2011-10-16 14:10:34 UTC
2.John Cena Vs Alberto Del Rio-Winner:Alberto Del Rio
3.Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton-Winner:Randy Orton
4.Beth Phonenix Vs Eve-Winner:Beth Phoenix
5.Dolf Zigglar and Jack Swagger Vs Air Boom-Winner:Air Boom
6..Christan vs Sheamus-Winner:Sheamus
7.Triple H and Cm Punk Vs Miz and R-truth:Too Many Ways This Match Can Go You Can Decide:
Either-Triple and Cm Punk Win
-Kevin Nash Interferes Costing Them Both
-Miz and Truth Costing them Both
-John Laurinaitis Interferes Costing Them Both
-DQ By Triple H on CmPunk
-DQ By Cm Punk on Triple H