Okay, someone says this happened weeks ago, which is a lie as Umaga faced CM Punk at the last PPV in a strap match, a LIVE event. This must have happened recently, thus the reasons are still being gaurded by WWE. With Kennedy, I am actually not surprised, as there is no room for him to be pushed into right now. He was being put over as a face, someone to step up against Randy Orton. But, with HHH returning, cancel those plans. With the US title, MVP & Kofi Kingston are about to have another go, so don't look there. Every title has somekind of stroyline that is well into effect or just beginning, thus with Kennedy, you have a top-paid star that is barely even getting airtime..
Umaga having just returned is the big shock, as there were rumored plans for him to be pushed towards the WHC. That was the reason, at least I thought was the reason, for the matches against CM Punk, which otherwise made no sense, as they were not "rankings" matches or title contention matches..
mr kennedy-botched an rko that almost seriously reinjuered randy ortons bad shoulder
umaga-failed a drug test for the second time and refused to go to rehab
the wwe wellness policy has a three strike policy
after the third strike, you get released
after the second strike, you have to go to rehab
this happened weeks ago, why are you asking this now?
have you been living in a hole?
Umaga was released by WWE because he abused the wellness policy for drugs testing. He also refused to go this drug clinic thing. So he was released for good reason, he broke the rules and deserved to go. He had a good future though. This was announced on WWE.com.
Mr Kennedy was apparently released because he was too injury prone. He returned to Raw after being out for several months with a shoulder injury. During his return match on Raw he took an RKO from Randy Orton and re-injured himself, his wrist to be direct. The next day it was announced on WWE.com that he was released. No information was given as to why, but I could almost gaurantee it was because he is too injury prone.
All details of Umaga's release were announced on WWE.com and it was because of breaking wellness policy.
Mr.kennedy can make more money making movies than wrestling
I hate that kennedy left (he sprained his wrist, he injured himself to many times)
Umaga i dont know about, sorry
mr kennady was a poor wrestler and as a result he was putting others at risk during matches.He executed a back body drop badly on Orton,dropping him straight onto his injured shoulder as you can see here:
Orton and a bunch of other superstars complained and he was out of there.
as far as Umaga is concerned,i have no idea :s
Im more shocked about Umaga. I mean atleast Kennedy was a klutz, who botched half his moves and was out due to injury atleast half of his time in WWE. Wasnt Umaga at the last PPV, the samoan strap match. He atleast was in storylines and the crown reacted to him. WWE sucks they cant manage talent anymore.
I was just informed on why Umaga was released. Good for him then he deserved to be released. He shouldve seeked treatment.
When Mr. Kennedy was going to return, WWE was expecting a huge ovation but when he returned he hardly got a few claps! They thought that no one liked him nor hated him so he was a nobody so they fired him!
Umaga quit himself.
So many brilliant wrestlers have been getting released. I think the WWE wants to clear out alot of the WWF wrestlers and get a fresh brand.
Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Rosa Mendez, Jack Swagger, Ted Dibiase