1)I am going to have to go with Evan Bourne never winning a singles championship in his career. Evan Bourne is a cruiserweight, and the thing about that is Vince McMahon loves the bigger guys. So, I believe Evan Bourne needs to win a singles championship or hhis entire career would be pointless. I have no idea why he would stay with the WWE if he hasn't had a championship three years from now, I believe he should leave and head back to Ring of Honor.
The general manager turning out to be Hornswoggle would have some kind of twist. Something such as Hornswoggle being a co-GM. So, Hornswoggle being the general manager would suck, but it would have a point. Undertaker knows his time is almost over and so does the fans so that wouldn't surprise me one bit. As for SmackDown! being canceled, I wouldn't want it to but Vince has always had two shows since the end of the Attitude Era, so, if he cancels SmackDown!, we would get another show.
2)Hornswoggle winning the Intercontinental Championship and renaming it to the Leperchon Title. I don't believe I have to say anymore about that issue but I will. Hornswoggle disgraced the Cruiserweight Championship and he will disgrace this championship if he had the oppourtunity.
Chris Jericho getting released would be nearly impossible but if he does, he can go anywhere and be welcomed. Also, he was talking about retirement so if he gets released, he probably asked for it himself. Kane losing the championship to Mysterio, I really wouldn't care for, I usually just skip through Rey Mysterio matches. People say the take a leak during the Diva's matches, and I take a leak during Rey Mysterio matches. I'm sorry, I know he is your favorite but Rey Mysterio and John Morrison, I cannot stand. WWE getting rid of both tag team titles would be surprising but they can finally live their legacy in a peaceful manner instead of being ruined of it's prestige.
3)Aj Styles being released. He is there best talent so I would be surprised about his release. As for Kurt Angle retiring, I wish he wouldn't but he has been talking about it and I respect him for it with his broken necks throughout the years. TNA getting rid of the X-Division Championship would be terrible but pales in comparison to the Aj Styles release. Ric Flair winning the championship wouldn't matter but if they decided to make it happen, it would be a great moment.
4)Samoa Joe being released. Once again, this is just a case of a great talent going to waste and his release would shock the wrestling industry. TNA turning PG would be okay. There is a lot of things they can get away with under PG but WWE isn't really PG, they are more G. Because under PG, there can still be blood and curses but WWE doesn't go in that direction.
Lacey Von Erich winning the Knockout Championship would be awesome and a great moment for TNA. Motor City breakig up would be a tragedy. But in my opinion, all good tag teams have to break up and pursue singles career at some point.