2011-12-30 18:47:53 UTC
-WWE Title: CM Punk(c) vs. Chris Jericho (2012 Royal Rumble Winner)
-No Holds Barred match: The Undertaker vs. Kane III
-World Heavyweight Title: Wade Barrett(c) vs. Sheamus(wins #1 contender EC match) vs. Mark Henry (complains he never got a 1-on-1 rematch for the title)
-If Del Rio loses, Lauranitis is fired: HHH w/ Vince McMahon vs. Alberto Del Rio w/ John Lauranitis
-IC Title vs. Career: Cody Rhodes(c) vs. Goldust
-Big Show & Michael Cole (heels) vs. Shaquille O’Neal & Daniel Bryan (faces)
-Diva’s Title: LumberJill match: Beth Phoenix(c) vs. Natayla
-10 man MITB Ladder match: Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Zack Ryder vs. Hunico vs. Evan Bourne vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Ted Dibiase
-DARK MATCH: Tag Titles: Primo & Epico (c) w/ Rosa Mendes vs. The Usos
BQ: What is your WM28 card?