crippler Crossface

Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko (Crossface with armbar)

The Cure

Sick Boy (Double Underhook Facebuster)

Curtain Call

Goldust (Inverted Facelock Suplex)

Cut-Throat Driver

Mark Briscoe (Inverted Fireman's Carry Brainbuster with the left arm across the neck)

Cyclone DDT

Brian Kendrick (Springboard Tornado DDT)


Matt Sydal (Top Rope Moonsault Belly to Belly Suplex)

Danshoku Driver

Danshoku Dino (Piledriver with the opponent's head in Dino's pants)

Da Shows Ova

Shane "Daddy" Mack (Superkick)


Jake Roberts

Dead Sea Drop (DSD)

Shark Boy (Top-rope Somersault Three-quarter Facelock Jawbreaker)

Dead Level

Kid Kash (Brainbuster)

Death is Welcome

Chris Hero (Elevated Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)

Death Sentence

America's Most Wanted (Bearhug Hold, Top Rope Leg Drop Combination)

Death Valley Bomb

Perry Saturn, Orlando Jordan, Beth Phoenix (Beth Valley Driver), Rene Dupree, Tommy Dreamer(Fireman's Carry into Brainbuster)

Death Valley Driver

Tatsuhito Takaiwa (Fireman's Carry into Fire Thunder)

Deep Impact

Lance Storm (Jumping Piledriver)

Demolition Decapitation

Demolition (Cross Knee Backbreaker and Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop Combination)

Deep Impact

Yoshinobu Kanemaru (Diving DDT from the second rope)

Derailer (Baldo Bomb)

A-Train (Double Choke into Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Diamond Cutter

"Diamond" Dallas Page (3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Diamond Dust

Masato Tanaka (Top-rope Somersault Three-quarter Facelock Bulldog)

Diving Headbutt

Jay Lethal, Chris Benoit (Diving Heabutt)

Doctor Bomb

Dr. Death Steve Williams (Gutwrench Powerbomb)

Doggy Pump Handle Slam

Road Dogg (Pumphandle Drop Slam)

Dogface Bulldog

Rick Steiner (Off the Top Turnbuckle Bulldog)


Faarooq, Bobby Lashley (Standing Inverted Pancake Slam)

Doomsday Device

Road Warriors (Electric Chair Drop and Off the Top Turnbuckle Clothesline combination)

Down in Flames

Beth Phoenix (Sitout Bodyslam Driver)

Downward Spiral

Edge (Reverse Russian Leg Sweep)

D.R. Driver

Davey Richards (Snap Tiger Driver '98)

D.R. Driver II

Davey Richards (Double Underhook Brainbuster)

Dragon Clutch

Low Ki (Reverse Naked Choke Hold)

Dragon Sleeper

Ultimo Dragon , Jamie Noble, The Undertaker (Inverted Facelock Choke Hold)

Dragon Suplex

Tatsumi Fujinami, Jay Lethal, Paul London (Full Nelson Suplex) (Flipping Release Full Nelson Suplex)


Dragon Kid (Front Flip Hurricanrana Pin)

Dreaded ClawHold

Blackjack Mulligan (Face Palm With fingers in Temple Pressure Points and Lower Face Structure)

Dream Cutter

Tommy Dreamer (Cutter)

Dreamer DDT

Tommy Dreamer (Snap DDT)

Dreamer Driver

Tommy Dreamer (Scoop Slam Piledriver)

Droppin' the Dime (or Droppin' Da Dime)

Rey Mysterio (Springboard Leg Drop)

Dudley Device

Bubba Ray Dudley & Devon Dudley (Electric Chair Drop and Off the Top Turnbuckle Clothesline combination)

Dupree Driver

René Dupree (Michinoku Driver II)


Erik Watts (Powerbomb into Turnbuckles)

Edge O' Matic

Edge (Backward Slam)


Edge (Impaler DDT)


Edge (Modified Leg-Lace Grapevine)

Ego Trip (Whiplash)

Rob Conway (Spinning Neckbreaker from Suplex Position)

Egoist Driver

Magnum TOKYO (Pump Handle Michinoku Driver II)

Egoist Schwein

Gene Snitsky (Pumphandle into Side Slam)

Eight Second Ride

James Storm (Over the Shoulder Side Headlock Spinning Bulldog)

El Fondo Del Abismo

Apolo (Side Slam)

Elijah Experience

Elijah Burke (Forward Russian leg sweep)

Elijah Express

Elijah Burke (Running sitout facebuster)

Emerald Flowsion

Mitsuharu Misawa (Side Bodyslam Piledriver)


Jun Akiyama, Shelton Benjamin (T-Bone Suplex)

Extreme Makeover

Melina (Springboard spinning kneel-out facebuster)

Extreme Twist of Fate

Jeff Hardy, Lita (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker)

Eye of the Hurricane (Nightmare on Helms Street)

Gregory Helms (Inverted Facelock Elbow Drop)

E.Z. Driver

E.Z. Money (Reverse Tombstone Piledriver)

F-5 (Verdict)

Brock Lesnar, Matt Morgan (Fireman's Carry Spinning Rack DDT)


SUWA (Kneeling Reverse Tiger Driver)


John Cena (Death Valley Driver)

Falcon Arrow

Hayabusa (Suplex Lift into Michinoku Driver II)

Fall From Grace

Christopher Daniels (Cross-Arm Iconclasm)

Fall From Grace

Trinity (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)


Billy Gunn (Leg-drop Bulldog)


Ernest "The Cat" Miller (Spinning Roundhouse Kick)

Final Cut

The Big Show (Inverted Facelock Elbow Drop)

Five Arm

Terry Taylor (Flying Clothesline)

Five Star Frog Splash

Rob Van Dam (High Elevation Frog Splash)


Chris Jericho (Sleeper Hold into Falling Slam)


Chris Kanyon (Reverse STO)

Flux Capacitator

Frankie Kazarian (Moonsault Uranage Slam off the top turnbuckle)

Flying Elbow Drop

Shawn Michaels, Lance Cade, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Shane McMahon


Shane Douglas (Shoulder Jawbreaker)


Scott Steiner (Release Hurracanranna)

Frog Splash

Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Art Barr, Christian Cage


Johnny Stamboli (Sitout Uranage) (Gorilla Press Slam)

Funky Flash Splash (Scorpio Splash)

Flash Funk (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)

Future Shock

Chris Sabin (Double-Leg Fisherman's Buster)

Future Shock

Christian York & Joey Matthews (Double Super Powerbomb)


Cryme Tyme (Samoan Drop and Front Flip Neckbreaker Combo)

G-Spot Sweep

Danny Doring (Full Nelson Front Russian Leg Sweep)

Game Genie

Player Uno (Rope-Assisted Double Underhook Piledriver)

Garvin Stomp

Ronnie Garvin (Stomps all around the body)

Gas Mask

Pete Gas (Reverse Full Nelson Slam)


Skinner (Reverse DDT Neckbreaker)

Get Well Soon

Paul London and Brian Kendrick (Reverse STO augmented with Enzuigiri combination)

Ghetto Blaster (Back Brain Kick)

Bad News Allen (Standing Enziguri)


Koko B. Ware (Brainbuster)


The Boogeyman (Pumphandle Slam)


Rhino (Spear)

Gory Bomb

Chavo Guerrero (Gory Special into Sit-Out Flapjack)


Arn Anderson (Forward suplex)

Go 2 Sleep

KENTA (Fireman's Carry Drop Into Knee Smash)

Grace From Heaven

Trinity (Running Moonsault to fallen opponent)

Graceful Kick

Trinity (Flipping kick to standing opponent)

Green Bay Plunge

Mr. Kennedy (Middle-Rope Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam)

Greetings From Asbury Park

Bam Bam Bigelow (Over-the-Shoulder Belly-to-Belly Sit-Out Piledriver)

Gunn Slinger (Gunn Stinger)

Billy Gunn (Swinging Side Slam)

H Thunder

Hayabusa (Sitdown Scoop Piledriver)

Haas of Pain

Charlie Haas (Elevated Inverted Leg-Lace Stretch)

Haastile Takeover

Charlie Haas (Scooping DDT)


Shannon Moore (Top Rope Corkscrew Moonsault)


Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart (Running Shoulder Tackle)

Hands of Stone

Ronnie Garvin (Straight Punch)

Hang Time

Matt Morgan (Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Hanging Dragon

Low Ki (Hanging Reverse Naked Choke Hold from the Top Turnbuckle)

Hangman's Clutch

Chris Hero (Three-Quarter Chancery/STF Combination)

Hangman's Clutch II

Chris Hero (Three-Quarter Chancery/Crossface Combination)

Hart Attack

The Hart Foundation (Bearhug into Running Lariat)

Hart Attack

Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Press)

Hart Attack 2.0 (Lethal Injection)

Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Elbow Drop)

Here It Is Driver

Matt Sydal (Wrist Clutch Half Nelson Michinoku Driver II)

Hero's Welcome

Chris Hero (Rolling Cutter)

Hero's Welcome Championship Edition

Chris Hero (Twisting Michinoku Driver II)

Hindu Press

Sonjay Dutt (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew 450 Splash)

Hip Hop Drop

Grand Master Sexay (Top Rope Leg Drop)

Ho Train

The Godfather (Corner Body Avalanche)

Hollycaust (Falcon Arrow)

Hardcore Holly (Delay Brainbuster Suplex into Michinoku Driver)

Honor Roll

Christopher Nowinski (Rolling Double Underhook Slam)

Hot Shot

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert (Stun Gun)


Akira Taue (Backdrop Suplex lift to Nodowa Otoshi)


