The Animalistic-Viper LP23
2010-11-06 21:39:55 UTC
- Randy Orton is Stone Cold Steve Austin
- John Cena is The Rock
- Sheamus is Test
- The Miz is Chris Jericho
- John Morrison is Shawn Micheals
- Daniel Bryan is Chris Benoit
- CM Punk
- Evan Bourne is Rob Van Dam
- Justin Gabriel is Jeff Hardy
- Wade Barrett is William Regal
- The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd)
- Heath Slater is Edge
- Ted DiBiase
- R-Truth
- Ezekiel Jackson is Ahmed Johnson
- Yoshi Tatsu is Tajiri
- William Regal
- Zack Ryder
- The Uso's (Jimmy & Jey)
- Primo'
The Undertaker
- Jack Swagger is Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
- Alberto Del Rio is Eddie Guerrero
- The Big Show
- Drew McIntyre is Triple H
- Kofi Kingston is Booker T
- Dolph Ziggler is Mr. Perfect
- Kaval
- "Dashing" Cody Rhodes - "Ravishing" Rick Rude
- Christian
- M.V.P
- The Dudebusters (Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft) is Edge & Christian
- In FCW, Tyler Black {Seth Rollins} will eventually be on the Main Roster & The Aviadores {Epico & Hunico} their a Lucha Libre Tag Team. -