1.Maria Shoud Be Fired - Agree
2.Triple H Shouldnt Break Ric Flair's Record(Either Someone Else Should Or It Shouldnt Be Broken At All) - Disagree. As many haters as he has, Triple H has given his life to this business... and what's good for business is what he'll do.
3.Wwe Should Be More Interracial - Half agree. Every single black person has a racist gimmick. Hehe.
4.Chris Benoit Should Be In The Hall Of Fame - Disagree. They've recognized other people like Verne Gagne that I never would have thought of (because they don't have much WWE history, only AWA etc.) But Benoit would be far too awkward to talk about. They haven't mentioned his name on TV for 2 years, I don't see why they'd promote him for 2 months before Wrestlemania.
5.Kane Should Be Re-Masked And He Deserves A Push - Half agree. His masked days are done and putting the mask back on would be stupid. But he DOES need a hella push.
6.Cake Is Nasty - It's better than pie. ... wait....
7.Chris Sabin Is Awsome(And Alex Shelly But Sabins More Awsome) - Disagree. Because THE MIZ is .... AWESOME.
8.Gail Kim Should Have Stayed In TNA - Disagree, Gail Kim is hot and I don't watch TNA. It's a good move... for ME.
9.Spanish Is Better Then French(I Suggest You Agree) - You're damn right I agree. I speak Spanish and English and to me French sounds like "Joo Gweeorge wawa."
10.SmackDown >>>>>>>.Raw - Disagree. RAW will always be pushed in front of SD.
11.ECW Championship Shouldnt Count As A World Title - It already doesn't. PWI does not include it on world title reign counts, only WWE does.
12.Ric Flair Shouldnt Be Raw's New GM(I Just Got A Bad Feeling About This Old Man) - Disagree.
Do I need a reason? How about this... WOOO!