Gangrel (Elevated DDT)


Amazing Red (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew Senton)

It Came From Japan

Alex Shelley (Straightjacket Northern Lights Bomb or Cross Legged Brainbuster)


Goldberg (Stalling Suplex Powerslam)

Jackknife Powerbomb

Kevin Nash (High Angle Powerbomb)

Jalapeño Popper

Julio Dinero (Modified Fireman's Carry into Neck Breaker)

JBL Bomb

John Bradshaw Layfield (Powerbomb)


Jay Briscoe (Leaping Double Underhook Piledriver)

Johnson Shuffle

Rocky Johnson, Orlando Jordan (Punching combo)

Jungle Kick (The Whack)

Chuck Palumbo (Thrust Kick)

Juvi Driver

Juventud Guerrera (Sit-out Scoop Powerslam)

Juvi Splash

Juventud Guerrera (450 Splash)

Kawada Driver (Ganso Bomb)

Toshiaki Kawada (Vertical Sheerdrop Kneeling Powerbomb)

Kanyon Cutter

Chris Kanyon (3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Kenny Scramble

Kenny (Modified Swinging Neckbreaker)

Kenton Bomb

Mr. Kennedy (Off the Top Turnbuckle High Angle Senton Bomb)

Ki Krusher 99

Low Ki (Fisherman Screwdriver)

Kiss Of Death

Little Guido (Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)

K.O.D. (Kash On Delivery)

Kid Kash (Elevated Boston Crab)


Melina (Sickle Hold)

Kryptonite Krunch

Nova (over the shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)

La Parkinator

LA Park (Corkscrew moonsault press)

La Silla

Rey Mysterio (Springboard Seated Senton)

Lasso From El Paso

Eddie Guerrero (Modifed Elevated Inverted Leg Lock Stretch)

Last Dance

Disco Inferno (Reverse Standing Figure Four Leglock)

Last Impression

Doug Basham (Running Leg Lariat)

Last Ride

The Undertaker (Elevated Powerbomb)

Last Rites

"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels (Inverted Facelock Spinning Neckbreaker)

Lawler Fist Drop (Royal Fist Drop)

Jerry Lawler (Off the Second Turnbuckle Fist Drop)

Leap of Faith

Shane McMahon (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)

Lethal Injection

Jay Lethal (Cutthroat Pumphandle Sitout Powerbomb)

Lethal Injection II (Lethal Driver)

Jay Lethal (Springboard Implant DDT)

Liger Bomb

Jushin Liger (Running Sitout Powerbomb)

Lion Tamer

Chris Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab with knee placed in lower back)


Chris Jericho (Running Springboard Moonsault)


Lita (Diving Hurricanrana)

London Calling

Paul London (Shooting Star Press)

'Lo Down

D'Lo Brown (Hyper Extending Off the Top Turnbuckle Frog Splash)

Love Handle

Dude Love (Mandible Tongue Nerve Hold)


N8 Mattson (Swinging Neckbomb)

Magic Carpet Ride

Khosrow Daivari (Shawn Daivari) (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash with a Carpet)

Malicious Intent

M.V.P. (Spinning Capoeira Kick to Face)

Mandible Claw

Mankind (Mandible Tongue Nerve Hold)

Mark of Excellence

Mark Jindrak (Back Suplex into Uranage)

Master Lock

Chris Masters (Swinging Full Nelson)

Matthew Kevin Connection

Kevin Matthews (Running Sit-out Powerbomb)

Megabomb (Border Cross)

Hernandez (Release Crucifix Powerbomb)


Adam Bomb (Pumphandle Powerslam)

Michinoku Driver I

Taka Michinoku (Double Underhook Implant DDT)

Michinoku Driver II

Taka Michinoku (Sit-out Scoop Piledriver)

Mick Kick

Mickie James (Standing Roundhouse Kick)

Mickie DT (Laree DT)

Mickie James (Stalling Tornado DDT)

Million Dollar Dream

Ted DiBiase (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)

Mizard of Oz

Mike Mizanin (Spinning reverse neckbreaker)

Mood Swing

Brandon Espinosa (Reverse Spinning Neckbreaker)


Molly Holly (Frontflip off the top turnbuckle onto a standing opponent)

Money Maker

Kid Kash (Double Underhook Piledriver)

Money Shot

Val Venis (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash)


Shannon Moore (Off the Top Turnbuckle Somersault Neckbreaker)


Super Crazy, Kid Kash, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Vader, Lita, Bam Bam Bigelow

Mosh Pit

Mosh (Off the Top Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)

Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza

Perry Saturn (Swinging Fisherman's Suplex)

Move With No Name

Paul Burchill (Grounded Pumphandle Lift into Sidewalk Slam)

Muscle Buster

Samoa Joe (Double Leg-Capture Brainbuster)

Nail in the Coffin

Vampiro (Scoop Sit-Out Powerslam)

Natural Disaster

The Naturals (Kneeling Stunner/Gutbuster Combo)

Near Death Experience

[{"The Asian Nightmare" Kwan Chang}] (Pumphandle into Sit out Brainbuster Driver)

New Jersey Jam

Balls Mahoney (Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop)

New Jersey Naptime

Droz (Sit-Down Powerbomb)

Nightmare on Helms Street

Gregory Helms (Spinning headlock elbow drop)

Nitro Twister

Johnny Nitro (Standing Shooting Star Press)

Niqua Bomb

Shaniqua (Jacknife Powerbomb)

Nodowa Otoshi

Akira Taue (Chokeslam)

No Joke

Hugh Morrus (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)

No Laughing Matter

Hugh Morrus (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)

No Remorse

Riggs (Chicken Wing)

Northern Lariat

Bobby Roode (Lariat to the back of the opponent's neck)


Torrie Wilson (Sitout facebuster)


Nova (Reverse STO)

Nutcracker Suite

Balls Mahoney (Sit-Out Brainbuster Driver)

Old School Expulsion

Steve Corino (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker)

Event Omega

Hardy Boyz (Double Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop)

One and Only

Billy Gunn (Sleeper Hold into Uranage)

One Night Stand

Alex Shane (Modified Standing Fireman's Carry Slam)

Open Hart Surgery

Teddy Hart (Somersault Corkscrew Legdrop)

Osaka Street Cutter

Super Delfin (Inverted Suplex into a cutter)

Outsider's Edge (Razor's Edge)

Scott Hall/Razor Ramon (Crucifix Powerbomb)


Randy Orton, Matt Striker, Carlito, Montel Vontavious Porter (Leg Cradle Spinning Neckbreaker)


Stevie Ray (Double Underhook Facebuster)

Package Piledriver

Kevin Steen (Piledriver with the arms and legs of the victim trapped)

Panty Drop Elbow

Danny Doring (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)


Jamie Noble (Front Facelock Choke)

Pearl River Plunge

Ahmed Johnson (Double Underhook Sit-out Powerbomb)


Triple H, Chyna (Double Underhook Facebuster)

Penile Implant

Big Dick Dudley (Shoulder Carry into Spinning Facebuster)

People's Elbow

The Rock (Augmented Running Elbow Drop)

Pepsi Plunge

CM Punk (Off the Top Turnbuckle Double Underhook Facebuster)


Mr. Perfect (Fisherman's Suplex)

Picture Perfect Elbow

Michael Shane (Diving Elbow Drop)

Pie in the Sky

Miss Traci Brooks (Seated Senton)

Pimp Drop

The Godfather (Fireman's Carry into Brainbuster)

Pittsburgh Plunge

Shane Douglas (Fisherman's Suplex Brainbuster)

Phoenix Splash

Hayabusa (Off the Top Turnbuckle Twisting 450 Splash)

Play of the Day

"Primetime" Elix Skipper (Single-Arm Swinging Leg Cradle Neckbreaker)


M.V.P. (Overdrive)

Poison Ivory

Ivory (Leaping Kneeling Facebuster)

Polish Hammer

Ivan Putski, Scott Putski, Chris Masters (Running Double Axehandle)

Porn Plex

Val Venis (Fisherman's Suplex Pin)


Monty Brown (Running Shoulder Block with Exploding Shove)

Power Dunk

Heidenreich (Modified Shoulderbreaker)

Power of the Punch

William Regal (Left-handed punch using Brass Knuckles)

Problem Solver

Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger (Flapjack and DDT combo)

Psycho Guillotine

Psychosis (Diving Leg Drop)

Psycho Driver

Super Dragon (Torture Rack into Piledriver)

Psycho Driver II

Super Dragon (Pump Handle pickup into Piledriver)

Psycho Driver III

Super Dragon (Cutthroat Inverted Fireman's Carry into Piledriver)

Psycho Driver IV

Super Dragon (Inverted Fireman's Carry into Leg Cradle Michinoku Driver II)


Mike Quackenbush (Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb)

Quackendriver II

Mike Quackenbush (Cross Legged Sitout Tombstone Piledriver)

Quackendriver III

Mike Quackenbush (Ankle Clutch Swinging Leg Cradle Michinoku Driver II)


Mike Quackenbush (Springboard Front Flip 360 Spinning Senton)

Quebec Crab

Rick Martel (Boston Crab)

Rana Invertiva

LA Park (Sunset flip powerbomb)

Rat Star Press

Deranged (Standing Shooting Star Press)

Rat Trap

Steven Richards (Reclining Chin Lock)

Raven Effect (Evenflow)

Raven (Snap DDT)

Razor's Edge

Razor Ramon (Crucifix Powerbomb)

Red Star Press

Amazing Red (Standing Shooting Star Press)

