2010-08-10 18:25:53 UTC
Welcome to the first episode of the Wrestling Scoop! I’m your host Briar X here to present to you, the Wrestling Scoop. Here is how it works, ideas of what might happen in WWE are thrown around on a notepad. Each idea is thought about. If the idea sounds good and might happen, it receives a check. If it is most likely not going to happen, it gets scratched out. All ideas will be posted. The ones that were scratched off will have a “X” by it on the left. The ones that were good will have a “G” by it. Then in your answers, leave your comment on what you think of the show and give me your opinions on the topic and your ideas of what might happen! Welcome to the scoop!
Goldberg vs. The Undertaker at Wrestle mania (G):
The Goldberg recently stated in an interview that if he was offered the right amount of money, he would wrestle one last time in the WWE. Goldberg didn’t state who he would fight, but has reported that if his demand came true, he would leave WWE with a bang. For the Undertaker, he has a streak of his own like Goldberg’s undefeated streak. The undefeated Wrestlemania streak being the Undertaker’s. The Undertaker is planning to retire somewhere around WM27. Two thoughts have been floating around about this idea. The first one being, Goldberg beating the Undertaker at WM making Undertaker 18-1. But if that was to happen, fans would want Goldberg to stay in the WWE. Goldberg would be a hero to fans but he would leave making young viewers upset. The second thought being that if the Undertaker wins his 20th win at WM, he could say something like “For 20 years, the undefeated streak has lived.. But now it is dead.” Then the Undertaker does one final pose and is gone from WWE. The Undertaker is only 40 something NOT in his 60s. I think that both Goldberg and The Undertaker have one last match in both of them to close WM27.
(X) WWE NXT Season 3 to have Divas:
Rumors were going around saying that if NXT was to have a Season 3, it would have Divas. In my opinion, they won’t have Divas in Season 3. Reason being is because of the younger watchers. If all you see on NXT every Tuesday night is women wrestling and your parents are watching, your parents would wonder what you were doing and tell you to get off the channel. Kids are currently the top watchers of the WWE so if kids were to stop watching WWE, they’d lose a lot of ratings.
(X) John Cena heel turn:
John Cena is considered the “superman” of the WWE. Cena is mostly the reason kids started watching WWE causing it to go PG. If Cena turned heel, WWE would lose ratings and viewers. The kids wouldn’t want to buy a bad guy’s clothes.
TNA vs. WWE (G):
Currently, WWE and TNA are fighting for ratings (Superstars and Impact). WWE is currently getting the more ratings week after week in TNA. We might possibly seen a TNA superstar attack a WWE superstar on live T.V. making a TNA vs. WWE war. That would declare a Attitude Era II.
(X)Vince McMahon owning TNA:
Even though people talk about Vince owning TNA, it is not possible. Yes, it would be nice for him to, but it won’t happen. WWE is PG while TNA is in a higher rating. In TNA you see a lot of blood and action. In WWE all you see a macho man winning every week. I’m not trying to bash WWE, but TNA is never going to have Vince own it.
Booker T to WWE (G):
I think that Booker T can return to the WWE. But not at the Royal Rumble. To many superstars have returned then. (Triple H in 2002, John Cena in 2008, Edge in 2010). Booker T was expected to return near the Rumble of either this year or next but his wife, Sharmel, was reported that she was having twins so Booker T had to stay with her. Booker T will return probably around Wrestlemania of next year.
Thank you for joining me here with the Wrestling Scoop. Tune in tomorrow for another episode. Please leave your thoughts and ideas below. Have a nice day!