I'll start with yours. The first match is a given, and will make for a very entertaining bout, no matter what Cena haters say on the matter. Next is The Streak. I don't think Undertaker would lose to Randy Orton and Wrestlemania, so that part is right, and it would be a 3.5 or 4 star match. In the next match, I'd see Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett coming out on top over Sheamus. Personally, I think Wade Barrett would win that one. CM Punk vs SCSA? Would make for a good match if it were SCSA's prime, but that was long ago and I just don't think he still has it in him so Punk would have to be the winner for it to be at all convincing. Del Rio VS Triple H is right, and I think it'd be okay. Next, I'd love to see John Morrison have his Wrestlemania moment by defeating his former tag partner for the WWE Championship. He definitely deserves a top-tier title reign. Lita VS Beth would be... interesting, though that 4 minute estimation is probably accurate if Beth is the winner. Next one I would absolutely hate to see. They need to stop unifying titles so the newer guys with talent get an opportunity to hold some form of championship gold. If I had to pick the winner, though, it'd be Kofi. Swagger's time is over, really. WWE doesn't seem to care about him anymore. Christian vs Jericho would be amazing, probably the match of the 'mania but Jericho would win. Now for my card.
The Rock def. John Cena (Although, it probably won't end that way because Cena rarely loses. I think he's lost once at Wrestlemania, and that even had interference... Still, hope Rocky wins.)
Chris Jericho def. The Undertaker (We all know Undertaker is done soon and what better than a fantastic superstar that has only a few matches in the past with Undertaker? The Streak should be broken and I think Chris Jericho is the best candidate.)
WWE Championship: CM Punk def. Triple H(c) (Right now, this seems like a possibility because of what's happening on Raw. While WM28 is very far away, it could easily go on that long.)
World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy def. Randy Orton(c) (I can see a returning, clean Jeff taking on a man he has history with and winning the gold at Wrestlemania. Here's me being hopeful, though.)
6-Man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Drew McIntyre def. Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes(c) and Sheamus.
Fatal Four Way for the United States Championship: Wade Barrett def. Sin Cara, Alberto Del Rio(c), and Daniel Bryan.
Divas Championship: Maryse(c) def. Kelly Kelly
Divas Tag Team Championship(This is me hoping they make one): Natalya and Beth Phoenix(c) def. The Bella Twins
WWE Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Tag Team Match: Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne(c) def. Michael McGillicutty, and The Miz and R-Truth
Zack Ryder def. Christian for #1 Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship.