2009-06-27 07:53:44 UTC
steel cage match for the ecw championship: tommy dreamer(c) vs christian vs vladimir kozlov vs jack swagger vs evan bourne vs sandman
backstage gregory helms is interviewing sabu who is upset that he wasnt in the ecw championship match and he says big show next week on ecw i will beat you for the next shot at the ecw title
second match
last man standing match: batista vs the rock
after the match a big strech limo arrives in the arena the crowd sit in there seats confused wondering whos in it then we go to a commercial break.
were back from the commercial break
third match
hardcore match for the ic title: rey mysterio vs jeff hardy vs matt hardy vs mvp
fourth match
6 man over the top robe battle royal for the whc
mr kennedy vs john cena vs jbl vs the undertaker vs stone cold steve austin vs ken shamrock
we go back stage and see josh mathews trying to see whos inside the limo and then chris jericho comes along and josh mathews interviews him about his kmw title defence tonight and he sais no matter what happens i am leaving heer still the kmw champion
match nuber 5 and the main event for the kmw championship
6 man champioship scramble match Chris jericho(c) vs triple h vs randy orton vs ric flair vs kane vs mystery man
after kane enters the ring we go back to the limo it drives into the arena the driver goes and opens the back door and guess who comes out the 1 the only hbk shawn michaels