People like what Punk did for the company and now that hes gone they are realizing just how much they all miss him. Guys like Orton have ran out of ideas and fans can't even get behind him anymore. You said it best yourself nobody in WWE right now is as entertaining as Punk.
Batista talked a little bit about WWE fans in a recent interview and I have to agree with him. I don't understand these people anymore either. Why would they chant something that has nothing to do with the match? The only reason I can think of is that they are bored.
If Brie Bella and Cameron have a two minute match and WWE fans chant Cm Punk... does that mean they are bored? Does it mean they simply don't care about the match? Or has the show just gotten so bad that they show up to chant amongst each other and completely ignore the professional wrestling aspect of it?
I don't know but WWE fans have shown us that they will chant just about anything because it is cool and fun. We saw that with the Fandango thing and look how long that lasted... I have to tell you man I wouldn't be caught dead doing that Fandangoing thing and the fact that people go to wrestling events to do that... im glad I don't buy tickets to WWE events anymore.
I think WWE has done a terrific job at isolating people like me from their company because all I care about is pro wrestling. I don't want Total Divas, instructions on downloading an app, or Jerry Springer segments. Cm Punk cared about wrestling too and he finally had enough I guess.
So go ahead and hate Cm Punk for leaving but I think people who love wrestling like me respect him even more for it. I respect Punk for not being a yes man like Dolph Ziggler because look where Dolph Ziggler is now. It was better Punk got out before they killed off all his momentum and he will be talked about for years to come in wrestling history.