2006-06-06 22:33:55 UTC
2. Best wrestler on SD
3. Best wrestler on TNA
4. Most over rated wrestler on RAW
5. Most over rated wrestler on SD
6. Most over rated wrestler on TNA
7. Who's return are you looking forward to the most
8. Who needs to loose their title and who to
9. Best Champion in WWE history
10. Best wrestler who didn't make it to the top
11. Best wrestler who hasn't made it to the top yet...
12. Hottest Diva of all time
13. Who would you like to see come out of retirement
14. Who should be in DX
15. Favorite Stable of all time
16. Favorite fued of all time
17. Favorite match type
18. Favorite match of all time
19. Favorite botch
20. Favorite Wrestlemania match/moment