What do some of you have against Triple H?
2014-03-30 15:26:25 UTC
BQ: What was the best year of WWF?
Sixteen answers:
Patrisha M
2014-03-30 16:00:33 UTC
I don't have anything against Triple H. I know that I heard stories about him supposedly burying people backstage, but what do I know? I wasn't back there, so I don't know how things really went. I never thought that Triple H stood out in anyway, but he was fun to watch. He had a sense of humor, played a heel that you'd love to hate, played a funny face, and knew how to wrestle a good match. I personally think that Triple H was underrated in terms of his in-ring abilities because a lot of his detractors don't give him enough credit for his ability sell moves, carry his opponents, and apply submission holds. Also, his Pedigree finisher might not look like much, but in real life, a move like that could kill a man instantly. Still though, despite all that, he didn't really stand out that much. Hulk Hogan stood out. He was a big muscular guy with a super tan and thick blond mustache that "hulked up" and said "brother" all the time. The Rock stood out. He was mighty fine and dressed well, raised his eyebrow, and said mighty funny things on the mic. Stone Cold stood out. He talked a lot of trash to go along with that southern accent, and drank beer all the time. The list goes on. However, I look at Triple H and I just see a tough guy with long hair that wore trunks in the ring. That alone can describe the vast majority of wrestlers.

BQ: I think Triple H's best year was 2002 and no, it wasn't because of The Rock, Stone Cold, or Undertaker. Triple H has been over for a long time. A lot of people loved Triple H due to his antics with DX and the funny things he said on the mic. I picked 2002 because this was the first time Triple H truly was way over with the fans 100% solo and he put on some good matches that year after his Royal Rumble return.
2014-03-30 19:09:00 UTC
I don't have anything against Triple H myself, in fact, I am a fan of his...... I hear all the stuff that is thrown around and some of it I believe and some of it I don't really know whether I believe or not..... As far as I know.....he could be a jerk or a genuinely good guy.... but I do like him and I really don't concern myself with what people say about him....sometimes I just like to sit back and just watch the show........getting upset especially these days with wrestling is hard work....

The best year I think is probably 2002...but between 1996 and 2005 i thik was the extent of the best in an overall be after WM21 it kinda started to go down more.
Americanista *JC*
2014-03-30 16:12:39 UTC
He was constantly in the Main Event back then.. He would bury many WWE Superstars. A perfect example can be Wrestlemania X8. The most anticipated & exciting match for many WWE fans was Hulk Hogan vs The Rock.. That match should have closed the show. But of course HHH had to be in the Main Event and walk out as the champ.

Who knows maybe the "You tap out" chants got to HHH when Brock Lesnar made him tap at Summerslam. And that is why HHH ended up facing and beating him at Wrestlemania.

Let's not forget how many times HHH has been in the title picture... Especially in Wrestlemania.

I recently listened to Chris Jericho's podcast with Chavo Guerrero.. Chavo was telling Jericho a story of a time the WWE creative didn't give him and Mysterio a chance to Main Event a show in Mexico. Two Latinos closing the show in Mexico totally makes sense. Many were supporting Chavo & Mysterio to Main Event that show, but since they weren't top stars the WWE didn't let them. Show closed with DX & Rated RKO. Chavo & Mysterio were kinda angry so they totally stole the show when their match happened. They completely stole the show, fans were going crazy. When the match was over and they both got backstage many superstars in the locker room were congratulating them and saying how great of a match that was.. Everyone except for Triple H, HBK, John Cena & Randy Orton. Only top star that actually said something was Edge. Bunch of a**holes in my opinion. Kinda proves that many top stars in the WWE have a huge ego.

When HHH faced CM Punk like about 2 years ago... Why didn't CM Punk get the pin?

It's those little things that bother many fans.

Triple H has a huge ego.. Former WWE Superstar Ken Shamrock recently said in an interview that Triple H has a problem with him because HHH didn't want to put him over in a match. He said Hunter has a huge problem with putting superstars over.

