2012-10-23 06:53:34 UTC
Undertaker Vs. Hogan
Undertaker Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Undertaker Vs. Mankind
Undertaker Vs. Chris Jericho (in case of Jericho I doubt they even had a well heated feud)
I personally found the other 3, Stone Cold, Hogan and Mankind to be terrible missed opportunities as a Mania match, but which one do you think was the biggest one and why?
My personal opinion would be The Undertaker Vs. Mankind for Wrestlemania, two of their moments are some of the most watched wrestling clips on YouTube, such Mick Foley being thrown from atop the Hell in a Cell and their iconic boiler room match in the depths of the WWE building. They had a flawless and iconic masterpiece of a feud and frankly when people think of the 1990's and the attitude era of wrestling, people often turn to The Undertaker vs. Mankind.
BQ: What are your reasons why Jericho and The Undertaker never had a proper feud?
My reasons would be underlined in an old answer of mine, "I bet WWE never had a chance to book them to fight each other, I mean sure Undertaker had some great rivalries and Y2J was also a top wrestler with phenomenal success, but it IS surprising how both never came to a point where they actually rivaled. I remember when The Jerishow was formed, I could see Undertaker come 'close' to feuding with Y2J, if only Bigshow wan't the distraction. But all in all I agree, it is a great anomaly that these 2 veteran superstars never collided in each other's path. But I guess its because they never needed to in the first place. These two have been in so many feuds, its hard to say they never feuded with each other, but the truth is, their feud always got sidetracked by some 'other' external feud. So they never had time to battle it out with each other in the first place."
What are yours?