Regal Cutter

William Regal (Single-Arm Trap Neckbreaker)

Regal Stretch

William Regal (Modified STF)

Revolution-style Brainbuster

Yoshinobu Kanemaru (Spinning Vertical Brainbuster)

Rewind Hurricanrana

Jonny Storm (Over-the-Top Turnbuckle Jumping Hurricanrana)

Rhino Driver

Rhino (Spike Piledriver)

Rikishi Driver

Rikishi (Over-the-Shoulder Belly to Belly Sit-Out Piledriver)

Rings of Saturn

Perry Saturn, Austin Aries (Side Double-Arm Stretch)

Rising Sun

Funaki, Maven (Off the Top Turnbuckle Tornado DDT)


Randy Orton (Jumping cutter)

Rolling Elbow

Masato Tanaka (Running Spinning Elbow Smash)

Rock Bottom

The Rock (Side Slam)

Rocker Dropper

Marty Jannetty, Brian Pillman, Shawn Michaels (Wrist Lock Leg-Driven Bulldog Facecrusher)

Roll of the Dice

Reno (Inverted Facelock Spinning Neckbreaker)

Royal Flush neckbreaker

A-1 (Arm Trap Shoulder Neckbreaker)

Royal Mutilation

Paul Burchill (High Fujiwara Armbar)

Rude Awakening

Rick Rude (Neckbreaker)

Rump Shaker

Rikishi (Off the Second Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)

Russian Sickle

Nikita Koloff (Strong Running Clothesline)

Rydeen Bomb

Satoshi Kojima (Sky Lift Powerbomb)

Sable Bomb

Sable (Powerbomb)

Samoan Spike

Umaga (Thumb thrust into opponent's neck or throat)

Saving Grace

D-Von Dudley (Lifting Reverse DDT)

Scissor kick

Booker T (Running Jumping Legdrop to the back of the opponent's head)

Scorpion Death Drop

Sting (Reverse DDT)

Scorpion Death Lock

Sting (Sharpshooter)

Scot Drop

The Highlanders (Double Fireman's Carry into Flapjack)

Seanton Bomb

Sean O'Haire (Off the Top Turnbuckle Somersault Senton)

Seven Year Itch

Billy Kidman (Shooting Star Press)

Sex Drive (Embalmer)

Viscera (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

The Honky Tonk Man (Augmented Swinging Neckbreaker)

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Road Dogg (Augmented Series of Jabs)

Shamrock Anklelock

Ken Shamrock (Fujiwara armbar into Anklelock)


Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Petey Williams, Lance Storm (Leg-Lace Grapevine)

Shattered Dreams (Dust Buster)

Goldust (Rope Entangled Kick to Groin)


Alex Shelley (Swinging Reverse STO)

Shining Wizard

Keiji Muto, Antonio Inoki, Homicide, CM Punk (Running stepup Knee Strike)

Shining Wizard

Gregory Helms (Running enzuigiri kick to the head of a kneeling opponent)

Shooting Cross Press

Jason Cross (Off the Top Turnbuckle Reverse Backflip Splash)


Eric Young (Wheelbarrow into neckbreaker;side wheelbarrow suplex)


The Big Show (Inverted leg drop bulldog)


Sonny Siaki (Inverted Spinning Neckbreaker)

Sicilian Slice

Nunzio (Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg-Driven Bulldog Facecrusher)


Simon Diamond (Fireman's Carry into Reverse DDT)


Simon Dean (Modified Spinning Leghook Fireman's Carry Slam)

Sky Elbow

Randy Savage (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)

Sky High

D'Lo Brown (Sky Lift Powerbomb)

Slap Jack

Stevie Ray (Lifting Double-Underhook Facebuster)

Sliced Bread No. 2

Brian Kendrick, Alex Shelley (Shiranui)

Slingshot Suplex

Tully Blanchard

Snapmare Driver

Emil Sitoci, (cravate w/ legsweep which results in a DDT-like headplant)


MNM (Combination Flapjack and DDT)

Snow Plow

Al Snow (Scoop Slam Side Brainbuster Driver)

Southern Neckbreaker

"Classy" Freddie Blassie (Augmented Swinging Neckbreaker)

Soylent Green

Nate Webb (Canadian Back Breaker into 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Spanish Fly

The S.A.T./Los Maximos (Off the Top Turnbuckle Double Moonsault Uranage)


Edge, Goldberg, Bobby Lashley (Running Shoulder Tackle/Double Leg Takedown)


Spider Sharpe (Shoulder Tackle rolling into a Bridge)

Spider's Web

Victoria (Firemans Carry into a spinning side slam)


Arn Anderson, C.W. Anderson, David Young

Spine Line

Jeff Hardy (One-Arm Boston Crab)

Spiral Tap

A.J. Styles (Front Flip 360° Spinning Senton)

SST (Severe Skull Trauma)

Axl Rotten (Inverted Brainbuster Suplex)

Stage Dive

The Headbangers (Powerbomb and Off The Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop Combo)


Austin Starr (Brainbuster)

Steiner Flatliner

Scott Steiner (Reverse Russian Leg Sweep)

Steiner Recliner

Scott Steiner (Modified Camel Clutch)

Steiner Screwdriver (SSD)

Scott Steiner (Falcon Arrow Inverted Piledriver)

Stevie Kick

Stevie Richards (Superkick)


Steven Richards (Leaping Double Underhook DDT)


John Cena (Modified STF)

Stinger Splash

Sting, Shelton Benjamin (Running Standing Splash to Opponent in the Corner)

Stone Cold Stunner

Steve Austin, Eugene (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)

Storm Kick

Lance Storm (Thrust Kick)


Trish Stratus (Springboard Bulldog)


Jeff Jarrett (Front Russian Leg Sweep)

Styles Clash

A.J. Styles (belly to back inverted mat slam)

Sudden Death

Elix Skipper (Back-to-belly Piledriver)

Super Hero Slam

Rosey (Wind-Up Sit-Out Uranage Slam)

Super Kwang

Kwang (Spinning Heel Kick)

Super Nitro Twister

Johnny Nitro (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Superfly Splash

Jimmy Snuka (Top rope splash)


Christopher Adams (Shuffle High Side Kick)

Supernatural Driver (Boogeyslam)

The Boogeyman (Inverted Falling Slam)

Swanton Bomb

Jeff Hardy (Off the Top Turnbuckle Delayed Front Flip Senton Splash)

Sweet Chin Music

Shawn Michaels (Superkick)

Sweet 'N Sour

Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade (Tandem Clothesline and Chop Block)

Sweet Shane Music

Michael Shane (Superkick)

Sweet Shin Music

Dude Love (Strong Shin Kick into Double Arm DDT)

Swing Thing

Johnny Swinger (Cobra Clutch Leg Sweep)

T.T.B. (Tribute To Benoit/(Take It)To The Bank)

M.V.P. (Crossface Submission)


Trytan (Fireman Carry to Spinning Rack DDT)

T-Bone Suplex

Shelton Benjamin (Exploder Powerslam)

Takin' Care Of Business

The Undertaker (Dragon Sleeper)


Tazz (Half Nelson Choke)

Tequila Sunrise

Konnan (Modified Rolling Single Leg Crab)

Texas Cloverleaf

Dean Malenko, Chad Collyer, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (Cloverleaf Crab)

Texas Tower Bomb

Lance Hoyt (Single Leg One Shoulder Powerbomb)


Test (Rolling Cutter)

Test Elbow Drop

Test (Diving Elbow Drop)

That's Incredible

Justin Credible (Spinning Tombstone Piledriver)


Super Crazy (Three Moonsaults In A Row - one in the lower turnbuckle, second on the middle turnbuckle, third on the top turnbuckle)

Tiger Driver

Jamie Noble, Scott Steiner, Mitsuharu Misawa (Double Underhook Piledriver)

Tiger Driver '91

Mitsuharu Misawa (Double Underhook Sheerdrop Kneeling Powerbomb)

Tiger Driver '98

Excalibur (Double Underhook Piledriver)

Tiger Suplex

Ultimo Dragon (Double Chicken Wing Belly-to-Back Suplex)


Marc Mero, Rhyno, Test (Fireman's Carry into a 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Toblerone Driver

Ares (Double Underhook Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Tombstone Piledriver

The Undertaker, Kane (Belly-to-belly Kneeling Piledriver)


Tommy Dreamer (Reverse Crucifix into Cutter)

Tongan Death Grip

Meng (Nerve Pinch To Neck)

Tornillo Mortal

Super Crazy (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Torture Rack

Lex Luger (Argentine Backbreaker Submission)

Total Elimination

The Eliminators (Spinning Heel Kick and Leg Sweep Combination)

Total Penetration

Big Dick Dudley (Double Choke Sit-out Powerbomb)

Tower Of London

Nigel McGuinness (Top Rope Cutter)


A-Train (Inverted Leg-Lace)

Trash Compactor

Duke Droese (Stalling Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam)

Triple Bypass

Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Leg Drop)

Triple Jump Moonsault

Sabu (Triple Jump Moonsault)

Truth Conviction

Ron Killings (Sit-out Gourdbuster)

Truth Or Consequences

Ron Killings (Sit-out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Tsukaba Hatchet

Akira Taue (Combination Brain Claw/Chokeslam)

Twist Of Fate

Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy (Front Facelock into Cutter)

Ultimate Press Slam

Ultimate Warrior (Gorilla Press Drop)

Ultimate Splash

Ultimate Warrior (Running Splash)

Ultimo DDT

Ultimo Dragon (Standing Shiranui)

Unprettier (Impaler)