I can go on lol.
2014-03-30 15:43:39 UTC
I have nothing against him overall. He's a legend and his career helped make the WWE a better place the only thing I really never liked was how he buried Booker t back in 2003 but then again that was not his call.

BQ: 2001 and 2006-7
2014-04-01 03:45:35 UTC
Uh... I have nothing against him. I like him.....some people just consider him a person who buries everybody....some people say he married his way to the top...and some people just dont like him. He supposedly played backstage politics with Shawn when it was still WWF. That's another reason.

BQ: 1997 because of Shawn, Hunter and Bret Hart.

2001 because of Rock, Stone Cold and Undertaker.
2014-03-30 15:28:48 UTC
I have nothing against him. I like him.....some people just consider him a person who buries everybody....some people say he married his way to the top...and some people just dont like him. He supposedly played backstage politics with Shawn when it was still WWF. That's another reason.

BQ: 1997 because of Shawn, Hunter and Bret Hart.

2001 because of Rock, Stone Cold and Undertaker.
2014-03-30 19:14:40 UTC
Triple H is a nice guy, but he is also a very top competitor, many accuse him of burying talent so he can stay at the top, and accuse him of marrying Stephanie just to get more power within WWE!

Not sure if it is jealousy, or if they just resent the things Hunter has done to get to the top, some of it is considered not very nice!

BQ: 1999, Ironically, the year HHH was at top
The Legendary Styles
2014-03-30 15:35:57 UTC
Yes that is why. He has an ego that is undeserved. He kept RVD, Chris Jericho, Booker T, and others from reaching the World Title 2002-2004....He was suppose to lose to all three of them but he was like NO! He only cares about himself. He was much better being Shawn Michaels Lackey in the late 90's. I was never a fan of his...Overrated son of a gun

BQ: 2001
2014-03-30 16:03:51 UTC
I have nothing againts him. Maybe it's just because he marries a Boss' daughter so he could be on the top? Maybe it's because many people assumed he played politics? The thing is, Triple H is a good performer, (not a high-flyer like Rey Mysterio or a submission expert like Kurt Angle) but he at least could bring his best.
2014-03-30 15:46:30 UTC
I have nothing against him, he is a very talented actor and has done much for the business. Triple H is just doing a great job at playing his role as he always has and will go down in history as a legend of the WWE business.
2014-03-30 15:47:52 UTC
Too many stories have you questioning his character and what his true intentions were or are.

And to Dumbass Dave: believing that everything that is said about a person is a lie is equally as bad as believing everything that is said about a person is the truth. You have no support to back up your claims other than the fact that Undertaker did indeed go on record and say that he doesnt believe Hunter marrying Stephanie changed the course of his career. To that claim, I can give you 10 wrestler accounts and recollections that dispute that argument and support the argument that he tries to bury people. So once again Dave, go to hell.

And please look up the definition of a parasite.......another loss for Dumbass Dave
2014-03-30 15:39:24 UTC
He literally married into his career. It seems like when the man talks he goes on for hours and he always gets out his golden shovel to bury promising talent. HHH is worse than a WCW clique when he brought his own guys in. Fans hate it so much and you are seeing that right now in the company. He gives himself more credit than what is deserved. He talks like he was a major player in the attitude era when he was always the guy standing next to a person like Stone Cold. He was never an "a player".
2014-03-31 04:44:08 UTC
The only reason HHH is anybody is because Stephanie picked up on him. And nothing beats the 1980's .
2014-03-30 15:35:06 UTC
People believe in Half-Truths and Full lies.

Bonus Question 1997 - 2006.

James: No he didn't; got any proof.

TNA_James: You know nothing.

1. He was doing great in World Championship Wrestling before coming to World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling wise.

2. He was being pushed before meeting up with Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.

3. He was also being pushed before getting in a relationship to Stephanie McMahon, The Undertaker himself has gone on record and said that The Marriage had absolutely nothing to do with Triple H's Career.

Parasite Daye: P-R-O-O-F?
IM Sam132
2014-03-30 17:35:42 UTC
People hate that he married the bosses daughter.
2014-03-30 17:13:32 UTC
His nose.

BQ: 2001

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.