2013-07-16 15:59:59 UTC
Winner Antonio cessaro
Match 1. Ic title match curtis axel vs rvd
Winner axel in 9:43
Match 2. Cody Rhodes vs Damien sandow
Winner Rhodes in 13:50
Match 3. Christian Sheamus and mark Henry vs the shield
Winners the shield in 11:22
Match 4. Brothers of destruction and randy orton vs the Wyatt family
Winners Wyatt family In 15:49
Match 5 whc championship 5 pack challenge
Alberto del rio vs big e Langston vs dolph ziggler vs Rey mysterio vs ryback
Winner alberto del rio In 17:21
Match 6. John cena vs Daniel bryan
Winner DB in 27:35
Match 7 aj lee vs Natalya for divas title
Winner aj in 7:12
Match 8 cm punk vs brock lesnar
Winner brock lesnar in 19:33