Who got you into WRESTLING + YWWA Breakdown Results?
Psycho Dude 99 (YWWA Owner)
2009-08-25 18:44:37 UTC
Match 1: Darth Hendrix vs Charlie Scene

A rematch from last week. One just as good. After Darth just came off with a win from their last match, Scene had to prove he could win.He fought just like last week. He put up a back and forth fight. It turned out to be a long 12 minute match, and nearly 5 minutes of it was a slug fest. But after close to the 20th punch Hendrix knocked down Scene. He then had a big grin and began to lift him up for his Darthism. But as Scene was pulled to his knees he rolled up Hendrix and got a 3. Hendrix was shocked and furious. Scene quickly rolled out of the ring and celebrated his win with joy.

Winner Charlie Scene

Match 2: rkolegacy with Undisputed Jericho vs Stewie Griffin
A pretty one sided match. Jericho once again had the Wave Of The Future fan do his dirty work. And it paid off. This match went fast. At first Stewie began to clean house. But after 3 minutes passed Jericho snuck a low blow to gain rko the advantage. As rko worked on his opponent he got several close 3 counts. But Stewie once again gained the advantage and after a DDT he went up for the Griffin Splash. But as he jumped Jericho pulled rko by the foot to get him out of the way. As rko began to get up he saw Stewie and hit his RKO for the win. A big win for him and The Wave Of The Future.

Winner rkolegacy

Match 3: Mr. E and Andrew The Answer King vs The World Is Ours
A very good match. Surprisingly Mr. E and Andrew managed to put up a great fight with the much more experienced team. But as time grew on tensions grew high with E and Andrew. And after a while they got into an argument. This gave the chance for Y2J to pull Andrew off the apron, and The World Is Yours the chance to roll up E for the win. After their loss Andrew was angry and ended it by giving his partner a cheap punch to the face.

Winners The World Is Ours

Match 4: Hardcore Squash Match Rob Van Dam vs Dr. Death
A good warm up batle for RVD. RVD had full control and utilized many kicks, and a steel chair. But after 4 minutes of brutal action Rock N Wrestling made his way to the ring. But before he could do anything RVD throw the chair into his skull and knocked him out. This gave RVD the chance to go to the top rope and hit his 5 Star Frogsplash through a set up a table in the center of the ring. And this of course gained him the win.

Winner Rob Van Dam

David Schmit Explains the 13 Times King of Kings Incident

He made it short and sweet. He explained that King would not participate in the Road Kill event. He mentioned he believed the Psycho Bears were the reasons why. But he made sure the Bears would pay. He said he found a bigger, better and tougher third man.

Match 5: Deadman 4 Life and Phenominal HBK vs Con Man and Masked Nightmare

A great match. Back and forth and very personal. All Road Kill opponents in the ring with each other. Deadman and Con Man went at it as HBK and Nightmare did their brawl too. But after 10 minutes passed Deadman locked Con Man in his Hell's Gate and HBK hit his deadly Sweet Chin on Nightmare. Gaining the fan favorites a big advantage going into Road Kill.

Winners Deadman 4 Life and Phenominal HBK

Main Event: YWWA Tag Title Match Psycho Bears vs Wave Of The Future (MA Beast and Beast King)
The best match of the night. Bck and forth constantly with no give. But after 15 minutes passed Psycho Dude hit his Thunder From Down Under on MA sending him to G Bear for the Grizzly Function. But before the ref counted the 3 The World Is Ours came out and tried to distract the ref to protect their title match at Road Kill. And it worked. Then the rest of The Wave came out and brawled with The World Is Ours giving G Bear the chance to lock Beast King in a Bear Hug, and Psycho Dude to hit his Thunder From Down Under on MA to win the tag titles. But as they stood tall in the ring Schmit came out and announced the third competitor in the world title match. He said it was quite possibly the biggest wrestler in the world, and out came The Dragon (RAW)! The crowed made the loudest roar of cheers ever in YWWA history. Dragon grabbed the mic, and looked as if he were to say something. But he dropped the mic, ran in the ring and sent the Bears to the outside. He then went to the time keeper and grabbed the world title and held it high ending the show in shock!

Winners Psycho Bears New YWWA Tag Champs
Seventeen answers:
rkolegacy™ .
2009-08-26 09:13:37 UTC
WQ:I don't quite remember but I'm pretty sure my dad got me into wrestling.

