Mia Skye
2010-06-28 11:43:37 UTC
In-Ring Promo: Ric Flair comes out to the ring and announces that he has decided that to draw a crowd there has to be a big main event, so the main event will not be picked by him, but a randomizer. Let’s see who the opponents are going to be. The randomizer goes off and it shows Luke Gallows. The randomizer goes off again and lands on Shawn Michaels. Ric Flair then has the randomizer pick a match and it comes out to be You’re Fired, where the loser gets fired.
Match 1: 1st Match of the Tag Team Tournament, winners get #1 contender for the Phoenix Rising Tag Team Championship: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Matt and Jeff Hardy
Backstage Promo: Christy Hemme welcomes John Morrison and Cody Rhodes, she asks why they entered themselves into the tag team tournament, such an unlikely team. John Morrison explains that they are not an unlikely team. They are both young, overlooked talent, and they are the heartthrobs of any teenage girl, and soon together they will be the Tag Team Champions.
Match 2: 2nd Match of the Tag Team Tournament, winners get #1 contender for the Phoenix Rising Tag Team Championship: John Morrison and Cody Rhodes vs. Team 3D
In-Ring Promo: Triple H comes out to the ring, he says that he has just arrived to the arena after partying the entire week since he is the Phoenix Rising Champion and he finds out that his good friend Shawn Michaels is in danger of being fired. He says that he will not stand for it, a veteran in the ring and a good competitor being fired. He is interrupted by Samoa Joe. Joe takes the mic and calls Triple H a sad excuse for a champion. A champion should be looking for a way to better himself, not care for the other potential competitors for his championship, that is why Triple H doesn’t deserve to be the champion, however Joe was raised by a nation of violence. He was born and raised to only think about himself, and that is the true nature of a champion. Triple H responds by saying that if Joe thinks he can take the championship, a match at their first pay per view Ground Zero. Joe agrees and the two shake hands.
Backstage Promo: S.E.S. is backstage in their locker room. CM Punk is preparing Luke Gallows; telling him that if he has any problems with the match Punk and Serena are there for him.
Match 3: Trish Stratus vs. Amazing Kong
Match 4: John Cena vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Wade Barrett
Backstage: Triple H talks to Shawn Michaels telling him that Luke Gallows will be a piece of cake, Shawn had beaten a lot harder people than Luke Gallows. He has no reason to worry. Shawn responds by saying that he had never had these conditions though.
Match 5: Phoenix Rising Extreme Championship First Blood Match: David Otunga vs. Chris Jericho
Main Event: You’re Fired Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Luke Gallows
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