2010-05-24 12:04:00 UTC
This is absurd and his overrating is much worse than Cena's in my opinion because he is like 5'8 and in every single rivalry against a heel that he is in, he gets to win almost all the matches. This happened against Batista, and giants like Kane, Show, Khali and others. Rey beat Punk in elimination chamber, beat Punk at Wrestlemania, beat Punk on Smackdown, and even pinned Punk on the smackdown before this over the limit match and yet he still gets to beat Punk and shave his head, which was ridiculous. Punk's only win was at Extreme rules in which they had to make it seem like Rey is invincible with Punk needing all this outside help and distractions. It is really annoying how lopsided this rivalry was.
BQ: Do you think the reason they ended up making Rey win at Over the Limit may be because WWE doesn't have what it takes to create a developed enough storyline with Rey in SES?
I mean just look at the way they ended the last two Cena vs Batista matches. Maybe they just can't do it and are not creative enough for it.