Christian (Reverse Double Underhook facebuster)

Vader Bomb

Vader (Splash off the Second Turnbuckle)

Vader Sault

Vader (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)

Van Daminator

Rob Van Dam (Augmented Kick of Chair to Head)

Van Terminator

Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon (Springboard Turnbuckle to Turnbuckle Dropkick, usually to chair or trash can)

VD - Viscera Drop

Viscera (Big Splash)

Venis Flytrap

Val Venis (Half Crab Leg Grapevine)


Midnight Express (Bear Hug Hold into Top Rope Leg Drop Combo), James & Chad Dick


Shane Helms (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver)

Vicious Bomb

Sid Vicious (Powerbomb)


Scott Vick (Over the Shoulder Back to Belly Piledriver)


Vic Grimes (Second Rope Belly-to-Belly Piledriver)

The Violent Submission

"Dynamite" Chris Heath (modified clover leaf with body scissors)

Virginia Necktie

Joey Mercury (Hangman's Neckbreaker)

Von Erich Claw

Fritz Von Erich and other members of the Von Erich family (Iron Claw)

Walls of Jericho (Lion Tamer)

Chris Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab)

Wam-Bam-Thank You Ma'am

Bam Bam Bigelow (Off the Top Turnbuckle Diving Headbutt)

Wam-Bam-Thank You Ma'am

Danny Doring (Leaping Double Underhook DDT)

Warrior's Way

Senshi (Double Foot Stomp)

Wave of The Future

Frankie Kazarian (Twisting Reverse STO)

West Coast Pop

Rey Mysterio (Top Rope Springboard Hurricanrana)

Western Lariat

Stan Hansen (Lariat)


Lash LeRoux (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)


Mikey Whipwreck (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)

White Out

Kerwin White (Chavo Guerrero) (Roll-Through into Single Leg Boston Crab)

White Russian Leg Sweep

The Sandman (Russian Leg Sweep with a Singapore Cane)

Whoopee Cushion

Doink the Clown (Off the Top Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)

Widow Maker (Prophecy) (Cruel Intentions)

Sean O'Haire (Reverse Fireman's Carry Slam)

Widow's Peak

Victoria (Gory Special into Sit-Out Neckbreaker)

Wild Driver

Gary Williams (Finishing Touch)

World's Strongest Slam

Mark Henry (Falling Powerslam)


Scotty 2 Hotty (Augmented Falling Chop to Throat)


Irwin R. Schyster (Jumping Lariat)


Tatanka (Swinging Sideslam)

X-Clamation Point

Brian-XL (Inverted Suplex into Michinoku Driver II)


X-Pac (Leaping Sit-Down Facebuster)

X-Marks The Spot

X-Pac and Justin Credible (Double Thrust Kick)


Xavier (Cross-Arm Hangman's Neckbreaker)

Young Blood Neckbreaker

Eric Young (Wheelbarrow lift into neckbreaker)
2007-01-20 09:51:42 UTC

New Jack (Off the top turnbuckle chair shot)


Mike Sanders (Chinlock backbreaker)

3D (Deadly / Dudley Death Drop)

Team 3D (Flapjack and 3/4 cutter bulldog double-team combination)


Team 3D (Neckbreaker and backdrop double-team combination)


Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam (Double leg drop)

450 Splash

2 Cold Scorpio, Jason Cross, Austin Aries, Paul London, Juventud Guerrera, Jillian Hall (Off the top turnbuckle 450 splash)


Rey Mysterio (Tiger feint kick)

630 Senton

Jack Evans, Jerrelle Clark (Off the top turnbuckle double front flip senton)


Amazing Red (Tiger Feint Kick)

720 DDT

Jody Fleisch (Springboard Backflip Tornado DDT)

911 Juvi Driver

Juventud Guerrera (Wrist Clutch Michinoku Driver II)


Anthony Kingdom James (Off the top turnbuckle leg drop)

Ace Crusher

Johnny Ace (¾ Facelock Bulldog)

Acid Drop (Dudley Dog)

Spike Dudley (Ascending Springboard Corner 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)


Matt Sydal (Gory Special into Neckbreaker)


Akio (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew Moonsault)

Alabama Slam

Hardcore Holly (High-Angle off the shoulder Spinebuster Slam)

Amazing Leg Drop

N8 Mattson (Off The Top Turnbuckle Guillotine Leg Drop)


Scotty Riggs (Fisherman Suplex)

Amish Bomb

Roadkill (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash)

The Amityville Horror

Chris Chetti (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)

Anaconda Vice

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, CM Punk (Key Lock and Head Lock Submission)

Angel's Wings

Christopher Daniels (Spinning Sit-Out Double Underhook Facebuster)

Angle Slam (Olympic Slam)

Kurt Angle (Spinning Modified Side Fireman's Carry Slam)

Ankle Lock (Angle Lock)

Kurt Angle (Key Lock Ankle Submission)

Anvil Drop

Jim Neidhart (Off The Top Rope Double Axe Handle Fist Pound To Head)

Arabian Facebuster

Sabu (Leg Drop with Chair)


Nunzio (Springboard Armbreaker)

Asai DDT

Ultimo Dragon (3/4 Facelock into Backflip Reverse DDT)

Asai Moonsault

Ultimo Dragon (Off the Second Rope Springboard Moonsault)

Assault Driver

"Sick" Nick Mondo (Sit-Out Wrist-Clutch Electric Chair Drop Front Slam)

Atomic Leg Drop

Hulk Hogan (Running Leg Drop)

Atom Smasher

Adam Bomb (Powerbomb with Kneeling Pin)

Au Revoir

La Resistance (Suplex Combo into Spinning Neckbreaker)

Awesome Bomb

Mike Awesome (Running one-shoulder Crucifix Powerbomb)

Awesome Splash

Mike Awesome (Off the Top Turnbuckle Frog Splash)

Axe Kick

Ron Killings (Running Jumping Legdrop to the back of the opponent's head)

Axe Bomber

Takao Omori, Hulk Hogan (Crooked-arm lariat)

Back Cracker

Carlito (Lung Blower Back Breaker)

Back to the Future

Frankie Kazarian (Wristclutch Electric Chair Bomb bridged into a pin)

Back to the Future

Tony Armstrong (Double underhook Piledriver)

Badd Splash (Wildman Splash)

Johnny B. Badd (Running Corner Body Splash)

Badd Day

Johnny B. Badd (Super Hurracanrana)

Ball Breaker

Balls Mahoney (Irish Whip into Sit-Out Spinebuster)

Ball and Gag

Basham Brothers (Clothesline and Russian Leg Sweep Combination)


Kid Kash (Elevated Cradle Neckbreaker)

Banzai Drop

Yokozuna (Off the Second Turnbuckle Sitting Splash)


Danny Doring (Shoulder Jawbreaker)

Barber's Chair

Brutus Beefcake (Sleeper Hold)

Barry White Driver

Super Dragon (Gory Special into Piledriver)

Batista Bomb (Demon Bomb)

Batista (Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Benjamin Frostkick

Shelton Benjamin (Superkick)

Beach Break

Genki Horiguchi (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)

Bear Hug

"Superstar" Billy Graham, Mark Henry

Beast Choker

Dan Severn (Dragon Sleeper with bodyscissor)

BK Bomb

Billy Kidman (Sitout Spinebuster Slam)

Big Boot

Test, Gene Snitsky (Running Boot To The Head)

Big Dick Driver

Big Dick Dudley (Argentine Neckbreaker)

Big Boom Theory (BBT)

"Dynamite" Chris Heath (Reverse DDT)

Bionic Elbow

Dusty Rhodes (Elbow Smash to Head)

***** Clamp

Jazz (Sky Lift Double Chickenwing)

Black Hole Slam

Abyss (Spinning Side Slam/ Spinning STO)

Black Out

Rodney Mack (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)


Lance Hoyt (Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb/Reverse Crucifix into Flipping Slam/Standing Iconoclasm)


Orlando Jordan (Reverse STO)

Blonde Bombshell

Chris Candido (Off the Top Turnbuckle Powerbomb)

BME (Best Moonsault Ever)

Christopher Daniels (Double Springboard Moonsault)

Bombs Away Knee Drop

Ray "The Crippler" Stevens (Off the Top Turnbuckle Knee Drop)

Bomb Scare Knee Drop

Doug Williams (Off the Top Turnbuckle Knee Drop)


La Resistance (Double Spinebuster)

Book End (Royal Book End)

Booker T (Kneeling Side Slam)

Boomerang Clothesline

Outback Jack (Clothesline into Spinning Clothesline)

Boss Man Slam (Scrapbuster)

Big Boss Man (Spinning Sidewalk Slam)


Chris Jericho (Full Nelson Legsweep Facebuster)

Brain Damage

Danny Basham (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Brock Lock

Brock Lesnar (Stretch Muffler Crab)

Bronco Buster

X-Pac (Head Squash In Corner)

Bubba Bomb

Bubba Ray Dudley (Sit-Down Full Nelson Drop)

Bubble Bobble Buster

Player Uno (Inverted Brainbuster)

Buff Blockbuster

Buff Bagwell (Top Rope Somersault Neckbreaker)

Burning Hammer

Kenta Kobashi, Dan Maff, Arik Cannon (Inverted Fireman's Carry Brainbuster)

Busaiku Knee Kick

KENTA (running knee smash)

Buzzsaw Kick

Tajiri (Roundhouse Kick to the head of a seated opponent)

C-4 (The Plank)

Paul Burchill (Standing Moonsault Uranage)