Promo: Ok well first I have to say What in the blue hell are you on Stewie?!?!?? First of all you are just mad that you are not as superior as me....I am greatness to this company I am what this company needs and you sir are just a born loser live with it...Ok now this is the part where I just laugh up the rest of the segment because I can barely talk about it it's too funny....Stewie are you High...Have you been using illegal narcotics...the reason I ask this question is, what the hell are you talking about I have never faced you before I just joined YWWA you crazed idiot....You are on some quality drugs there or you are just plain stupid...But anyways to your challenge....I do not have to face you again to prove how dominant I am...We have already seen that when I took you out and proved that I am far superior so shut up and go back to losing some more matches because you suck and you are not even fit to compete against someone of my gifted abilities....This Is My Legacy and you know I am better than You!!!

Good Show 8/10 Nice Job Congratulations to all the winners
2009-08-26 09:53:52 UTC
WQ: Well I was just flipping through the channels looking for something to watch when I stumbled upon the WWE. I heard gongs, saw the arena go into blackness, and a man slowly made his way to the ring. The Undertaker began his promo (I think he was in a feud with Mr. Kennedy) and I was just hooked. The first match I saw was Rey Mysterio vs Mark Henry. I loved how Rey, the smaller man, used his quickness and high flying abilities to defeat Henry. Ever since that night, I started watching wrestling regularly.

Great Breakdown. But seriously?????? THE DRAGON??? JOINING YWWA???????? Whoa. . .


Con Man, I told you that tonight would reflect on what would happen at Road Kill. I locked my Hell's Gate on you after 10 minutes to shut you up and make you submit. How many times must I do this to prove that you are no match for me? I prove week after week that I am simply better than you. At Road Kill Con Man, I end your reign as champion. It's the inevitable. There's simply nothing you can do to stop me. . .

(Promo holds no disrespect for anyone)
Curious 4 Eyes
2009-08-25 19:05:18 UTC
My cousins originally introduced me to wrestling with their old Playstation 1 WWF videogames and then I watched it once in 2004 with them and never watched it again because i didnt have cable so i could only watch when i went to their house. Then in 2006 when i was flipping through the channels in my house I came across Smackdown and realized i didnt need cable for Smackdown so i became a hardcore WWE fan

promo: rKO Legacy, you cheated in our match! You had to get the help of Undisputed Jericho in order to beat me, because you know that in a fair match I would kick your ***! I was about to connect with The Griffin Splash, but then your little friend came out and saved your ***. I would'ev won the opne weight championship, which would've kicked off my singles career here on YWWA, but you cheated. Well, I demand a rematch! At the next YWWA ppv, I demand a rematch inside a steel cage! That way NOBODY, not even your little boyfriend, can interfere in our match. It'll just be me and you, one on one, with no interferences. What do you say RKO legacy? Remember our last Steel cage match? Way back in my first days on YWWA, I literally made you get carried out on a stretcher! I remember that day like it was yesterday RKO legacy.
2009-08-25 19:04:04 UTC
promo: I cant believe we just lost the titlse belts. Beast and beast how could you lose. We gave you the best chance to win we took out psycho for you and still. There goes your guys' chance to be in a ppv. But you guys blew it. Uoy blew everything the wave stood for. But anyways we can capture those belts again. But not with the beasts but with the elite phenom and rkolegacy. Those parasites dont deserve tag team gold. Or hell any gold at it. But we can get those belts back. And at road kill we will. When rkolegacy and i win the tag titles back you will see why i am great, why i am a legend, and why i am the ELITE PHENOM
2016-05-27 12:13:29 UTC
Promo: Mr.TLC, I could explain why I did what I did with words, or I could explain, by showing everybody our win-loss record. Its obvious that all you were doing was holding me back. Now im on to bigger and better things. Things like winning. Something YOU stopped me from doing. Mr.TLC, when I hit you in the head with that steel chair, I knew I was going to enjoy it. But that, THAT, was orgasmic! Never more will I have to be by the side of a loser. Never more will I be a loser by teaming with you. Never more will I have to be put through a match as your tag team partner. It was hardly even a tag team. I did all the work, and no one can deny that. Mr.TLC, all of YWWA, get ready for a new era, an era, of A Scene.
2009-08-26 08:02:23 UTC
Psycho Dude-You guys didnt win,it was 11-10 votes with you guys being 10,so Wave of the future are the real winners....

