Shooting STELLAR Press (MISAWA)
2008-12-24 03:16:39 UTC
What I found curious was not the fact that it was a squash match but the fact that the crowd went (for lack of a better term) apesh*t during the match even though Hardy jobbed to Lesnar and it was over in all of four minutes.
I was really amazed by how much things have changed since then. From what I can remember (although I could be wrong), a couple of years back, most wrestlers and almost all matches got pretty huge pops regardless of who would be wrestling.
Now there are times when the crowd is dead whenever a wrestler comes out and there are also many times when a crowd is totally silent throughout the entirety of a match. Even the biggest pops are very restrained. Why is this so?
OK, I know the sloppy storylines have had much to do with it, as well as the crowd's general disdain for wrestlers with little personality, but I'm pretty sure there are other, bigger reasons. How come today's wave of WWE fans seem more half-hearted than the fans of several years ago?