Camel Clutch

Iron Sheik, Muhammad Hassan, Sabu (Squatting Elevated Back Stretch with Chinlock)

Canadian Destroyer

Petey Williams (Front Flip Piledriver)

Canadian Maple Leaf (Straight Shooter)

Lance Storm (Rolling Single Leg Crab)


Chris Harris (Wind-Up Uranage)

Cattle Mutilation

"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (Bridging Grounded Double Chicken Wing)

Celtic Cross

Finlay (Modified Air Raid Crash)

Chainsaw Kick

Tyson Tomko (Quick Big Boot/Yakuza Kick)

Chartbuster (Last Dance)

Disco Inferno (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)

Chaos Theory

Doug Williams (Roll-through German Suplex Pin)

Chemical Imbalance II

Delirious (Double Arm Pumphandle into Wheelbarrow Driver)

Chick Kick

Trish Stratus (Standing Roundhouse Kick)


The Boogeyman, The Great Khali (Two Handed Chokeslam / Chokebomb)


The Undertaker, The Big Show, Kane, Sid Vicious, The Hurricane (Single-hand Choke Lift Slam)


Gail Kim (Hurricanrana into Armbar)

Chyna Bomb

Chyna (Powerbomb)

Clapper (American Lock)

Scotty Anton (Sharpshooter)

Clawhold STO

Kenzo Suzuki (Clawhold into a Leg Sweep)

Clothesline from Compton

"Monsta" Steve Mack (Strong Running Clothesline)

Clothesline from Hell / Clothesline from Wall Street

John Bradshaw Layfield (Strong Running Clothesline)

Cobra Clutch

Sgt. Slaughter, Rene Dupree, The Big Show (Cut-throat Half-nelson Sleeper Hold)

Cock o' the Walk

The Red Rooster (Sharpshooter)

Code Red

Amazing Red (Sunset Flip Powerbomb into Pin)

Code Red

Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo (Reverse Electric Chair and Off the Top Turnbuckle Bulldog combination)

Colt 45

Colt Cabana (Double Underhook Backbreaker)


Edge & Christian (Double Chair Shot to Head)


Ron Killings (Kneeling Muscle Buster)

Contra Code (Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-SELECT START)

Jimmy Jacobs (Running Corner Back Flip Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Cool Breaker

Carlito Caribbean Cool (Single-Arm Swinging Leg Cradle Neckbreaker)

Coquina Clutch

Samoa Joe (Rear Naked Choke)

(Da) Cop Killer (Da Gringo Killer)

Homicide (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver)

Cosmic Cyclone (Calling London)

Paul London (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)

Cracker Jack

Hernandez (Release Overhead Choke Suplex)

Cradle Shock

Chris Sabin (Cross-Legged Samoan Driver)

Crash Landing

Crash Holly, EZ Money (Inverted Double Underhook Belly-to-back Mat Slam)

Crazy Bomb

Super Crazy (Straight Jacket Hold Lift into Powerbomb)

Cred-Ability (J-Kick)

Justin Credible (Thrust Kick)

The Crosstrainer

The Gymini (Double team straitjacket neckbreaker)


Jason Cross (Shooting Star Press into Legdrop)

Cryonic Kick

Glacier (Shuffle Super Kick)

Crippler Crossface

Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko (Crossface with armbar)

The Cure

Sick Boy (Double Underhook Facebuster)

Curtain Call

Goldust (Inverted Facelock Suplex)

Cut-Throat Driver

Mark Briscoe (Inverted Fireman's Carry Brainbuster with the left arm across the neck)

Cyclone DDT

Brian Kendrick (Springboard Tornado DDT)


Matt Sydal (Top Rope Moonsault Belly to Belly Suplex)

Danshoku Driver

Danshoku Dino (Piledriver with the opponent's head in Dino's pants)

Da Shows Ova

Shane "Daddy" Mack (Superkick)


Jake Roberts

Dead Sea Drop (DSD)

Shark Boy (Top-rope Somersault Three-quarter Facelock Jawbreaker)

Dead Level

Kid Kash (Brainbuster)

Death is Welcome

Chris Hero (Elevated Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)

Death Sentence

America's Most Wanted (Bearhug Hold, Top Rope Leg Drop Combination)

Death Valley Bomb

Perry Saturn, Orlando Jordan, Beth Phoenix (Beth Valley Driver), Rene Dupree, Tommy Dreamer(Fireman's Carry into Brainbuster)

Death Valley Driver

Tatsuhito Takaiwa (Fireman's Carry into Fire Thunder)

Deep Impact

Lance Storm (Jumping Piledriver)

Demolition Decapitation

Demolition (Cross Knee Backbreaker and Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop Combination)

Deep Impact

Yoshinobu Kanemaru (Diving DDT from the second rope)

Derailer (Baldo Bomb)

A-Train (Double Choke into Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Diamond Cutter

"Diamond" Dallas Page (3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Diamond Dust

Masato Tanaka (Top-rope Somersault Three-quarter Facelock Bulldog)

Diving Headbutt

Jay Lethal, Chris Benoit (Diving Heabutt)

Doctor Bomb

Dr. Death Steve Williams (Gutwrench Powerbomb)

Doggy Pump Handle Slam

Road Dogg (Pumphandle Drop Slam)

Dogface Bulldog

Rick Steiner (Off the Top Turnbuckle Bulldog)


Faarooq, Bobby Lashley (Standing Inverted Pancake Slam)

Doomsday Device

Road Warriors (Electric Chair Drop and Off the Top Turnbuckle Clothesline combination)

Down in Flames

Beth Phoenix (Sitout Bodyslam Driver)

Downward Spiral

Edge (Reverse Russian Leg Sweep)

D.R. Driver

Davey Richards (Snap Tiger Driver '98)

D.R. Driver II

Davey Richards (Double Underhook Brainbuster)

Dragon Clutch

Low Ki (Reverse Naked Choke Hold)

Dragon Sleeper

Ultimo Dragon , Jamie Noble, The Undertaker (Inverted Facelock Choke Hold)

Dragon Suplex

Tatsumi Fujinami, Jay Lethal, Paul London (Full Nelson Suplex) (Flipping Release Full Nelson Suplex)


Dragon Kid (Front Flip Hurricanrana Pin)

Dreaded ClawHold

Blackjack Mulligan (Face Palm With fingers in Temple Pressure Points and Lower Face Structure)

Dream Cutter

Tommy Dreamer (Cutter)

Dreamer DDT

Tommy Dreamer (Snap DDT)

Dreamer Driver

Tommy Dreamer (Scoop Slam Piledriver)

Droppin' the Dime (or Droppin' Da Dime)

Rey Mysterio (Springboard Leg Drop)

Dudley Device

Bubba Ray Dudley & Devon Dudley (Electric Chair Drop and Off the Top Turnbuckle Clothesline combination)

Dupree Driver

René Dupree (Michinoku Driver II)


Erik Watts (Powerbomb into Turnbuckles)

Edge O' Matic

Edge (Backward Slam)


Edge (Impaler DDT)


Edge (Modified Leg-Lace Grapevine)

Ego Trip (Whiplash)

Rob Conway (Spinning Neckbreaker from Suplex Position)

Egoist Driver

Magnum TOKYO (Pump Handle Michinoku Driver II)

Egoist Schwein

Gene Snitsky (Pumphandle into Side Slam)

Eight Second Ride

James Storm (Over the Shoulder Side Headlock Spinning Bulldog)

El Fondo Del Abismo

Apolo (Side Slam)

Elijah Experience

Elijah Burke (Forward Russian leg sweep)

Elijah Express

Elijah Burke (Running sitout facebuster)

Emerald Flowsion

Mitsuharu Misawa (Side Bodyslam Piledriver)


Jun Akiyama, Shelton Benjamin (T-Bone Suplex)

Extreme Makeover

Melina (Springboard spinning kneel-out facebuster)

Extreme Twist of Fate

Jeff Hardy, Lita (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker)

Eye of the Hurricane (Nightmare on Helms Street)

Gregory Helms (Inverted Facelock Elbow Drop)

E.Z. Driver

E.Z. Money (Reverse Tombstone Piledriver)

F-5 (Verdict)

Brock Lesnar, Matt Morgan (Fireman's Carry Spinning Rack DDT)


SUWA (Kneeling Reverse Tiger Driver)


John Cena (Death Valley Driver)

Falcon Arrow

Hayabusa (Suplex Lift into Michinoku Driver II)

Fall From Grace

Christopher Daniels (Cross-Arm Iconclasm)

Fall From Grace

Trinity (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)


Billy Gunn (Leg-drop Bulldog)


Ernest "The Cat" Miller (Spinning Roundhouse Kick)

Final Cut

The Big Show (Inverted Facelock Elbow Drop)

Five Arm

Terry Taylor (Flying Clothesline)

Five Star Frog Splash

Rob Van Dam (High Elevation Frog Splash)


Chris Jericho (Sleeper Hold into Falling Slam)


Chris Kanyon (Reverse STO)

Flux Capacitator

Frankie Kazarian (Moonsault Uranage Slam off the top turnbuckle)

Flying Elbow Drop

Shawn Michaels, Lance Cade, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Shane McMahon


Shane Douglas (Shoulder Jawbreaker)


Scott Steiner (Release Hurracanranna)

Frog Splash

Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Art Barr, Christian Cage


Johnny Stamboli (Sitout Uranage) (Gorilla Press Slam)

Funky Flash Splash (Scorpio Splash)

Flash Funk (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)

Future Shock

Chris Sabin (Double-Leg Fisherman's Buster)

Future Shock

Christian York & Joey Matthews (Double Super Powerbomb)


