Q1: It's hard to say. The KO Division is still lacking a lot. Right now, I'd say they only have maybe 6 good female wrestlers (Wilde, Sarita, Hamada, Tara, Mickie, Lea) and a few passables. Out of those six, only three are really seen on television or PPV on a regular basis, so I'd say the division still needs some spotlight, work, and time.
Q2: I can only think of two reasons why Katie Lea didn't use the Katie Lea name, 1) the WWE may own any variation of the name. Mickie, however, is using her real name which the WWE can't claim merch rights over someone's real name, which is why Kurt Angle is still Kurt Angle and Ken Anderson is no longer Ken Kennedy. If that's not the case, it's possible that TNA wanted license to Katie Lea's ring name and that Katie wasn't willing to give up any variation that she may own rights to. They did the same thing with Low Ki, Christopher Daniels, and Austin Aries when they weren't willing to commit their ring names as TNA intellectual properties.
Q3: I could live without ODB, but her departure was the final blow to the KO division for a lot of people. I'm a huge fan of Alissa Flash/Cheerleader Melissa, and I wish TNA would have done more with her. Roxxi was someone I rarely missed in TNA when she was absent, but greatly enjoyed when she was showcased because she had potential to be everything that division stood for on multiple occasions, but due to bad booking it never really came to pass. I'd love to see any of them mix it up with Mickie or Katie in TNA
Q4: Kong asked for her release after an altercation with Bubba the Love Sponge. The last Kong sighting for me was actually on Lucha Libre USA Masked Warriors. I do miss Kong a lot in TNA, and she was a major part of the division.
Q5: With Knockouts? I'd really love to see either Wilde or Sarita go up against James. I think their styles would mesh well. Out of the whole roster, I'd love to see TNA tap some of it's Japanese ties again and pull off a triple threat tag between SpeedMuscle, the Machine Guns, and Gen Me.
Q6: I've heard nothing of the like. Not all spoilers are to be trusted. I wouldn't mind seeing her in TNA, but at the same time, I don't care either way if she does show up.