Yeah, those people are... blah. It's like that with everything, not just wrestling. I remember when I read The Hunger Games a month after the first book launched, and now my friend believes she's a know-it-all after reading it in March.
People are people, you can't change them. Mostly all wrestling matches are scripted, WWE, TNA, and others. It's for entertainment purposes, but they're written in a way to seem like it's real, like how I believe every title win and pin-fall just happens on it's own. Thinking it's scripted while watching it on TV or Live just ruins the fun and makes you want to stop watching it.
Truthfully, I like WWE better. I watched it when I was in diapers when my older brother watched it. I really just started to watch it every week again 3 years ago. I like the feuds, and I think it's more entertaining. I'm not the biggest fan of Cena like 99.9% of the WWE Universe, and I do think The Miz should still be Champ. The reason most people like it is because it's been around for a hell of a lot longer then TNA, and when you see the superstars, you think, "Yep, that's Randy Orton, son of Cowboy Bob Orton", or "Look, it's Alex Riley, stupid as he is useless!" or, "Hey, look, half of Michael McGillicutty's ***-cheek actually LOOKS normal!"
TL;DR: You can't change a person's opinion. I've watched both WWE and TNA, and I enjoy WWE more.