Cryme Tyme (Samoan Drop and Front Flip Neckbreaker Combo)

G-Spot Sweep

Danny Doring (Full Nelson Front Russian Leg Sweep)

Game Genie

Player Uno (Rope-Assisted Double Underhook Piledriver)

Garvin Stomp

Ronnie Garvin (Stomps all around the body)

Gas Mask

Pete Gas (Reverse Full Nelson Slam)


Skinner (Reverse DDT Neckbreaker)

Get Well Soon

Paul London and Brian Kendrick (Reverse STO augmented with Enzuigiri combination)

Ghetto Blaster (Back Brain Kick)

Bad News Allen (Standing Enziguri)


Koko B. Ware (Brainbuster)


The Boogeyman (Pumphandle Slam)


Rhino (Spear)

Gory Bomb

Chavo Guerrero (Gory Special into Sit-Out Flapjack)


Arn Anderson (Forward suplex)

Go 2 Sleep

KENTA (Fireman's Carry Drop Into Knee Smash)

Grace From Heaven

Trinity (Running Moonsault to fallen opponent)

Graceful Kick

Trinity (Flipping kick to standing opponent)

Green Bay Plunge

Mr. Kennedy (Middle-Rope Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam)

Greetings From Asbury Park

Bam Bam Bigelow (Over-the-Shoulder Belly-to-Belly Sit-Out Piledriver)

Gunn Slinger (Gunn Stinger)

Billy Gunn (Swinging Side Slam)

H Thunder

Hayabusa (Sitdown Scoop Piledriver)

Haas of Pain

Charlie Haas (Elevated Inverted Leg-Lace Stretch)

Haastile Takeover

Charlie Haas (Scooping DDT)


Shannon Moore (Top Rope Corkscrew Moonsault)


Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart (Running Shoulder Tackle)

Hands of Stone

Ronnie Garvin (Straight Punch)

Hang Time

Matt Morgan (Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Hanging Dragon

Low Ki (Hanging Reverse Naked Choke Hold from the Top Turnbuckle)

Hangman's Clutch

Chris Hero (Three-Quarter Chancery/STF Combination)

Hangman's Clutch II

Chris Hero (Three-Quarter Chancery/Crossface Combination)

Hart Attack

The Hart Foundation (Bearhug into Running Lariat)

Hart Attack

Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Press)

Hart Attack 2.0 (Lethal Injection)

Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Elbow Drop)

Here It Is Driver

Matt Sydal (Wrist Clutch Half Nelson Michinoku Driver II)

Hero's Welcome

Chris Hero (Rolling Cutter)

Hero's Welcome Championship Edition

Chris Hero (Twisting Michinoku Driver II)

Hindu Press

Sonjay Dutt (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew 450 Splash)

Hip Hop Drop

Grand Master Sexay (Top Rope Leg Drop)

Ho Train

The Godfather (Corner Body Avalanche)

Hollycaust (Falcon Arrow)

Hardcore Holly (Delay Brainbuster Suplex into Michinoku Driver)

Honor Roll

Christopher Nowinski (Rolling Double Underhook Slam)

Hot Shot

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert (Stun Gun)


Akira Taue (Backdrop Suplex lift to Nodowa Otoshi)


Gangrel (Elevated DDT)


Amazing Red (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew Senton)

It Came From Japan

Alex Shelley (Straightjacket Northern Lights Bomb or Cross Legged Brainbuster)


Goldberg (Stalling Suplex Powerslam)

Jackknife Powerbomb

Kevin Nash (High Angle Powerbomb)

Jalapeño Popper

Julio Dinero (Modified Fireman's Carry into Neck Breaker)

JBL Bomb

John Bradshaw Layfield (Powerbomb)


Jay Briscoe (Leaping Double Underhook Piledriver)

Johnson Shuffle

Rocky Johnson, Orlando Jordan (Punching combo)

Jungle Kick (The Whack)

Chuck Palumbo (Thrust Kick)

Juvi Driver

Juventud Guerrera (Sit-out Scoop Powerslam)

Juvi Splash

Juventud Guerrera (450 Splash)

Kawada Driver (Ganso Bomb)

Toshiaki Kawada (Vertical Sheerdrop Kneeling Powerbomb)

Kanyon Cutter

Chris Kanyon (3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Kenny Scramble

Kenny (Modified Swinging Neckbreaker)

Kenton Bomb

Mr. Kennedy (Off the Top Turnbuckle High Angle Senton Bomb)

Ki Krusher 99

Low Ki (Fisherman Screwdriver)

Kiss Of Death

Little Guido (Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)

K.O.D. (Kash On Delivery)

Kid Kash (Elevated Boston Crab)


Melina (Sickle Hold)

Kryptonite Krunch

Nova (over the shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)

La Parkinator

LA Park (Corkscrew moonsault press)

La Silla

Rey Mysterio (Springboard Seated Senton)

Lasso From El Paso

Eddie Guerrero (Modifed Elevated Inverted Leg Lock Stretch)

Last Dance

Disco Inferno (Reverse Standing Figure Four Leglock)

Last Impression

Doug Basham (Running Leg Lariat)

Last Ride

The Undertaker (Elevated Powerbomb)

Last Rites

"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels (Inverted Facelock Spinning Neckbreaker)

Lawler Fist Drop (Royal Fist Drop)

Jerry Lawler (Off the Second Turnbuckle Fist Drop)

Leap of Faith

Shane McMahon (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)

Lethal Injection

Jay Lethal (Cutthroat Pumphandle Sitout Powerbomb)

Lethal Injection II (Lethal Driver)

Jay Lethal (Springboard Implant DDT)

Liger Bomb

Jushin Liger (Running Sitout Powerbomb)

Lion Tamer

Chris Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab with knee placed in lower back)


Chris Jericho (Running Springboard Moonsault)


Lita (Diving Hurricanrana)

London Calling

Paul London (Shooting Star Press)

'Lo Down

D'Lo Brown (Hyper Extending Off the Top Turnbuckle Frog Splash)

Love Handle

Dude Love (Mandible Tongue Nerve Hold)


N8 Mattson (Swinging Neckbomb)

Magic Carpet Ride

Khosrow Daivari (Shawn Daivari) (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash with a Carpet)

Malicious Intent

M.V.P. (Spinning Capoeira Kick to Face)

Mandible Claw

Mankind (Mandible Tongue Nerve Hold)

Mark of Excellence

Mark Jindrak (Back Suplex into Uranage)

Master Lock

Chris Masters (Swinging Full Nelson)

Matthew Kevin Connection

Kevin Matthews (Running Sit-out Powerbomb)

Megabomb (Border Cross)

Hernandez (Release Crucifix Powerbomb)


Adam Bomb (Pumphandle Powerslam)

Michinoku Driver I

Taka Michinoku (Double Underhook Implant DDT)

Michinoku Driver II

Taka Michinoku (Sit-out Scoop Piledriver)

Mick Kick

Mickie James (Standing Roundhouse Kick)

Mickie DT (Laree DT)

Mickie James (Stalling Tornado DDT)

Million Dollar Dream

Ted DiBiase (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)

Mizard of Oz

Mike Mizanin (Spinning reverse neckbreaker)

Mood Swing

Brandon Espinosa (Reverse Spinning Neckbreaker)


Molly Holly (Frontflip off the top turnbuckle onto a standing opponent)

Money Maker

Kid Kash (Double Underhook Piledriver)

Money Shot

Val Venis (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash)


Shannon Moore (Off the Top Turnbuckle Somersault Neckbreaker)


Super Crazy, Kid Kash, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Vader, Lita, Bam Bam Bigelow

Mosh Pit

Mosh (Off the Top Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)

Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza

Perry Saturn (Swinging Fisherman's Suplex)

Move With No Name

Paul Burchill (Grounded Pumphandle Lift into Sidewalk Slam)

Muscle Buster

Samoa Joe (Double Leg-Capture Brainbuster)

Nail in the Coffin

Vampiro (Scoop Sit-Out Powerslam)

Natural Disaster

The Naturals (Kneeling Stunner/Gutbuster Combo)

Near Death Experience

[{"The Asian Nightmare" Kwan Chang}] (Pumphandle into Sit out Brainbuster Driver)

New Jersey Jam

Balls Mahoney (Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop)

New Jersey Naptime

Droz (Sit-Down Powerbomb)

Nightmare on Helms Street

Gregory Helms (Spinning headlock elbow drop)

Nitro Twister

Johnny Nitro (Standing Shooting Star Press)

Niqua Bomb

Shaniqua (Jacknife Powerbomb)

Nodowa Otoshi

Akira Taue (Chokeslam)

No Joke

Hugh Morrus (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)

No Laughing Matter

Hugh Morrus (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)

No Remorse

Riggs (Chicken Wing)

Northern Lariat

Bobby Roode (Lariat to the back of the opponent's neck)


Torrie Wilson (Sitout facebuster)


Nova (Reverse STO)

Nutcracker Suite

Balls Mahoney (Sit-Out Brainbuster Driver)

Old School Expulsion

Steve Corino (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker)

Event Omega

Hardy Boyz (Double Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop)

One and Only

Billy Gunn (Sleeper Hold into Uranage)

One Night Stand

Alex Shane (Modified Standing Fireman's Carry Slam)

Open Hart Surgery

Teddy Hart (Somersault Corkscrew Legdrop)

Osaka Street Cutter

Super Delfin (Inverted Suplex into a cutter)

Outsider's Edge (Razor's Edge)

Scott Hall/Razor Ramon (Crucifix Powerbomb)


