Yes i think it really a fact that the TNA Knockouts are better then the WWE Divas since the Knockout Divsion does not use any gimmick matches, that the WWE uses like for example the bra and paties or the playboy bunny match which was really a disgrace, also let's look at the facts and that is every female wrestler in TNA has train to wrestle over the past 4-5 years so they really do know how to wrestle.
While the WWE Divas has some of there female wrestlers who still does not know how to wrestle and then the WWE pushes them ahead of there real feamles wrestlers that does how how to wrestle, and for what just because Vince has the deal with playboy to put his female wrestlers on the cover and that why some wrestling fans call that Vinces playboy push. which means that any Diva who poses for playboy will get a big match and a match at Wrestlmania.
Also TNA sign a deal with another wrestling promotion call Shimmer wrestling which means that at anytime Shimmer Wrestling can bring, there female wrestlers to wrestle on TNA and TNA will do the same by letting there female wrestlers to wrestle there on Shimmer wrestling so that way TNA Knockout division will not get still and boring. also why do you think the WWE just made a new womans title for Smackdown was that for them or the fans no, i think that because they know that TNA Knockout division has been getting a lot of good press, while the WWE divas has been getting bad press from the wrestling fans and sport journalists.
And then before we go let's not forget the matches between both TNA and WWE womans division most of the WWE womans matches be like 7 minutes long and maybe hits the 10 minute mark with there womans championship on the line, While TNA has no problem giving there Knockouts wrestlers 10 to 15 minutes a match, and then there are rumors that the Knockouts could get there own wrestling show from TNA and Spike TV to give the Knockouts more time on TV . here is the link to the Knockouts probably getting there own show later in the year.,-New-Show,-Taping-Schedule-Change-and-More.htm