1. Chris Masters vs Carlito- Carlito won with a backbreaker to chris masters.
2. Umaga vs Ric Flair- Umaga won with his usual moves =(
3. Mickie James vs Trish Stratus- Mickie James lost via DQ she kept choking Trish until after a 5 count. Mickie James is still champ. PSYCHO!
4. RVD vs Shelton Benjamin- RVD won, while the ref was knocked out he did a Vandaminator on Shelton Benjamin with the Money in the Bank briefcase, then he did a Five-Star Frog Splash and pinned Benjamin.
5. Big Show vs Kane- No decision, while they were wrestling the lights dimmed down and Kane heard, MAY 19th then Big Show got a chair and put Kane out of his misery, Big Show then walked away sad.
6. Shane McMahon and Mr. McMahon vs Shawn Michaels and "God"- Vince and Shane won, before the match Vince announced that the match was a No Holds Barred match. They made Shawn bleed but he got back up and he did a repeat of Wrestlemania 22 except he was going to break both Shane and Vinceon seperate tables, while he was on top the Spirit Squad came and Shawn jumped on them instead of the McMahons then it was a 7 on 1 and the Spirit Squad broke Shawn on the table (like they threw Big Show to win the Tag Team titles) then he got pinned by Vince.
Main Event- John cena vs Edge vs HHH- Cena took it, it was a hellacios match HHH was bleeding like crazy. While HHH went 4 a pedigree Cane reversed it into a pin. Edge almost tapped but was later taken out with a steel chair can't go into details cuz i'll spend all night here. I hope this helps =)
Also Eugene represented for Kentucky by putting a booger on Matt Striker's mouth then Eugene stunnered him.(Striker was talking trash about kentucky being dumb)