Randy Orton, Matt Striker, Carlito, Montel Vontavious Porter (Leg Cradle Spinning Neckbreaker)


Stevie Ray (Double Underhook Facebuster)

Package Piledriver

Kevin Steen (Piledriver with the arms and legs of the victim trapped)

Panty Drop Elbow

Danny Doring (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)


Jamie Noble (Front Facelock Choke)

Pearl River Plunge

Ahmed Johnson (Double Underhook Sit-out Powerbomb)


Triple H, Chyna (Double Underhook Facebuster)

Penile Implant

Big Dick Dudley (Shoulder Carry into Spinning Facebuster)

People's Elbow

The Rock (Augmented Running Elbow Drop)

Pepsi Plunge

CM Punk (Off the Top Turnbuckle Double Underhook Facebuster)


Mr. Perfect (Fisherman's Suplex)

Picture Perfect Elbow

Michael Shane (Diving Elbow Drop)

Pie in the Sky

Miss Traci Brooks (Seated Senton)

Pimp Drop

The Godfather (Fireman's Carry into Brainbuster)

Pittsburgh Plunge

Shane Douglas (Fisherman's Suplex Brainbuster)

Phoenix Splash

Hayabusa (Off the Top Turnbuckle Twisting 450 Splash)

Play of the Day

"Primetime" Elix Skipper (Single-Arm Swinging Leg Cradle Neckbreaker)


M.V.P. (Overdrive)

Poison Ivory

Ivory (Leaping Kneeling Facebuster)

Polish Hammer

Ivan Putski, Scott Putski, Chris Masters (Running Double Axehandle)

Porn Plex

Val Venis (Fisherman's Suplex Pin)


Monty Brown (Running Shoulder Block with Exploding Shove)

Power Dunk

Heidenreich (Modified Shoulderbreaker)

Power of the Punch

William Regal (Left-handed punch using Brass Knuckles)

Problem Solver

Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger (Flapjack and DDT combo)

Psycho Guillotine

Psychosis (Diving Leg Drop)

Psycho Driver

Super Dragon (Torture Rack into Piledriver)

Psycho Driver II

Super Dragon (Pump Handle pickup into Piledriver)

Psycho Driver III

Super Dragon (Cutthroat Inverted Fireman's Carry into Piledriver)

Psycho Driver IV

Super Dragon (Inverted Fireman's Carry into Leg Cradle Michinoku Driver II)


Mike Quackenbush (Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb)

Quackendriver II

Mike Quackenbush (Cross Legged Sitout Tombstone Piledriver)

Quackendriver III

Mike Quackenbush (Ankle Clutch Swinging Leg Cradle Michinoku Driver II)


Mike Quackenbush (Springboard Front Flip 360 Spinning Senton)

Quebec Crab

Rick Martel (Boston Crab)

Rana Invertiva

LA Park (Sunset flip powerbomb)

Rat Star Press

Deranged (Standing Shooting Star Press)

Rat Trap

Steven Richards (Reclining Chin Lock)

Raven Effect (Evenflow)

Raven (Snap DDT)

Razor's Edge

Razor Ramon (Crucifix Powerbomb)

Red Star Press

Amazing Red (Standing Shooting Star Press)

Regal Cutter

William Regal (Single-Arm Trap Neckbreaker)

Regal Stretch

William Regal (Modified STF)

Revolution-style Brainbuster

Yoshinobu Kanemaru (Spinning Vertical Brainbuster)

Rewind Hurricanrana

Jonny Storm (Over-the-Top Turnbuckle Jumping Hurricanrana)

Rhino Driver

Rhino (Spike Piledriver)

Rikishi Driver

Rikishi (Over-the-Shoulder Belly to Belly Sit-Out Piledriver)

Rings of Saturn

Perry Saturn, Austin Aries (Side Double-Arm Stretch)

Rising Sun

Funaki, Maven (Off the Top Turnbuckle Tornado DDT)


Randy Orton (Jumping cutter)

Rolling Elbow

Masato Tanaka (Running Spinning Elbow Smash)

Rock Bottom

The Rock (Side Slam)

Rocker Dropper

Marty Jannetty, Brian Pillman, Shawn Michaels (Wrist Lock Leg-Driven Bulldog Facecrusher)

Roll of the Dice

Reno (Inverted Facelock Spinning Neckbreaker)

Royal Flush neckbreaker

A-1 (Arm Trap Shoulder Neckbreaker)

Royal Mutilation

Paul Burchill (High Fujiwara Armbar)

Rude Awakening

Rick Rude (Neckbreaker)

Rump Shaker

Rikishi (Off the Second Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)

Russian Sickle

Nikita Koloff (Strong Running Clothesline)

Rydeen Bomb

Satoshi Kojima (Sky Lift Powerbomb)

Sable Bomb

Sable (Powerbomb)

Samoan Spike

Umaga (Thumb thrust into opponent's neck or throat)

Saving Grace

D-Von Dudley (Lifting Reverse DDT)

Scissor kick

Booker T (Running Jumping Legdrop to the back of the opponent's head)

Scorpion Death Drop

Sting (Reverse DDT)

Scorpion Death Lock

Sting (Sharpshooter)

Scot Drop

The Highlanders (Double Fireman's Carry into Flapjack)

Seanton Bomb

Sean O'Haire (Off the Top Turnbuckle Somersault Senton)

Seven Year Itch

Billy Kidman (Shooting Star Press)

Sex Drive (Embalmer)

Viscera (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

The Honky Tonk Man (Augmented Swinging Neckbreaker)

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Road Dogg (Augmented Series of Jabs)

Shamrock Anklelock

Ken Shamrock (Fujiwara armbar into Anklelock)


Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Petey Williams, Lance Storm (Leg-Lace Grapevine)

Shattered Dreams (Dust Buster)

Goldust (Rope Entangled Kick to Groin)


Alex Shelley (Swinging Reverse STO)

Shining Wizard

Keiji Muto, Antonio Inoki, Homicide, CM Punk (Running stepup Knee Strike)

Shining Wizard

Gregory Helms (Running enzuigiri kick to the head of a kneeling opponent)

Shooting Cross Press

Jason Cross (Off the Top Turnbuckle Reverse Backflip Splash)


Eric Young (Wheelbarrow into neckbreaker;side wheelbarrow suplex)


The Big Show (Inverted leg drop bulldog)


Sonny Siaki (Inverted Spinning Neckbreaker)

Sicilian Slice

Nunzio (Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg-Driven Bulldog Facecrusher)


Simon Diamond (Fireman's Carry into Reverse DDT)


Simon Dean (Modified Spinning Leghook Fireman's Carry Slam)

Sky Elbow

Randy Savage (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)

Sky High

D'Lo Brown (Sky Lift Powerbomb)

Slap Jack

Stevie Ray (Lifting Double-Underhook Facebuster)

Sliced Bread No. 2

Brian Kendrick, Alex Shelley (Shiranui)

Slingshot Suplex

Tully Blanchard

Snapmare Driver

Emil Sitoci, (cravate w/ legsweep which results in a DDT-like headplant)


MNM (Combination Flapjack and DDT)

Snow Plow

Al Snow (Scoop Slam Side Brainbuster Driver)

Southern Neckbreaker

"Classy" Freddie Blassie (Augmented Swinging Neckbreaker)

Soylent Green

Nate Webb (Canadian Back Breaker into 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Spanish Fly

The S.A.T./Los Maximos (Off the Top Turnbuckle Double Moonsault Uranage)


Edge, Goldberg, Bobby Lashley (Running Shoulder Tackle/Double Leg Takedown)


Spider Sharpe (Shoulder Tackle rolling into a Bridge)

Spider's Web

Victoria (Firemans Carry into a spinning side slam)


Arn Anderson, C.W. Anderson, David Young

Spine Line

Jeff Hardy (One-Arm Boston Crab)

Spiral Tap

A.J. Styles (Front Flip 360° Spinning Senton)

SST (Severe Skull Trauma)

Axl Rotten (Inverted Brainbuster Suplex)

Stage Dive

The Headbangers (Powerbomb and Off The Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop Combo)


Austin Starr (Brainbuster)

Steiner Flatliner

Scott Steiner (Reverse Russian Leg Sweep)

Steiner Recliner

Scott Steiner (Modified Camel Clutch)

Steiner Screwdriver (SSD)

Scott Steiner (Falcon Arrow Inverted Piledriver)

Stevie Kick

Stevie Richards (Superkick)


Steven Richards (Leaping Double Underhook DDT)


John Cena (Modified STF)

Stinger Splash

Sting, Shelton Benjamin (Running Standing Splash to Opponent in the Corner)

Stone Cold Stunner

Steve Austin, Eugene (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)

Storm Kick

Lance Storm (Thrust Kick)


Trish Stratus (Springboard Bulldog)


Jeff Jarrett (Front Russian Leg Sweep)

Styles Clash

A.J. Styles (belly to back inverted mat slam)

Sudden Death

Elix Skipper (Back-to-belly Piledriver)

Super Hero Slam

Rosey (Wind-Up Sit-Out Uranage Slam)

Super Kwang

Kwang (Spinning Heel Kick)

Super Nitro Twister

Johnny Nitro (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Superfly Splash

Jimmy Snuka (Top rope splash)


Christopher Adams (Shuffle High Side Kick)

Supernatural Driver (Boogeyslam)

The Boogeyman (Inverted Falling Slam)

Swanton Bomb

Jeff Hardy (Off the Top Turnbuckle Delayed Front Flip Senton Splash)

Sweet Chin Music

Shawn Michaels (Superkick)

