It is a great article, for sure!
My thoughts on this article, are that everyone who is against wrestling should read this! I hate the stereo type that comes with watching wrestling! Most wrestling fans are aware wrestling is scripted (except for children). No need to point out the obvious. I hate when people act like the fact that wrestling is scripted to wrestling fans is some kind of major announcement. They think wrestling fans are dumb, but instead, they are stupid for saying something that everyone knows already. Also, I hate when people ask," How can you like wrestling?" Entertainment. Its simple. Everyone enjoys different things, and different hobbies. I liked the story about the friend who liked to collect candy wrappers, and how he tried it. In my eyes, there should be more people out there willing to try different things. He could've just laughed at the idea of collecting candy wrappers, but he tried it. The bottom line is, everyone likes different things, and who are you to judge, if you haven't tried it! If you don't like it, then you just don't, and no need to mess with people, who do. Don't bad mouth something, just because you don't understand it!
Have they ever watched an episode of wrestling in their lives? No! At least try watching it, before you can criticize it.
This article highlights some great points about how to defend wrestling. Many people I know will just bash things so easily without any careful thought put into it! They will just say, "Oh that's stupid, or gay!" People like to be in control, and that's that. When you make are poking fun at something you do it to be in control of the situation, and be in power. For some people that's a great feeling, and they do it constantly. I don't see the point, and I'm just not one of those people. Those people aren't usually the most intelligent people I know! Overall, this article was written very well, and gets across a great message.
BQ: Then wrestling would be UFC or MMA! I would not enjoy it more, and maybe even less. The in-ring physiology, the technical aspect mixed in with the high-flying at time, and overall, the way a story is told in an amazing match, which you never find in UFC or MMA, which makes wrestling great.
On the other hand, maybe the great characters that we find in wrestling, and how we become so attached to them. The feeling you get, when they are in the ring, or on the mic. How a certain performer is one of a kind, and you just can't ignore them. We follow them through every twist, turn and bump because they are important to us!
You know why WWE peaked from 1997 to 2002? Because characters like Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Triple H and others resonated with us. We had never seen a good guy that was also a badass like Austin before. We had never seen somebody as creative as The Rock in terms of what he said. When you can relate to characters that are that good, you’re going to be drawn in to the show. You’re going to want to tune in week after week, month after month and year after year. Then, when those people move on, you keep watching because you hope you’ll be there to see the next one.
Overall, the characters help to give us an even better in-ring performance!
BQ2: The Katie Vick Storyline.
The Katie Vick Storyline
Triple H vs. Kane. Not the most inspiring feud so the writers in WWE around a decade ago decided to spice things up by concocting a storyline where a teenage Kane had been responsible for causing a car accident and killing his then girlfriend Katie Vick. This news was brought to everyone's attention by a villainous Triple H. However what fans still talk about to this day is Triple H visiting a funeral home and pretending to have intercourse with a dummy supposed to be Vick’s corpse. It was bizarre, offensive and appalling all rolled into one and intrigued and repelled viewers alike. Overall, I am glad this is not real.
This video has some great extreme moments! They all look painful.