It doesn't matter who WWE put infront of Randy, he'll kill them all, whether they are a legend or not!
Randy has never stopped being The Legend Killer!
I mean, he took out BOTH members of DX in about 5 months! That's impressive!
Sorry, I'd love to see Randy verse RVD, but RVD is going to be fired soon and may be heading off to TNA! But if they did fight, Randy will whoop his @ss!
Randy is going to get a BIG push so that he can go for the WWE Championship! Can you imagine him as champ again!
August 15 2004 was the best day of my life, when Randy became the World Heavyweight Champion, and might I just add, The youngest ever!
It would be such a bonus for me if he wins it off Cena!
I hate Cena and it would be the BEST if Randy took the title away from that undeserving wannabe wrestler! LMAO!
Randy has already killed the legend of Ric Flair! Dont you remeber 2004-05, when he versed him in a steel cage 1 on 1! And who won...... of coarse, none other than the Legend Killer himself!
Last year at Summerslam, that was rigged! He pinned Hulk 1,2,3 and in my eyes, thats a win and another legend killed for the Legend Killer!
Well lets just hope that Randy becomes champ, I'll have my fingers crossed and I'll say my preys!
Cena isn't a legend but that doen't mean Randy wont kill him!
I can just picture it in my head.......
Randy and Cena are having a stare down, then Randy kicks Cena in the stomach then hits him in the face, Cena tries to return a punch, but Randy is too fast for Cena and dodges the punch and then.........BAM!
RKO! 1...2....3! DING! DING! DING!
"Here's your winner and the new WWE Champion....... The Legend Killer.....Randy Orton!
The ref then holds up Randys arm and hands him over the Championship! Randy holds it up with pride as his theme song, "Burn in my Light" starts!
Hey!..... Hey!......Hey, nothing you can say!...... LOL!
And thats the bottom line, because I, Legend Killer (my name), said so!
P.S. This question defiantly needs to be starred! Here you go!