I wont count DX or B.O.D. as tag teams, but i will try to giv you my view on Rated RKO.
Firstly, these two got me back into wrestling after a 4 year hiatus from all things wrestling.
Anyway - These two were formed, both already established singles stars, to take down a common opponent. They were indeed a team, you can have singles stars and call them a tag team.
All tag teams have...
- A Tag Team name, Rated RKO is the same as The Hardyz
- Speciality Tag Team moves, Rated RKO had the double RKO, con-chair-to (as done by E&C)
- A titantron representing the team, not each star. Rated RKO had one (even though it was never released to the public, shown in Italy)
- Orton and Edge (while they were a true team, ie: champs) didnt have singles matches, they had tag matches - vs Piper&Flair vs DX etc.
It just seems that your view says - You can only be considered a tag team if your not a singles wrestler. (This isnt attacking you, just me interpreting it).
Let me put this to you - If Harry Smith became IC champ next year, then a year later became part of the Hart Foundation, would you consider that a Tag Team?