Sweet 'N Sour

Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade (Tandem Clothesline and Chop Block)

Sweet Shane Music

Michael Shane (Superkick)

Sweet Shin Music

Dude Love (Strong Shin Kick into Double Arm DDT)

Swing Thing

Johnny Swinger (Cobra Clutch Leg Sweep)

T.T.B. (Tribute To Benoit/(Take It)To The Bank)

M.V.P. (Crossface Submission)


Trytan (Fireman Carry to Spinning Rack DDT)

T-Bone Suplex

Shelton Benjamin (Exploder Powerslam)

Takin' Care Of Business

The Undertaker (Dragon Sleeper)


Tazz (Half Nelson Choke)

Tequila Sunrise

Konnan (Modified Rolling Single Leg Crab)

Texas Cloverleaf

Dean Malenko, Chad Collyer, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (Cloverleaf Crab)

Texas Tower Bomb

Lance Hoyt (Single Leg One Shoulder Powerbomb)


Test (Rolling Cutter)

Test Elbow Drop

Test (Diving Elbow Drop)

That's Incredible

Justin Credible (Spinning Tombstone Piledriver)


Super Crazy (Three Moonsaults In A Row - one in the lower turnbuckle, second on the middle turnbuckle, third on the top turnbuckle)

Tiger Driver

Jamie Noble, Scott Steiner, Mitsuharu Misawa (Double Underhook Piledriver)

Tiger Driver '91

Mitsuharu Misawa (Double Underhook Sheerdrop Kneeling Powerbomb)

Tiger Driver '98

Excalibur (Double Underhook Piledriver)

Tiger Suplex

Ultimo Dragon (Double Chicken Wing Belly-to-Back Suplex)


Marc Mero, Rhyno, Test (Fireman's Carry into a 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Toblerone Driver

Ares (Double Underhook Sit-Out Powerbomb)

Tombstone Piledriver

The Undertaker, Kane (Belly-to-belly Kneeling Piledriver)


Tommy Dreamer (Reverse Crucifix into Cutter)

Tongan Death Grip

Meng (Nerve Pinch To Neck)

Tornillo Mortal

Super Crazy (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Torture Rack

Lex Luger (Argentine Backbreaker Submission)

Total Elimination

The Eliminators (Spinning Heel Kick and Leg Sweep Combination)

Total Penetration

Big Dick Dudley (Double Choke Sit-out Powerbomb)

Tower Of London

Nigel McGuinness (Top Rope Cutter)


A-Train (Inverted Leg-Lace)

Trash Compactor

Duke Droese (Stalling Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam)

Triple Bypass

Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Leg Drop)

Triple Jump Moonsault

Sabu (Triple Jump Moonsault)

Truth Conviction

Ron Killings (Sit-out Gourdbuster)

Truth Or Consequences

Ron Killings (Sit-out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)

Tsukaba Hatchet

Akira Taue (Combination Brain Claw/Chokeslam)

Twist Of Fate

Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy (Front Facelock into Cutter)

Ultimate Press Slam

Ultimate Warrior (Gorilla Press Drop)

Ultimate Splash

Ultimate Warrior (Running Splash)

Ultimo DDT

Ultimo Dragon (Standing Shiranui)

Unprettier (Impaler)

Christian (Reverse Double Underhook facebuster)

Vader Bomb

Vader (Splash off the Second Turnbuckle)

Vader Sault

Vader (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)

Van Daminator

Rob Van Dam (Augmented Kick of Chair to Head)

Van Terminator

Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon (Springboard Turnbuckle to Turnbuckle Dropkick, usually to chair or trash can)

VD - Viscera Drop

Viscera (Big Splash)

Venis Flytrap

Val Venis (Half Crab Leg Grapevine)


Midnight Express (Bear Hug Hold into Top Rope Leg Drop Combo), James & Chad Dick


Shane Helms (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver)

Vicious Bomb

Sid Vicious (Powerbomb)


Scott Vick (Over the Shoulder Back to Belly Piledriver)


Vic Grimes (Second Rope Belly-to-Belly Piledriver)

The Violent Submission

"Dynamite" Chris Heath (modified clover leaf with body scissors)

Virginia Necktie

Joey Mercury (Hangman's Neckbreaker)

Von Erich Claw

Fritz Von Erich and other members of the Von Erich family (Iron Claw)

Walls of Jericho (Lion Tamer)

Chris Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab)

Wam-Bam-Thank You Ma'am

Bam Bam Bigelow (Off the Top Turnbuckle Diving Headbutt)

Wam-Bam-Thank You Ma'am

Danny Doring (Leaping Double Underhook DDT)

Warrior's Way

Senshi (Double Foot Stomp)

Wave of The Future

Frankie Kazarian (Twisting Reverse STO)

West Coast Pop

Rey Mysterio (Top Rope Springboard Hurricanrana)

Western Lariat

Stan Hansen (Lariat)


Lash LeRoux (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)


Mikey Whipwreck (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)

White Out

Kerwin White (Chavo Guerrero) (Roll-Through into Single Leg Boston Crab)

White Russian Leg Sweep

The Sandman (Russian Leg Sweep with a Singapore Cane)

Whoopee Cushion

Doink the Clown (Off the Top Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)

Widow Maker (Prophecy) (Cruel Intentions)

Sean O'Haire (Reverse Fireman's Carry Slam)

Widow's Peak

Victoria (Gory Special into Sit-Out Neckbreaker)

Wild Driver

Gary Williams (Finishing Touch)

World's Strongest Slam

Mark Henry (Falling Powerslam)


Scotty 2 Hotty (Augmented Falling Chop to Throat)


Irwin R. Schyster (Jumping Lariat)


Tatanka (Swinging Sideslam)

X-Clamation Point

Brian-XL (Inverted Suplex into Michinoku Driver II)


X-Pac (Leaping Sit-Down Facebuster)

X-Marks The Spot

X-Pac and Justin Credible (Double Thrust Kick)


Xavier (Cross-Arm Hangman's Neckbreaker)

Young Blood Neckbreaker

Eric Young (Wheelbarrow lift into neckbreaker)
#1 WWE Women's Champion
2007-01-20 09:48:48 UTC
Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at a victim, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the victim runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The attacker charges into a victim in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its inventor, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle, popularized by X-Pac and Goldust. Goldust added pelvic thrusts to his version of the Bronco buster.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

Commonly referred to as a knife-edge chop. The act of a wrestler to 'slap' the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. Sometimes the wrestler pretends it to be a backhand chop by bringing his hand backwards like he is about to chop but uses his palm for sound effects.

Many wrestlers use this chop more or less but it has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he comes off the ropes first before hitting a high-impact clothesline which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the attacker pulls the victim back, and clotheslines him with either arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the victim's face.

Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at a victim, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the victim runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The attacker charges into a victim in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its inventor, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle, popularized by X-Pac and Goldust. Goldust added pelvic thrusts to his version of the Bronco buster.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

Commonly referred to as a knife-edge chop. The act of a wrestler to 'slap' the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. Sometimes the wrestler pretends it to be a backhand chop by bringing his hand backwards like he is about to chop but uses his palm for sound effects.

Many wrestlers use this chop more or less but it has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he comes off the ropes first before hitting a high-impact clothesline which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the attacker pulls the victim back, and clotheslines him with either arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the victim's face.

Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at a victim, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the victim runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The attacker charges into a victim in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its inventor, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle, popularized by X-Pac and Goldust. Goldust added pelvic thrusts to his version of the Bronco buster.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

Commonly referred to as a knife-edge chop. The act of a wrestler to 'slap' the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. Sometimes the wrestler pretends it to be a backhand chop by bringing his hand backwards like he is about to chop but uses his palm for sound effects.

Many wrestlers use this chop more or less but it has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he comes off the ropes first before hitting a high-impact clothesline which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the attacker pulls the victim back, and clotheslines him with either arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the victim's face.Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at a victim, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the victim runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The attacker charges into a victim in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its inventor, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle, popularized by X-Pac and Goldust. Goldust added pelvic thrusts to his version of the Bronco buster.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

Commonly referred to as a knife-edge chop. The act of a wrestler to 'slap' the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. Sometimes the wrestler pretends it to be a backhand chop by bringing his hand backwards like he is about to chop but uses his palm for sound effects.

Many wrestlers use this chop more or less but it has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he comes off the ropes first before hitting a high-impact clothesline which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the attacker pulls the victim back, and clotheslines him with either arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the victim's face.

Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at a victim, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the victim runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The attacker charges into a victim in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its inventor, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle, popularized by X-Pac and Goldust. Goldust added pelvic thrusts to his version of the Bronco buster.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

Commonly referred to as a knife-edge chop. The act of a wrestler to 'slap' the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. Sometimes the wrestler pretends it to be a backhand chop by bringing his hand backwards like he is about to chop but uses his palm for sound effects.

Many wrestlers use this chop more or less but it has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he comes off the ropes first before hitting a high-impact clothesline which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the attacker pulls the victim back, and clotheslines him with either arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the victim's face.

Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at a victim, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the victim runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The attacker charges into a victim in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its inventor, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle, popularized by X-Pac and Goldust. Goldust added pelvic thrusts to his version of the Bronco buster.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

Commonly referred to as a knife-edge chop. The act of a wrestler to 'slap' the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. Sometimes the wrestler pretends it to be a backhand chop by bringing his hand backwards like he is about to chop but uses his palm for sound effects.

Many wrestlers use this chop more or less but it has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he comes off the ropes first before hitting a high-impact clothesline which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the attacker pulls the victim back, and clotheslines him with either arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the victim's face.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.