I got into wrestling when I was a wee little lad playing playstation with my friend,he invited me over to watch Wrestlemania 20,and the first wrestler I ever liked was Randy Orton.

6/10 with that fluke victory you and g-bear had...
Mr. E
2009-08-26 06:08:25 UTC
promo for next YWWA episode

Promo I am Mr.E One of YWWA newest stars and in my debut i beat that andrew answering king guy and then in my second match I lost a tag team match with him at my side that only goes to show he is worst then me and to get him away from me I want andrew in a first blood match or maybe a I quit match well I don't care I will just beat him and then he will stay away from me for good so he can't make me loose again. That Punch has started war andre and I will win the battle and the War
WiseOldManWithAFishingHat InTheZombieApocalypse
2009-08-25 18:54:24 UTC
I actually did by chance, I was really bored (ironically on a friday night)

and played a N64 game we had (WF WarZone) and I liked the Undertaker..later that night I looked for the show and SmackDown was on, I can't remember the exact episode I started watching, it was like before the first Batista vs Undertaker fued.


Stewie should of totally won, Rkolegacy can go to hell

Phenominal HBK and DeadMan4Life were easily gonna be the winners, no contest.
The Dragon
2009-08-26 01:33:43 UTC
Believe it or not, boredom. My little brother and I were bored one Saturday afternoon in 1967. We were flipping through the TV channels (we only had ten channels back then so it didn't take long) and found a blond-haired scary-looking man calling people "pencil neck geeks". Intrigued, we watched him as he trash-talked everybody in the building and told them how great he was. The people booed him out of the building. He just laughed then went to the ring and used a bunch of dirty tactics to pin somebody who's name I've long forgotten. The people booed him again and he just laughed at them. That man was Freddie Blassie. My brother and I were just as outraged as the people watching at Blassie's tactics and behavior.

We had never seen anything like that before (remember, this was in 1967, no cable TV, no satellite TV, no internet, and no Vince McMahon putting a wrestling show on TV just about every night of the week). We tuned in the following Saturday to see if that Blassie guy was there again. And what would happen to him for the cheating he did. He was there, booed as always, and he did NOT get in trouble! He was just as cocky, just as insulting, and cheated to win another match. So we tuned in the next Saturday, and the next, and the one after that, waiting to see Blassie get his.

I was ten and my brother was eight. Freddie Blassie's antics got us hooked on pro wrestling. My brother stopped watching during the Attitude Era, but I'm still just as much as fan today as I was 42 years ago.
2009-08-25 18:53:26 UTC
WQ: My dad

Promo: NO NO NO MA Beast and Beat King LOST!!! NO!!

Listen Psycho Bears you just got lucky in that tag team title match, MA Beast and Beast King will get the Titles back from you parasites. World Is Ours had no business coming out in the Title Match. But I gurantee MA Beast and Beast King will get their titles back and The Wave will get every single title in YWWA. Even though MA and Beast KIng lost their Tag titles, we are still the best stable in YWWA. But to be honest, this lost isnt gonna affect our dominance and greatness in YWWA.
The Real Biggie
2009-08-25 19:48:27 UTC
This is complete bull ----! I looked where you posted the card! Wave of the Future won 11-10! We are supposed to be the YWWA Tag Champs not you!
2009-08-25 18:50:39 UTC
I got in to wrestling partly because of one of my freinds talking me in to it, and partly because my dad bought my liitle brother svr 2007 for the PSP for his birthday. I loved the game so much that I had to find out who these people actually were. I remember the first match I ever saw was the Vince McMahon & Carlito vs. Triple H in a steel cage back in 2007.
Ace D
2009-08-26 07:29:52 UTC
Psycho Dude let me join this thing and why in the hell is this dude named Beast King whining like a little baby. Im challenging you Beast Queen.
2009-08-25 21:49:40 UTC
WTF!!!! You won the tag titles we had more voted then you 11-10 and oyur new YWWA Tag Team Champions. Dont get to comfortable with the belts because im gonna stomp your a**es Psycho Bears!!!
The Side Effect
2009-08-25 18:59:30 UTC
Damnit When Am I Gunna Be Able to Join Christ Do I Have To Blow someone Off Cuz I Won't God Damn......

Heel You Betch


T.T.D ******* Christ!
2009-08-25 18:51:32 UTC
10/10 and Mr. E deserve that punch

Promo we get in a feud and I injure him
2009-08-25 18:53:01 UTC


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.